Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Articles written by Billy Holland

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 127

  • Living on Purpose: July 15, 2024

    Billy Holland|Jul 15, 2024

    Be encouraged! God will take care of you It’s reassuring to know that as a child of God, you are not alone in this world. Our gracious heavenly Father has promised that He is aware and interested in even the tiniest occurrences in your life and has promised to be with you always. Does this mean you will never have struggles and problems? Of course not, but knowing we are secure in the palm of His hand definitely gives us hope and faith. Matthew Chapter 6 reveals that He knows what we need b...

  • Living on Purpose: Thoughts on abundant living

    Billy Holland|Jun 24, 2024

    One of the more popular verses about blessings in the New Testament is John 10:10. We notice Christ is speaking: “The thief does not come except to steal, to kill, and to destroy. But, I have come that they may have life and have it more abundantly.” This statement is a wonderful promise of confidence, as it generally describes how the devil is evil and is trying to destroy us, and that God is always good and desires for us to be victorious representatives of His glorious kingdom. You would thi...

  • Living on Purpose: It's time to do some spring cleaning

    Billy Holland|Feb 26, 2024

    Do you believe there is such a thing as good and evil, God and Satan? When something good happens do you thank God because you believe He blessed you? What about when something bad happens? In Jeremiah 29:11 the God of the Bible says, “For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Looking at this carefully, we notice that our life was mapped out before we were born, and our creator had every intention to...

  • Living on Purpose: When emotions attempt to control us

    Billy Holland|Feb 19, 2024

    How often do you hear it's not what happens to us, but how we respond? We know we will face trials in this life, so it only makes sense to prepare how we are going to react when they arrive. The way we perceive develops our thoughts and views, but what if our thoughts are wrong? The most important factor to prevent our emotions from controlling us is to realize we decide what we think about. When we bow down to our feelings they become our master. The Bible demands for our mind to be renewed...

  • Living on Purpose: Grace that is greater than all our sin

    Billy Holland|Feb 12, 2024

    Since you were conceived God has wanted your attention. He has never neglected or ignored you. If you were to write down all the blessings and victories He has given over the years, they would prove He has been guiding and helping you all along. How could any of us even consider we were created by chance? The truth is that God specifically called you and has many wonderful things planned for your future. You are His masterpiece. I’ve noticed in my life, that even though I know these things a...

  • Living on Purpose: Loving God is far beyond religious knowledge

    Billy Holland|Jan 22, 2024

    Our regular readers know this column is about the Christian life, but you certainly do not need to be a Christian or even a religious person to at least consider the content as thought-provoking. Everyone has their own philosophies and interpretations about spiritual topics, and this is understandable since we all have a choice to believe whatever we want. Only God knows everything and He is perfect in all His ways. I will add that no theologian or Bible scholar is correct about every doctrine...

  • Living on Purpose: Calculating the cost of being close to God

    Billy Holland|Jan 15, 2024

    We talked about taking a stand for Christ last week, but being a Christian is also a walk which in the light of scripture refers to conduct. Ephesians the second chapter mentions how we once walked with the world fulfilling the lust of our flesh, and Romans the sixth chapter talks about how once we are transformed by His saving power we now walk in a new spiritually transformed identity. While these passages help explain our salvation experience, what about how we are to walk after we are saved?...

  • Living on Purpose: Every day is a new opportunity to begin again

    Billy Holland|Jan 1, 2024

    I hope everyone is having blessed holidays with family and friends. Spending time with those you love is much more meaningful than all the customs and traditions. The same is true with our spiritual lives, as it comes down to our personal relationship with God and the peace and joy we have living in His presence. I’ve spoken with several people over the last few weeks who have no family and spend holidays alone. However, they rejoice in the hope that comes from knowing God and trusting Him in e...

  • Living on Purpose: Rebellion hides behind the mask of pretending

    Billy Holland|Dec 18, 2023

    Last week we talked about how common it is for many Christians to talk about how they love, worship and serve God, but could some of this be their imagination? Maybe a misunderstanding or could it be a deception? There are sobering Bible passages that talk about our works on earth and our heavenly rewards such as Matthew 7:21-23. “On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many deeds of power in your name?’ Then I wil...

  • Living on Purpose: Does the sin we commit in secret only hurt us?

    Billy Holland|Dec 11, 2023

    The sin of Achan found in Joshua 6:17-19 is a powerful example of how one person committing evil in private can negatively affect their family, church congregation or place of employment. “Now brother, what people do is their own business and it has nothing to do with me. If people want to cheat others, or lie, curse and steal, or watch porn, what’s that to me?” I can tell you what God’s word says about it. Being dedicated to others through the bond of our word, and especially if we are a spirit...

  • Living on Purpose: Loving God is knowing His will and doing it

    Billy Holland|Dec 4, 2023

    Most of us have heard the 1969 song, “More Today than Yesterday” by the band Spiral Staircase. The chorus says, “I love you more today than yesterday, but not as much as tomorrow.” I had not heard it for a while, but I’m sensitive to music and often a song will trigger my emotions and then I start asking the Lord about what is the hidden message within the music. It’s a catchy tune that has a happy bounce to it, much like what someone feels when they are in love. However, despite this song being...

  • Living on Purpose: Giving thanks with an attitude of gratitude

    Billy Holland|Nov 27, 2023

    We just celebrated Veterans Day and we are so thankful for being able to live in a country where we are not being held under the terror of a dictator. Our son is a Marine and we have always been very proud of him. He was injured in the service and has suffered every day since, but he keeps pressing forward and does the best he can. My family has personally suffered loss from war and has a deep appreciation for the sacrifice these men and women have made to protect our country. My uncle, Kenny...

  • Living on Purpose: Jesus did not call us to be a bench-warmer

    Billy Holland|Nov 20, 2023

    I’ve watched Kentucky basketball since I was a kid and I admit that sometimes I do get a little carried away. I was reading an article a few years ago and was intrigued by a comment from the father of one of the players, who by the way was a top 10 NBA draft pick. He was asked about the first time he recognized that his son was going to be a special player, and he explained that it had a lot to do with the way he held the ball even at an early age. He went on to say his son’s body language rev...

  • Living on Purpose: We cannot share what we do not have

    Billy Holland|Oct 23, 2023

    Recently, I spoke about a wonderful man who is a member of our church, and if you recall he just turned 95 years young. His name is Charlie and since then I’ve had the privilege to spend some time with him. I listened intently as he shared his amazing testimony about what has been going on with him for the last couple of years. He said throughout his life he had been a person of few words, a quiet person who just minded his own business and kept his thoughts to himself. He believed his l...

  • Living on Purpose: Letting go of enthusiasm wrinkles the soul

    Billy Holland|Oct 9, 2023

    I dedicate much of my writing to providing positive and encouraging words of hope and inspiration, but I also must be truthful, we are growing older. I apologize for reminding us about that, but instead of all the negative attributes of aging, we should embrace it more like we are a fine wine that is becoming more delightful and appreciated. Those of us who are noticing a few gray hairs and aching joints, relax and count your blessings. It is God that has allowed you and I to be at this place...

  • Living on Purpose: We only have one chance to make it right

    Billy Holland|Sep 18, 2023

    The other day I was speaking with a person I’ve known most of my life, and he asked me if I could go back in time and live my life again, what would change. You would think this would be a question from someone who has maybe suffered and now contemplates how much better life would have been if different decisions had been made. However, this person has been very blessed with a nice family, decent health and more wealth than they will ever be able to spend. It’s true that many people are jus...

  • Living on Purpose: God's love is about forgiveness, not condemnation

    Billy Holland|Aug 28, 2023

    Some of you might keep a close watch on the news, and others may listen occasionally or not at all, but whatever the case, you’ve heard enough to realize that it’s common for worldly information to be relayed from a biased perspective. Worldviews and convictions dictate which side of the fence individuals are on, however; for the Christian, we are realizing that social politics has become a confusing puppet show that distracts us from what God is saying. We should know and trust that He is the...

  • Living on Purpose: August 7, 2023

    Billy Holland|Aug 7, 2023

    Being honest with God and ourselves In the field of psychology, cognitive dissonance is the perception of contradictory information and the mental toll of it. Relevant items of information include a person’s actions, feelings, ideas, beliefs, values, convictions and things that are going on all around us. Cognitive dissonance is typically experienced as mental and emotional stress when an individual participates in an action that goes against what they know is right. According to this theory, w...

  • Living on Purpose: July 31, 2023

    Billy Holland|Jul 31, 2023

    Darkness can never overcome God’s light There is a lot of talk today about the reality of a global system of organized evil that controls the governments and social politics of the world. There are many different attitudes, from thinking this is silly, to being consumed with anxiety and stress. Those who pay little attention to the news have learned that ignoring negativity makes them more calm. However, just because someone puts their head in the sand does not mean the problems are not real. F...

  • Living on Purpose: Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

    Billy Holland|Jul 17, 2023

    Humans have always wanted to be happy. It’s the reason and purpose that people live. Why do we work and make money? Because according to our natural instincts, spending money and buying the things we desire is supposed to make us happy. Why do I use the word supposed? Well, we might imagine and hope that certain things can make us happy, but the sobering truth is they usually do not. How many times have we heard that being prosperous does not make people happy? More than we can count. The old s...

  • Living on Purpose: Having courage to stand for what we believe

    Billy Holland|Jul 10, 2023

    Every summer we look forward to the Fourth of July because it’s filled with fun things to do, like barbecuing, picnics, games, family gatherings, boating, camping and fireworks. Also, for many, it’s usually a paid vacation day which is always nice. However, along with the excitement and activities, let us also remember and be grateful for those who have served our country so that we can enjoy our freedom. Independence Day is all about the courage of many Americans who fought against Great Bri...

  • Living on Purpose: Being transformed by the renewing of our mind

    Billy Holland|Jun 26, 2023

    When we think about the challenges and possibilities of our future, it’s easy to ignore our responsibilities while we imagine someone else stepping into our situation and helping us achieve our goals. Hoping that another person will provide what we need or figure out the solutions to our problems is not a substitute for perseverance. It’s true, there are times when the generosity of others makes a huge difference, but God has given us a sound mind and unlimited potential to be successful if we c...

  • Living on Purpose: June 19, 2023

    Billy Holland|Jun 19, 2023

    God did that Within the unlimited amount of evidence to prove that God is real and the Creator of all things, there is no greater example than the sun, Earth, and moon. The average person does not wake up in the morning and rush to the window to see if the sun is going to rise, or if the earth is being drawn into a black hole. Neither would anyone jump up and down just to make sure the levels of gravity did not change during the night or if the oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide levels are...

  • Living on Purpose: May 8, 2023

    Billy Holland|May 8, 2023

    Preventing seeds of unforgiveness to germinate How much grace does it take to love our enemies? That’s a good question. Tragedies occur all around us and it’s true we are heartbroken and disturbed, but how do we react when our family is harmed or we are personally offended? I admit that I do not always have the character of Christ when I’m being threatened or provoked to anger. Our natural reaction is to retaliate because that’s a natural part of our carnal nature. Most of us agree that people...

  • Living on Purpose: What will be your wager about God's existence?

    Billy Holland|Apr 3, 2023

    God’s offer for everyone to accept His salvation is the greatest gesture of compassion and grace the world has ever known. However, for those who reject His invitation, as the rich young ruler did, choosing to embrace the default and ignoring the divine will be the most devastating decision a person will ever make. The image of a red devil with a pitchfork is not cute or a joke and neither is the holiness of God who has always demanded honor, reverence and respect. “The fear of the Lord is the...

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