Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Articles written by charlotte koepplin

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  • Pleasant Prairie News - April 1, 2019

    Charlotte Koepplin|Apr 1, 2019

    Wednesday found Jimmy Indergaard a visitor at the homes of Mervin Indergaard and Dennis and Fran Walen. Charlotte Koepplin enjoyed a visit over grilled spuds and homemade sausage supper Wednesday at the Taylor and Amanda Koepplin home. Friday, Sharon Laxdal took mom, Esther Indergaard shopping. Later they were joined by Ruth Braaten and enjoyed a visit over lunch out. Thursday, Margie Anderson was among those who attended funeral services for Gilbert Anderson at the Congregational Church in New Rockford. Margie enjoyed a visit with former...

  • Pleasant Prairie News - March 25, 2019

    Charlotte Koepplin|Mar 25, 2019

    Friday visitors at the Esther Indergaard home were Dennis and Fran Walen. Saturday visitor was Jimmy Indergaard. Brief helpers Thursday afternoon at the Charlotte Koepplin home were Todd and Taylor Koepplin. Saturday evening, Ervin Longnecker was among family and friends who took second birthday greetings to great-great granddaughter, Kinlee Meidinger at the New Rockford Golf Club. Tuesday, Charlotte Koepplin enjoyed visiting and spaghetti supper at the Martin and Janelle Koepplin home, seeing Marty and Janelle’s 50th Anniversary cards and p...

  • Talk of the Town - March 25, 2019

    Charlotte Koepplin|Mar 25, 2019

    Tuesday, visitor and spaghetti supper guest at the Martin and Janelle Koepplin home was Charlotte Koepplin. Calvin Packard drove his mother, Shirley to Devils Lake Wednesday where she had an appointment at the eye clinic. March 14, 2019, Martin and Janelle Koepplin received the news of their first great-grandchild’s birth. Kenna Lyn Lewis weighed in at 5 lbs. 7 oz and 20 inches long. Proud parents are Allyssa and Ross, and making Todd and Karen proud grandparents for the first time. Frederick and Dianne Allmaras are also proud g...

  • Circle Trail Riders gather

    Charlotte Koepplin|Mar 18, 2019

    The Circle Trail Riders hosted the annual family party and awards on Feb. 15, 2019. With outside temperature of 7 degrees below zero that night, the American Legion Post #30 of New Rockford was the place to be, especially if you were in the mood for a great potluck supper and good conversation. Appetites were satisfied by those attending brought everything from macaroni to potato salads, homemade sausage to bbq wienies, tater tot hotdish to taco salad, chips and dip and brownies for a buffet...

  • Pleasant Prairie News - March 18, 2019

    Charlotte Koepplin|Mar 18, 2019

    Last Saturday Jimmy Indergaard was a visitor at the Judy Swanson home and later visited the Mervin Indergaard home. He also visited his mother, Esther, several times this week. Brief visitor at the Charlotte Koepplin home Tuesday afternoon were Janet Laube and Yip-Yip. Tuesday afternoon, Margie Anderson took a cornbread to great grandkids Josslyn, Jakoby and Damian Hager. Evening visitor at Margie’s was Kathleen Lee. Dale and Diane Rosenberg were among the many who attended funeral service for Bud Schmid Tuesday, at the Federated Church in C...

  • Talk of the Town - March 18, 2019

    Charlotte Koepplin|Mar 18, 2019

    New Rockford and Brantford area folks extend sympathy to the Gary Peters family. Leo and Janet were in Carrington Thursday, on medical business. Saturday, Todd and Karen Koepplin, Aaron Koepplin and Danielle Beckley were among gracious host to a 50th Wedding Anniversary open house celebration at the New Rockford Golf Club for dad and mom Martin and Janelle Koepplin. Despite the snow and nasty roads, many family, friends and neighbors brought good wishes, enjoyed punch, chips and numerous dips and a special cake, taking pictures, signing a...

  • Pleasant Prairie News - March 11, 2019

    Charlotte Koepplin|Mar 11, 2019

    Sunday evening visitor at the Margie Anderson home was Patti Larson. Saturday evening visitor was granddaughter Sandra Larson. Friday night Karen Koepplin brought pizza to the Charlotte Koepplin home for supper. The gals enjoyed visiting and watching TV. Ruth Braaten made supper Sunday at the Esther Indergaard home. Those visiting and sharing the meal were Andy Braaten and Nikki, and Jimmy Indergaard. Tim Indergaard arrived with a banana cream pie to share. Ervin Longnecker Sunday dinner at the Eric and Lisa Longnecker home. Eric came and got...

  • Talk of the Town - March 11, 2019

    Charlotte Koepplin|Mar 11, 2019

    Dave and Karen Anderson, Margie Anderson, Ryan and Laura Hager and sons were among those who attended and enjoyed the dance recital Sunday eve at the high school gym in Carrington. The Hager’s daughter, Josslyn was among the dancers. New Rockford, Sheyenne and area folks extend sympathy to the family of Nathan Ludwig, Bud Schmid and Brandon Kolstad. Wednesday, house guests at the Shirley Packard home were Willie and Linda Lies of Fargo and Vicki Gutmann of Texas. Wednesday eve they were among those who attended prayer services for Nolan Lies a...

  • Talk of the Town - March 4, 2019

    Charlotte Koepplin|Mar 4, 2019

    New Rockford and area folk extend sympathy to the family of Nolan Lies. Saturday afternoon Frederick Allmaras was honored with an open house celebrating his 80th birthday at the Eagles Club in New Rockford. Fred and Dianne’s children and family were hosts to the occasion. Others, only to mention a few greeters were; Todd and Karen Koepplin, Allyssa Koepplin and Ross; Martin and Janelle Koepplin; Charlie Richter; Rob Lies; Ken Sharbono; Janice Reis and Althea Gronos; Patti Larson; Dave and Karen Anderson and Laura Hager. Monday afternoon, b...

  • Pleasant Prairie News - March 4, 2019

    Charlotte Koepplin|Mar 4, 2019

    Last Saturday, Jimmy Indergaard enjoyed visiting at the home of Mervin Indergaard. Charlotte Koepplin was a Monday afternoon visitor at the Leo and Janet Laube home. Andy and Ruth Braaten, Nikki Braaten and Jimmy Indergaard were supper guests of Esther Indergaard Sunday. Tim Indergaard was also an evening visitor. Margie Anderson and Beverly Bjornson enjoyed a visit one afternoon at Margie’s. Sunday, Ervin Longnecker had a phone chat with son Merle and Sandy from Arizona, where they had 50-degree, short-sleeve weather. Tuesday Morning, brief vi...

  • Talk of the Town - Feb. 25, 2019

    Charlotte Koepplin|Feb 25, 2019

    Wednesday morning Marvis Holte and daughter Amanda Bickett were in New Rockford on errands. They enjoyed lunch at the Rockford Cafe where they enjoyed visiting with Jim and Eileen Dockter and Janelle Koepplin. Friday Marvis and Ken returned to New Rockford on business and also enjoyed tea and coffee at the Rockford Cafe. New Rockford and surrounding area extend sympathy to the family of Russell Gillis. Bill and Diana Ziegler, Brent and Jenna Helseth and children, Mike Buck, Karen and family, Rob and Margie Lies, Mike Williams were among those...

  • Pleasant Prairie News - Feb. 25, 2019

    Charlotte Koepplin|Feb 25, 2019

    Thursday supper guests at the Esther Indergaard home were Andy and Ruth Braaten and Jimmy Indergaard. Charlotte Koepplin enjoyed a winter catch up phone call from her Aunt Ramona Koepplin. A winter catch up call. All is well with Ramona in Minneapolis except the winter is getting too long there too. Esther Indergaard and several family members truly enjoyed time together as they enjoyed Valentine’s Day supper at the Chieftain in Carrington. Margie Anderson enjoyed a visit from Eleanor Messner Saturday afternoon. Evening found Margie among t...

  • Pleasant Prairie News - Feb. 18, 2019

    Charlotte Koepplin|Feb 18, 2019

    Sunday Sharon Laxdal treated her mother Esther Indergaard to dinner and later the gals went shopping. Monday found Charlotte Koepplin enjoying a phone call from Carol Clancy. A catch up on family and the weather. Carol hails from Thompson, N.D. where the weather is just as cold and snowy as it is in New Rockford. Wednesday helper at the Charlotte Koepplin home was Martin Koepplin. Janelle joined them for dinner before they finished a window project. Sunday evening visitors at the Margie Anderson home were David and Karen Anderson. Sunday...

  • Talk of the Town - Feb. 18, 2019

    Charlotte Koepplin|Feb 18, 2019

    New Rockford and area folks extend sympathy to the family of Richard Weisenburger. Saturday Mary Ghertz was a helper at the Shirley Packard home. Sunday through Tuesday visitor and guest at the Candy Jensen home was son, Derik Holte from Minneapolis. Derik had been house guest and visitor at his brother Jerrod and Angie Holte of Mapelton N.D., for two days. Then came to New Rockford where he also visited other friends. Candy and Derik were Monday afternoon visitors at the Charlotte Koepplin home. It took Derik nearly 10 hours to make it back...

  • Talk of the Town - Feb. 11, 2019

    Charlotte Koepplin|Feb 11, 2019

    Saturday until Sunday guest at the Taylor and Amanda Koepplin home was Nikki Braaten. Calvin and Shirley Packard enjoyed brunch at the Prairie Inn Sunday following worship service at Grace Lutheran Church in Carrington. Tuesday Amanda Bickett was a tea and cookie guest at the Ken and Marvis Holte home. Sunday the Holte's got phone calls from son Loren, daughters Amanda and Fayette. Just checking up on Ma and Pa weathering the cold snap. Monday found Martin Koepplin and Karen Koepplin brief visitors at the Charlotte Koepplin...

  • Pleasant Prairie News - Feb. 11, 2019

    Charlotte Koepplin|Feb 11, 2019

    Wednesday Charlotte Koepplin enjoyed a phone call from cousin Greg Scheer from Boise, Idaho. Comparing the weather here to there. BRRRR! David and Karen Anderson and grandson Weston enjoyed a Saturday evening visit and popcorn at the Margie Anderson home. Sunday found Sharon Laxdal and friend, Andy and Ruth Braaten, Esther Indergaard and Jimmy Indergaard enjoying a meal together. Ervin Longnecker enjoyed a phone call from his sister Lucille Saldivar from her home in Anaheim, Calif., one day. Lucille wanted to make sure Ervin was surviving the...

  • Pleasant Prairie News - Feb. 4, 2019

    Charlotte Koepplin|Feb 4, 2019

    Dale and Diane Rosenberg, Cory Jorgensen, Ervin Longnecker, Eve McAvoy, Bill and Diana Ziegler and Charlotte Koepplin attended a special Circle Trail Ride meeting Monday evening. They met at Hanson's Bar to settle details for the upcoming CTR Family party Feb. 15 at the American Legion in New Rockford, the annual saddle raffle June 1 at Hanson’s Bar, and the Annual voters meeting Monday March 4, at Hanson's Bar. Tuesday helper at the Charlotte Koepplin home was Marty Koepplin. Thursday Karen Koepplin stopped in for a short visit. Saturday visit...

  • Talk of the Town - Feb. 4, 2019

    Charlotte Koepplin|Feb 4, 2019

    Saturday supper found Todd and Karen Koepplin enjoying some hot homemade bean soup at the Martin and Janelle Koepplin home. Friday visitor at the Shirley Packard home was Sharon Hirchert. Saturday helper was Mary Ghertz. Eloise Lucht received a phone call from her sister Ann from Anchorage, Alaska checking in on the cold, winter, windy weather North Dakota has been getting. Ann reports not much wind in Anchorage and very little snow. Shirley Packard was among the Kindred Sisters Bible Study group to meet Wednesday at the Margie Bohnet home....

  • Pleasant Prairie News - Jan. 28, 2019

    Charlotte Koepplin|Jan 28, 2019

    Ervin Longnecker was a brief visitor at the Charlotte Koepplin home Tuesday afternoon. Evening Charlotte enjoyed a phone call from Eugene and Dedre Weisenburger from Mojave, Ariz.,where it was only 50 degrees. They were a enjoying house guest, Eugene's son Ed from North Dakota. Saturday Bobbi Jo Indergaard treated Esther Indergaard to supper out following a dialysis appointment. Jimmy Indergaard was a visitor and house guest at his sister, Sharon Laxdal of Edinberg Wednesday to Saturday. They enjoyed shopping in Grand Forks and going to a...

  • Talk of the Town - Jan. 28, 2019

    Charlotte Koepplin|Jan 28, 2019

    Sunday afternoon visitor at the Shirley Packard home was son Calvin. Friday Shirley and Calvin were in Devils Lake for Shirley's appointment at the Eye Clinic. They did some shopping prior to the appointment. American Legion Post 30 ladies Eloise Lucht, Sharon Ludwig, Barb Hillebrand, Betty Westby, Beverly Lesmeister and Wendy were hostesses to a farewell party for Inez Pendergrast at the American Legion in New Rockford. Loren Holte and family called his parents Ken and Marvis Sunday, just checking in during the cold weather snap. Candy Jensen...

  • Pleasant Prairie News - Jan. 21, 2019

    Charlotte Koepplin|Jan 21, 2019

    Eric and Lisa Longnecker and family are happy to be back from a trip of fun and relaxation in Mexico. Sunday visitors and supper guests at the Esther Indergaard home were Andy and Ruth Braaten and Nelly and Jimmy Indengaard. David and Karen Anderson brought fresh caught fish to Margie Anderson one afternoon. Charlotte Koepplin was among: the ladies to attend a baby shower for Allyssa Koepplin Saturday at the New Rockford Golf Course. Saturday evening found Ervin Longnecker, Eric and Lisa Longnecker, Cory Longnecker among the many who attended t...

  • Talk of the Town - Jan. 21, 2019

    Charlotte Koepplin|Jan 21, 2019

    Thursday visitor at the Shirley Packard home was Judy McKnight. Ken Holte enjoyed a phone chat with his oldest living cousin, Harold Holte, of Grand Forks recently. They had a good family catch-up. Allyssa Koepplin, mother to be, was the guest of honor Saturday at a baby shower at the New Rockford Golf Club. Among those bringing sweet baby wishes were Dianne Allmaras, Karen Koepplin, Janelle Koepplin, Amanda Koepplin, Charlotte Koepplin, Danielle Beckly and Chevelle, Kerigan Koepplin, Julie Johnson, Christen Allmaras, Metta McDowell, Jenaie...

  • Talk of the Town - Jan. 14, 2019

    Charlotte Koepplin|Jan 14, 2019

    Tim Hartl drove Calvin Packard to Valley City Thursday on medical business. Thursday visitors and supper guests at the Ken and Marvis Holte home were Cody and Amanda Bicket. Maxine Hoppe drove her dad, Edgar Duda to New Rockford one nice day for a little outing and visiting around. Martin and Janelle Koepplin were hosts to a belated Christmas ham and turkey supper at their home Saturday Dec. 5 for family, including Todd and Karen Koepplin. Taylor and Amanda Koepplin, Aaron Koepplin and Kerigan, Danielle Beckley, Carter and Chevette and...

  • Pleasant Prairie News - Jan. 14, 2019

    Charlotte Koepplin|Jan 14, 2019

    Sunday visitors and supper guests at the Esther Indergaard home were Andy and Ruth Braaten and Nelly and Jimmy Indergaard. Tim Indergaard was an evening visitor. Ervin Longnecker drove to Carrington one day and took car of some vehicle business. Kathy Anderson drove to Larimore where she amended the funeral for former classmate Terry Trosen. Granddaughter Sandra Larson was a visitor at the Margie Anderson home one afternoon. The gals made homemade rye bread. Peter and Patti Larson were brief visitors at Margie’s Sunday afternoon Charlotte K...

  • Talk of the Town - Jan. 7, 2019

    Charlotte Koepplin|Jan 7, 2019

    Calvin Packard and mom, Shirley, were among the many to enjoy the community Christmas dinner at Ostby Hall in Sheyenne. Later back at Shirley's they opened gifts and enjoyed a couple of games of Rubik's Cube. Christmas Eve day the Packards took greetings to Kim and Kevin Johnson. Todd Harrison and son Alex were visitors at Shirley's. Christmas Eve found Martin and Eloise Lucht in Devils Lake enjoying a tasty taco bar and visiting at the Tom and Dawn Stoe home. They were overnighters at the Jay and Heidi Sclmeider home and Christmas Day found...

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