Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Articles written by charlotte koepplin

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  • Talk of the Town: August 28, 2023

    Charlotte Koepplin|Aug 28, 2023

    New Rockford area folks express sympathy to the family of Wayne Topp. The Eddy County Museum can now be seen by wheelchair thanks to Calvin Packard and Tim Hartl as they have made it accessible. Also, the late Ida Womack's rug loom has found a home at the museum. Ken and Marvis Holte enjoyed phone chats on Sunday with son Loren Holte of Bismarck and Marvis' sister Penny Sorrells of Minneapolis. Holly Zieman was a Sunday visitor. Wednesday Eloise Lucht kept an appointment at the Eye Clinic in Minot. She safely traveled there via South Central...

  • Pleasant Prairie

    Charlotte Koepplin|Aug 21, 2023

    Last Friday and Saturday Jimmy Indergaard enjoyed a visit over supper with Andy and Ruth Braaten and Noelle at the Braaten home. Sunday visitors at the Margie Anderson home were Roger and Diane Langley, Gary Anderson and Joanna Larson and friend Ian Gilly. Joanna brought grandma Margie some beautiful gladiola flowers from her garden. Wednesday evening found Jimmy Indergaard enjoying a visit over supper at the Mervin Indergaard and Vicki Magill home. Amanda Koepplin was a brief stopper at the Charlotte Koepplin home Saturday afternoon. Margie An...

  • Talk of the Town

    Charlotte Koepplin|Aug 21, 2023

    Saturday and overnight guest at the Candy Jensen home was grand niece Katie Koepplin. On Tuesday, several visitors enjoyed a supper with Eloise Lucht at The Cove near Devils Lake, including son Scott, of Rochester; son Larry and Irene, along with their son Kevin, Amber and their children Cassidy and Kelsey, all of Virgina; and Eloise's daughter Heidi and Jay Schneider, with Callie, from Devils Lake. All were celebrating Larry's 65th birthday. Wednesday, Larry and Irene, Kevin and Amber and children and Eloise drove to Bordulac where they...

  • Talk of the Town: August 14, 2023

    Charlotte Koepplin|Aug 14, 2023

    Scott Lucht arrived at mom's, Eloise Lucht, Saturday the 5th of August. He was here until Wednesday the 9th, then returned to his home in Rochester, Minn. He had a chance to visit with his brother Larry and Irene Lucht and family, who arrived from Virginia on Monday the 7th. Eloise had a pork chop supper ready Monday and a special birthday cake to help Larry celebrate his 65th birthday. Shirley Packard is recuperating from a recent fall injuring a knee. A trip to emergency and x-rays showed nothing broken but badly bruised. She is on the mend...

  • Talk of the Town: August 7, 2023

    Charlotte Koepplin|Aug 7, 2023

    Candy Jensen is doing fine at home following surgery last Monday in Bismarck. She has been getting get-well calls and visits from family and friends: Terry and Sandy Koepplin along with Rick, Cora and Katie Koepplin; and sons Derik and Val Holte of Minneapolis and Jerrod and Angie Holte of Mapleton. A helper this past week at the Shirley Packard home has been Mary Gehrtz. Kevin Johnson and Calvin Packard are daily helpers. Ken and Marvis Holte enjoyed Sunday phone calls from sons James Birkholz of Minot and Loren Holte and family from...

  • Pleasant Prairie News: August 7, 2023

    Charlotte Koepplin|Aug 7, 2023

    Jimmy Indergaard enjoyed a visit over supper Wednesday with his uncle Mervin Indergaard and cousin Vicki Magill. Laura Hager and children stopped in one day at Grandma Margie Anderson's for a visit. Sunday morning visitor at the Charlotte Koepplin home was nephew Todd Koepplin. Jerry and Carol Clancy of Thompson, N.D. stopped at the Charlotte Koepplin home Thursday. Wednesday the Clancys were met by friends from Bismarck and they attended and enjoyed the evening performance and supper at the Old Church Theater, and later retired to the...

  • Pleasant Prairie News: July 31, 2023

    Charlotte Koepplin|Jul 31, 2023

    Saturday visitors at the Margie Anderson home were Laura Hager and kids. Patti Larson was a visitor one afternoon. Sunday visitors and dinner guests at the Charlotte Koepplin home were Aaron and Danielle Koepplin, Hendrix and Chevelle. Margie Anderson was among those who took in the 60th Anniversary open house Sunday at the Lutheran Home of the Good Shepherd....

  • Talk of the Town: July 31, 2023

    Charlotte Koepplin|Jul 31, 2023

    Shirley Packard enjoyed a phone call from nephew Pierre Womacks of Virginia recently. Pierre was on leave from his 18-year career with the Military Sealift Command (MSC). Daughter Fayette Nelson of Devils Lake called and visited with mom Marvis Holte Sunday. Fayette is doing fine. Sunday afternoon visitors at the Janelle Koepplin home were Aaron and Danielle Koepplin, Hendrix and Chevelle. Sharon Young was a visitor one afternoon at the Shirley Packard home. Candy Jensen hitched a ride to Bismarck Sunday with Ruby Kaul, where she was an...

  • "Trail ride time" again

    Charlotte Koepplin|Jul 24, 2023

    Friday June 16th through Sunday June 18th, 2023 some 60 Circle Trail Riders made their home south of Carrington, North Dakota on host Adam Zink's ranch, which is located in the historical area known as Hawk's Nest. Adam and friend Shayla dished out the hospitality welcoming the riders. Adam was our trail blazer during this ride. Let it be said, the folks of Circle Trail Riders, their horses – including the teams – can get impatient on the first day of a new ride. That was the case Friday as som...

  • Talk of the Town: July 24, 2023

    Charlotte Koepplin|Jul 24, 2023

    Sunday Ken and Marvis Holte enjoyed a phone call from Marvis' sister Penny Sorrells of Minnesota and an afternoon visit from Holly Zieman. Shirley Packard was in Fargo Monday, July 10, for an eye appointment. Linda Lies met her at the eye clinic to help her. They enjoyed a visit and Shirley got good reports. Janelle Koepplin celebrated her birthday the 11th of July with family and friends, all going out for supper and a fun evening. Calvin Packard is a daily helper to his mom, Shirley, being her eyes and helping her with meds, mail and...

  • Pleasant Prairie: July 24, 2023

    Charlotte Koepplin|Jul 24, 2023

    Jimmy Indergaard was a Friday visitor and supper guest at the Andy and Ruth Braaten home. He was then a Saturday dinner guest and a Sunday supper guest. Charlotte Koepplin called Janet Laube on the fifth of July and was among those who wished her a happy birthday. Karen Koepplin drove Charlotte Koepplin to Jamestown Monday where she had a medical appointment. Charlotte got good reports. They did some shopping and enjoyed a late dinner at Paradiso. Charlotte Koepplin enjoyed a phone call from cousin Blaine Pahl Tuesday and Carol Clancy on Wednes...

  • Talk of the Town: July 17, 2023

    Charlotte Koepplin|Jul 17, 2023

    New Rockford folks extend sympathy to the family of Don Erickson. Eloise Lucht heard from son Alan and Julie. They enjoyed biking over the Fourth of July in the Netherlands. Beautiful country. Made 30 miles in one day. The Luchts are from Germany and report 90 degree weather there. Normal is only 80 degrees. Alan and Julie are planning a trip to North Dakota later this fall. Shirley Packard got a phone call from daughter Cindy Toben with the encouraging news that sister Vida Klocke had good news following a recent appointment in Rochester. Ken...

  • Pleasant Prairie: July 17, 2023

    Charlotte Koepplin|Jul 17, 2023

    Saturday, Margie Anderson and Gary and Kathy Anderson were among those who took 50th anniversary greetings to Roger and Linda Lauckner at the library in Carrington. Thursday at the Charlotte Koepplin home were Shirley Packard and Pastor Richard Biberdorf. Pastor gave the gals communion and they enjoyed a visit over lunch. Recent visitors at the Margie Anderson home were niece Jess Earau and her sons Ari and Riaan. All plus David and Karen Anderson were visitors and supper guests at the Peter and Patti Larson home. Jess is the daughter of the...

  • Pleasant Prairie News: July 10, 2023

    Charlotte Koepplin|Jul 10, 2023

    Grandniece Kalli Koepplin of Arizona, her sister Kerigan Koepplin of Carrington and their grandmother Veronica Davis brought dinner to share at the Charlotte Koepplin home last Tuesday. Veronica brought Charlotte a dozen farm fresh eggs. The gals had a class A visit. Later they visited at the Beth Guthmiller home with Tia Davis and twins. Brief visitor at the Charlotte Koepplin home Saturday afternoon was nephew Todd Koepplin. Saturday, June 17, Jimmy Indergaard enjoyed spending time with family and friends, namely sister Sharon Laxdal, Bryce,...

  • Talk of the Town: July 10, 2023

    Charlotte Koepplin|Jul 10, 2023

    New Rockford and area folks extend sympathy to the family of Ardyce Snyder. Thursday, Shirley Packard's daughter Cindy Toben of Shoreview, Minn. arrived with her granddaughter Kinley from Tyler, Minn. for an early Fourth of July visit. Friday, the gals enjoyed a drive to Devils Lake for a fun day of shopping and activities. On the way to Devils Lake, they stopped at White Horse Hill (formerly Sully's Hill), where they saw buffalo and prairie dogs. Saturday, Cindy and Kinley enjoyed swimming at the New Rockford pool and in the evening, Shirley...

  • Talk of the Town: July 3, 2023

    Charlotte Koepplin|Jul 3, 2023

    Sunday visitor at the Ken and Marvis Holte home was Holly Zieman. Heidi Schneider and Callie stopped in one morning after a dental appointment and visited mom and grandma Eloise Lucht. Monday, Ruby Simms was a visitor at the Shirley Packard home. Wednesday, Ken and Marvis Holte drove to Jamestown where Marvis had a medical appointment. The Holtes enjoyed Sunday phone calls from Penny Sorrells and Ardy Yates (Marvis' sister) and son Loren Holte. Tuesday, Shirley Packard kept a chiropractic appointment, and Thursday son Calvin drove her to a...

  • Pleasant Prairie News: July 3, 2023

    Charlotte Koepplin|Jul 3, 2023

    Sunday, Margie Anderson visited at the Glenn and Judy Cudworth home. Charlotte Koepplin was around town Tuesday and Thursday taking care of necessary errands. Friday, Charlotte Koepplin enjoyed a short phone call with cousin Cindy Allen (Longnecker) of Eagle, Idaho. Cindy was the happy winner of the Circle Trail Riders Inc. binoculars they had on their annual raffle ticket for the drawing on June 17. Charlotte congratulated her and sent them to her. Sunday evening, Charlotte Koepplin enjoyed a phone call from Janet Laube, who filled her in on...

  • Talk of the Town: June 28, 2023

    Charlotte Koepplin|Jun 26, 2023

    Saturday helpers at the Shirley Packard home were Todd Harrison and Calvin. Calvin is mom Shirley's eyes everyday as he helps her with early morning blood sugar checks due to her failing eyesight. Ken Holte received Father's Day calls filled with good wishes from sons Loren and Jerrod and daughter Amanda. Candy Jensen called her brothers Rick and Terry Koepplin Sunday with Father's Day greetings. Shirley Packard got a recent phone call from Linda Lies with the news her husband Willy had two broken hips, but they still plan to come to New Rockfo...

  • Pleasant Prairie: June 28, 2023

    Charlotte Koepplin|Jun 26, 2023

    Monday evening, Cory and Katie Jorgensen, Sandy Settelmeyer and Charlotte Koepplin enjoyed visiting while they tended to turned-in Circle Trail Ride raffle tickets for the upcoming drawing on June 17. Friday evening, Katie and son Charlie returned to pick up trail ride necessities stored at Charlotte's. Friday through Sunday, the Jorgensen family took part in the June 17-19 trail ride. Jimmy Indergaard was a Sunday visitor and supper guest at the Andy and Ruth Braaten home. Then he enjoyed a visit and supper at the Mervin Indergaard home on...

  • Talk of the Town: June 19, 2023

    Charlotte Koepplin|Jun 19, 2023

    New Rockford and surrounding areas express sympathy to the family of Wilma Kurtz. Monday afternoon, Shirley Packard and Calvin were visitors at the John Sookov home, welcoming him to the neighborhood. John recently moved into the former Janet Laube home. John and Shirley's (Womacks) families knew each other and were farm neighbors when Shirley was five and John was 10 years old. At times, it can be a small world. Eloise Lucht was in Devils Lake Monday taking care of business and doing a little necessary shopping. Janet Laube said goodbye to...

  • Pleasant Prairie News: June 19, 2023

    Charlotte Koepplin|Jun 19, 2023

    Circle Trail Riders met last Monday at the Charlotte Koepplin home. There were 11 present plus Snicker. Most plans on the upcoming trail ride and raffle were cut and dried by the end of the meeting. This Monday, the riders met at Charlotte's again to count and account for the tickets for the upcoming raffle on Saturday June 17 for the trail ride. Correction: Andy Braaten attended the Devils Run Car Show last Saturday in Devils Lake with Jimmy Indergaard, not Ruth Braaten. Margie Anderson enjoyed a special salad made by Diane Yri at the Glenn...

  • Talk of the Town: June 12, 2023

    Charlotte Koepplin|Jun 12, 2023

    Calvin Packard has been a helper at mom Shirley’s this week. Thursday they took care of business and errands around town. Sunday, Calvin tended to the Eddy County Museum. Tuesday, Ken and Marvis Holte were in Fargo tending to medical business. Marvis enjoyed a phone call from son James Birkholz from his home in Minot and a call from her sister Ardie Yates from her home in Arkansas. Ardie’s husband Bob is recuperating from some ill health. Janet Laube enjoyed hearing from nieces Robin Westall of Fargo and Shelly Nelson of Oklahoma, grandson Tra...

  • Pleasant Prairie: June 12, 2023

    Charlotte Koepplin|Jun 12, 2023

    Wednesday afternoon found Shirley Packard, Diana Rue and Pastor Richard Biberdorf visiting at the Charlotte Koepplin home. Pastor gave the gals communion and caught up on Grace Lutheran Church news. They enjoyed chatting over a brownie and something cool to drink. Margie Anderson welcomed Ann Smith to Heritage House recently with a piece of fresh-baked rhubarb cake. Jimmy Indergaard enjoyed visits this week and meals at the Andy and Ruth Braaten home, where he visited niece Nikki, and supper at the Mervin Indergaard and daughter Vicki...

  • Talk of the Town: June 5, 2023

    Charlotte Koepplin|Jun 5, 2023

    Saturday visitors at the Shirley Packard home were her sister Vida and Jerome Klocke. They drove over from their home in Underwood to see family and attend Vida’s 50th high school reunion. They also visited nephew Todd Harrison and checked out some new chicks. In honor of Memorial Day, they visited family graves at Prairie Home Cemetery. Other visitors at the Packard home were Calvin Packard and Tim and Tom Hartl. Recent brief visitor at the Eloise Lucht home was son-in-law Jay Schneider of Devils Lake. Eloise got the good news that son S...

  • Pleasant Prairie: June 5, 2023

    Charlotte Koepplin|Jun 5, 2023

    Last Monday, morning brief stopper at the Charlotte Koepplin home was nephew Aaron Koepplin. Tuesday, Patti Larson said hello briefly, bringing tomato plants for Charlotte. Jimmy Indergaard enjoyed visiting and dinner out with Sharon Laxdal, Andy and Ruth Braaten, Nikki and friends Noelle and Page last Saturday. Wednesday, Jimmy was a supper guest at Mervin Indergaard’s. Thursday visitors and dinner guests at the Charlotte Koepplin home were Jerry and Carol Clancy and Margie Anderson. The Clancys are from Thompson, N.D. and drove over to d...

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