Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Articles written by jeff halvorson

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  • Sermonette: Aug. 19, 2019

    Pastor Jeff Halvorson, Cheyenne-Oberon Area Ministry|Aug 19, 2019

    Rain. We love it. It is needed to grow our crops. Oh, there may be some irrigation on a small scale here and there but for the most part, our farmers here need the rain. I must admit, agricultural purposes aside, I do like the rain. Even as I write this sitting at my desk, there is a very light drizzle happening right outside my window. The other day when I got home from the office I was in my recliner reading and listening to a gentle rain. It wasn’t storming or blowing, just enough so that I could hear it. Yes, I know it is going to make t...

  • Sermonette: Aug 12, 2019

    Pastor Jeff Halvorson, Sheyenne-Oberon Area Ministry|Aug 12, 2019

    It was to my great happiness that I spent the last week of July in Colorado. It seems that whenever people get together at funerals, there are a number of people that say, “we need to get together sometime just for fun, not for a funeral.” Well, that’s exactly what we four brothers did. There were five of us originally but the oldest died a few years back. We said the same thing while we were in the hospital saying goodbye to our older brother. Well, we finally did it. We got together just for fun. We missed our sister of course who couldn’t ma...

  • Sermonette: Aug 5, 2019

    Pastor Jeff Halvorson|Aug 5, 2019

    Freedom. Yep, that word sure sounds good, doesn't it? Of course, freedom can mean different things to different people. Here we are, in the last of the summer months, the children are still out of school and free from classes and homework, but not for long. For the most part, family vacations are over and parents will have also lost their freedom from the daily grind of work. However, we're not free from our responsibilities to our children or spouses, and others in our care. We are free to go wherever we wish, in our free time but if we are...

  • Sermonette: June 24, 2019

    Pastor Jeff Halvorson|Jun 24, 2019

    This past week we received some much welcome rain. It is so nice to see green fields on either side of the road as we make our way to whatever our destination. Our lawns appreciate it also. They seem to be just that much greener from rain that God provides than when we water them ourselves. Let's pray we continue to receive rain in a timely fashion throughout the summer. The writings of Charles Dickens, though written many years ago, are still very popular today. Several of them have been made into movies or broadway plays, and some even both....

  • Sermonette- June 17, 2019

    Pastor Jeff Halvorson, Sheyenne-Oberon Area Ministry|Jun 17, 2019

    I realize that this is giving away my age somewhat, but way back in my youth a rock and roll group by the name of The Rolling Stones came from England to tour the U.S. The “English Invasion,” a phrase eventually coined by the media was just beginning. The Beatles could be honored, or blamed depending on your point of view, for the phenomenon. The “Stones” weren't far behind them. What is hard to believe is the Stones are still touring world-wide after all these years. With the lifestyle they led, one would think they would never have lasted....

  • Sermonette- This is God's creation

    Pastor Jeff Halvorson, Sheyenne-Oberon Area Ministry|Jun 10, 2019

    Summer is here. For the most part, the crops are in the ground, and a lot is already poking up through the dirt. We have fields of green instead of the various shades of brown, black and gray that we were getting so tired of seeing. Some of the row crops still need to be seeded, but each day we get closer and closer to being done. And we're hoping we will see a little rain soon. The kids are home from school. Backyards, baseball fields, and swimming pools have taken over for the classrooms and gym. A song recorded quite a few years ago by Nat...

  • Sermonette- June 3, 2019

    Pastor Jeff Halvorson, Sheyenne-Oberon Area Ministry|Jun 3, 2019

    Dare I say it? Is spring finally here? It sure looks like it and I am glad as I'm sure most of you are also. Late May and early June seems to pretty much belong to the children. They are going through final tests for the school year. There are concerts and award nights, state contests in various academic endeavours as well as athletic events. There are graduations and often times, accompanying open houses. Not only are there school events, there are also church related events. Sunday schools have their last classes for the season as well as Con...

  • Sermonette: Dec. 17, 2018

    Pastor Jeff Halvorson, Sheyenne-Oberon Area Ministries|Dec 17, 2018

    The last couple of articles I've written for our monthly parish newsletter talked about change. Oh yes, that ugly word change. It seems that the older we get, the more set in our ways we become and change becomes more difficult. But when we think about it, the world for all of us began with change and will end with change.   What must a newborn child think or experience when he or she sees light for the first time and takes that first breath? They find themselves no longer in the womb being n...