Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Articles written by k.c. gardner

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  • History of New Rockford: March 9, 2020

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Mar 9, 2020

    The Jan. 30, 1903, “Transcript” said there had been snow during the week, including a considerable amount on Jan. 27 and 28, so sleighing was “…the best it has been for years.” An ad— City Dray and Express Line, P.H. West, Prop. Baggage Transferred, Express Handled, Contracts Taken For Free Ice Delivery Next Summer. Telephone 40a. Miss Helen Oliver had been ill all week with tonsillitis. Miss Belle Oliver and Miss Margaret Ford were ill with the grip [flu] of which there were many cases in to...

  • History of New Rockford: March 2, 2020

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Mar 2, 2020

    The Jan. 23, 1903, “Transcript” contained a letter from owner C.J. Maddux dated Jan. 17 from Washington, D.C. Maddux talked of the slow progress on the treaty to open the Fort Totten Reservation to settlement by whites with a payment of $3 per acre to the Indians by Congress with settlers then reimbursing the government at $3.50 per acre. Maddux also mentioned that Francis A. Sebring, former New Rockford postmaster [Sept. 13, 1883-March 31, 1887], and cashier of the Bank of New Rockford, was...

  • History of New Rockford: Feb. 24, 2020

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Feb 24, 2020

    The Jan. 16, 1903, “Transcript” mentioned the “Cooperstown Courier,” which had just finished its 20th year and the “Grafton News &Times.” An announcement said that George Brazee was going to put in a barbershop in John Wenz’s shoe shop at Villard & Dakota the next week; he had already ordered the fixtures. A note stated that Dr. L.P. Solsness, who had practiced medicine in Barlow the previous summer, had disposed of his practice to Dr. C.J. McNamara, who would take over after his return from h...

  • History of New Rockford: Feb. 17, 2020

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Feb 17, 2020

     The Jan. 9, 1903, “Transcript” contained an announcement from Mrs. C.A. Lathrop, secretary, that the West Side Kindergarten Whist Club would begin meeting every Friday afternoon, instead of every other Friday.  John Welsh had a number of high-bred brood sows for sale.  North Dakota State Representative P.M. Mattson and his family were living at 702 Fourth Street, Bismarck. Grain buyer James T. Wiltsie was up from Barlow.  An item said that furrier C.W. Jarvis, who repaired coats, robes, and...

  • History of New Rockford: Feb. 10, 2020

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Feb 10, 2020

    The Eddy County Commission met on Jan. 5, 6-10, and 12-13, 1903. On Jan. 5, H.P. Halverson and W.C. Schwoebel retired from the Eddy County Commission. The Commission organized with new members James G. Dailey and James H. Dafoe. P.J. Braman was elected chairman. All other county officials, except the county auditor, took their oaths of office. The Commission approved the bonds of W.C. Beardsley as county judge, $2,000; Ole Hendrickson as treasurer, $20,000; and A.G. Gardner as register of deeds,...

  • History of New Rockford: Jan. 27, 2020

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Jan 27, 2020

    On the evening of Dec. 26, 1902, the A.F. & A.M. (Masons) Lodge and the Eastern Star Lodge installed their officers. For the Masons, Installing Officer Rev. J.R. Beebe installed W.E. Biggs, Worthy Master; J.E. Bennett, Senior Warden; E.S. Severtson, Junior Warden; D. Niven, Treasurer; W.C. Hayes, Secretary; W.E. Radtke, Senior Deacon; George M. Pike, Junior Deacon; D.Y. Stanton, Senior Steward, A.G. Gardner, Junior Steward; and J.W. Rager, Tyler. Installing Officer Mrs. James E. Hyde installed...

  • History of New Rockford: Jan. 20, 2020

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Jan 20, 2020

    The Dec. 19, 1902, “New Rockford Transcript” carried an ad: Grand Christmas Opening, City Meat Market, D. Niven, evening of Dec. 23 till 10:30 p.m. beef, pork, lamb, mutton, veal, hams, bacon, lard, turkeys, geese, chickens, ducks, game, etc. Early in the week barber Lou Smith received his chairs and other equipment and began setting up in his new location, the basement of the J.M. Patch Block. Peter Mattson was a new clerk at Rodenberg & Schwoebel. A note said Leroy L. Boord, a former res...

  • History of New Rockford: Jan. 13, 2020

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Jan 13, 2020

    On the evening of Dec. 11, 1902, the Eastern Star Lodge elected officers: Minnie Bennett, Worthy Matron; W.E. Biggs, Worthy Patron; Viola Woodward, Associate Patron; Margaret Morris, Secretary; Jennie Brownell, Treasurer; Lizzie M. Biggs, Conductress; Grace M. Mulvey, Associate Conductress. Officers appointed were Mrs. R.R. Woodward, Ada; Alice M. Rager, Ruth; Amanda J. Radtke, Esther; Laura Mitchell, Martha; Mary O. Baird, Electra; W.C. Hayes, Sentinel; Mary Stoddard, Chaplain; Anna M. Beebe,...

  • History of New Rockford: Jan. 6, 2020

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Jan 6, 2020

    On Dec. 8, 1902, William Milne Jr. came down from the Sheyenne Valley to visit and do business. W.V. Stine, who had spent part of the summer in the area, and V.F. Snyder, who had edited the “Bowdon Guardian” for the previous four months for Steve Lewis, but who had resigned, left for the Pacific Coast. Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Anderson left for LaGrande, Ore., where they would probably live. Peter Schafer left for a vacation in his old home of Germany. That evening Mrs. W.C. Schwoebel and Mrs. Pet...

  • History of New Rockford: Dec. 30, 2019

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Dec 30, 2019

    On Dec. 2, 1902, Alonzo Neutzel came in from his large ranch near Lake Coe, where he had started “a nice herd of cattle.” Ed Anderson was in from Plainview on business, as was D.D. Dailey of eastern Eddy County. Miss Martha Zimmerman came in from southwest of town to visit friends. Rev. E.T. Quam stopped in New Rockford for a few hours on his way from his Foster County parish to Sheyenne. Mrs. Joseph Christ and daughter Anna returned from Dickey County and a visit with relatives. Herman Hal...

  • History of New Rockford: Dec. 23, 2019

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Dec 23, 2019

    On Nov. 25, 1902, F.E. Johnson came in from southeast of New Rockford. Whiteman & Prader pulled in their threshing rig, and Doc Whiteman got ready to go back to his veterinary work. On Nov. 25, the Bank of New Rockford, Ernest S. Severtson, cashier, had resources (assets) of $154,208.04, up $42,477.87 from the $111,730.20 of Sept. 15. Checking accounts amounted to $100,390.52, up $42,257.35 from the $58,133.17 of Sept. 15. On Nov. 25, the First National Bank of New Rockford, James E. Hyde,...

  • History of New Rockford: Dec. 16, 2019

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Dec 16, 2019

    On Nov. 21, 1902, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Oglesby came up from Valley City; he was employed by the telephone company and was looking over telephone matters. Advance agent for the Sanford Dodge Company A.C. Godfrey was in town putting up bills for their upcoming performance. Mrs. John Olson and children left for a couple weeks in Minneapolis. Dick Bohmbach and Jack O’Keefe were in from western Eddy County. Miss Helen Oliver returned from McHenry. H.J. Mitchell of H. Peoples & Company left on an e...

  • History of New Rockford: Dec. 9, 2019

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Dec 9, 2019

    The Nov. 14, 1902, “New Rockford Transcript” stated that Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Flater were settled in San Diego for the winter. The upper story of the Patch Block was completed and the carpenters were finishing quarters for the Buck & Couch Drug Store. Prader & Goss had just installed a new lighting plant for their general store and also a modern cash register. A.A. Pettit was a new salesman at Mulvey Hardware. Lawrence Butler had taken a position with Buck & Couch Drug Store and would learn the...

  • History of New Rockford: Dec 02, 2019

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Dec 2, 2019

    On Nov. 7, 1902, Roy Treffry and Chauncy Bryant left to hunt deer and moose in the woods of northern Minnesota. That evening Miss Lillian M. Phelps of St. Catherine’s, Ontario, Canada, lectured in the Tiffany School, sponsored by the Tiffany WCTU; a collection of $12 was taken up, part for the North Dakota WCTU and part to the Florence Crittenden Home in Fargo. Two honorary members joined the Tiffany WCTU. Also that evening there was a dance in Barlow in the new hall, with supper at the Hotel B...

  • History of New Rockford: Nov. 25. 2019

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Nov 25, 2019

    The morning of Nov. 1, 1902, revealed the remains of the Halloween pranks carried out by the town’s boys and girls; the “Transcript” commented that in a few cases property was destroyed and that was “to be deplored.” On that day, Mrs. A.J. Larkin went to Leeds to join her grain-buyer husband. Frank Lewis, who had suffered the previous several years with paralysis, died at his home near Tiffany. He had been bed-ridden for two or three years. He left a wife and five children. His funeral was on No...

  • History of New Rockford: Nov. 18, 2019

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Nov 18, 2019

    At 10 a.m. Oct. 28, 1902, Ira Studebaker held an auction at the old Swain farm 4 miles west of town. Up for bids were 16 work horses, 13 cows, five heifers, four two-year-old steers, four yearling cattle, eight spring calves, 10 shoats, two Deering binders, one McCormick reaper, one Deere gang plow, three Dutchman gang plows, one disc harrow, one Dowagiac drill, one Van Brunt drill, one five-section steel harrow, two corn plows, one truck wagon, one single buggy, one Empire cream separator, five...

  • History of New Rockford: Nov. 11, 2019

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Nov 11, 2019

    On Oct. 21, 1902, Mrs. James Belch of Oberon visited Mrs. F.G. Haver. Chris Fahrner was in on business. From Oct. 21 to 22, Katie (Mrs. Thomas) Turner and children of Barlow visited in New Rockford. From Oct. 21 to 24, Henry Davis was down from Rugby to close out his business interests before moving to Rugby permanently; he sold his property north of the James River to drayman E.H. Martin. On Oct. 22, P.C. Peterson came up from Barlow. Peter Michel drove in from the Guler district. William...

  • History of New Rockford: Nov. 4, 2019

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Nov 4, 2019

    The Oct. 17, 1902, “New Rockford Transcript” said the flax crop was disappointing with a six to eight bushel per acre average; however, some was running 16-18 bushels. The 50 acres of winter rye H. Peoples had drilled in was above ground. A Card of Thanks from Mr. and Mrs. Otho Lathrop thanked their many friends who provided aid and sympathy during the illness and death of their son [Oct. 12]. A multi-page letter from C.J. Maddux described the trip he and his family made to southern California....

  • History of New Rockford: Sept. 23, 2019

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Sep 23, 2019

    On Sept. 7 and 8, 1902, John Oard visited friends in New Rockford before leaving for his Ward County claim. On Sept. 8, heating stoves were fired up because the day was chilly. Mr. and Mrs. R.R. Woodward returned from the Minnesota State Fair and a buying trip for fall and winter goods for his store. Mr. and Mrs. George F. Putnam and daughter went to Sheyenne to see Mr. and Mrs. L.G. Lundin. Thomas Adam went to Tower City on business; he returned on Sept. 11. J.T. Wiltsie went to Barlow to take...

  • History of New Rockford: Sept. 16, 2019

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Sep 16, 2019

    On Sept. 4, 1902, F.M. Fife of the Fife & Thomas store in Barlow was in New Rockford between trains. Farmer John R. Schutz was in from southwest Eddy County on business. Freeborn postmaster J.J. Anderson was in New Rockford on the return leg of his southern trip. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Boord arrived from Covington, Ind., to visit their daughter Mrs. W.E. Biggs and family. John Williams and Miss Streeter arrived from California via Red Wing, Minn.; Williams would remain until after threshing. Mrs....

  • History of New Rockford: Aug. 26, 2019

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Aug 26, 2019

    From Aug. 15 to Aug. 18, 1902, Mrs. Will Carroll and Miss Helen Oliver were in from Lake Washington to visit relatives and friends. On the afternoon of Aug. 16, the Republican county convention was held in the court house. George Gillette and George A. Lovell came in as delegates. The chairman of the central committee, E.B. Thomson, called the convention to order. James Hackney and R.M. Kennedy were elected temporary chairman and secretary respectively. J.D. Carroll, a candidate for the North Da...

  • History of New Rockford: Aug. 19, 2019

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Aug 19, 2019

    On Aug. 12, 1902, County Superintendent Grace Putnam went to Fessenden where the Tri-County State Teachers’ Training School was held from Aug. 11 to 30. She was in charge of the afternoon sessions devoted to the course of study. Other Eddy County educators in attendance included Misses Addie Haugh, Laura Dafoe, Annie Ducke, Mayme T. Keefe, Emma D. Owen, Susie Monahan, and Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Bennett. Visitors from New Rockford included Winsor Holgate and Mrs. Riley. On that day, Daniel O’Connell r...

  • History of New Rockford: Aug 12, 2019

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Aug 12, 2019

    On Aug. 5, 1902, Iver Vick of Sheyenne, John T. West of eastern Eddy County, Fred Laasch from his farm southwest of town, and G.W. Johnston were in town. Frank Graham and Went Mcgee, both of Tiffany, and Charles Albright came in on business. Mr. and Mrs. M. Mattson were down from the Sheyenne Valley to shop. Daniel Sullivan arrived from the Twin Cities to work the harvest. R.P. Allison went to Fargo on legal business. George M. Pike left for the Twin Cities, Duluth, and Chicago to purchase a fal...

  • History of New Rockford: Aug. 5, 2019

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Aug 5, 2019

    The Aug. 1, 1902, “New Rockford Transcript” carried an article on the Eddy County State Bank which “was no more.” During the week, it became the First National Bank of New Rockford. Officers were Thomas L. Beiseker, president; F.A. Rising, vice president; James E. Hyde, cashier. Hyde was formerly the cashier of the Red River Valley National Bank of Fargo. The State Bank president P.J. Hester was going to remain for a while in charge of the collection department. (On Oct. 11 the directo...

  • History of New Rockford: July 22, 2019

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Jul 22, 2019

    On the morning of July 18, 1902, the following went to Carrington to sing in the Catholic choir during the 40-hour devotion: Mesdames Ben Fay, Fertig, Miller, and Messrs. Ray Hester and Dr. Charles McNamara. Andrew Ohrner returned from St. Paul, where he had an operation on the tumor on his head. [The operation was deemed “successful,” but Ohrner died of carcinoma on February 25, 1903.] Teddie Richter arrived from Oshkosh, Wis., to visit his brother A.J. Richter and family southeast of tow...

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