Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Articles written by k.c. gardner

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  • History of New Rockford: Dec. 31, 2018

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Dec 31, 2018

    On March 4, 1902, M. Mattson was down from Sheyenne, as was August Kiehlow from the Sheyenne Valley. Jack McCrum was in from Tiffany. W.G. Carter came in from east of New Rockford; he was finally able to get around with only a cane. Barlow farmers C.L. Hatch and William West came up on business. J.T. Smith visited in town, and Chris Fahrner was in on business. Tony Haas returned from several weeks visiting his brothers. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Larkin. A literary meeting that...

  • History of New Rockford- Dec. 24, 2018

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Dec 24, 2018

    On Feb. 25, 1902, J.F. Voigt, editor of the “Oberon Reporter,” purchased the “Benson County News” at Leeds from editor Garver and would take possession between March 1 to 15. Went Mcgee came in from the Tiffany Flats. W.C. Manz of Freeborn was in on business. George Price was in town from near McHenry. David Bailey and Fred Dutee were in town. Pat Byron was up from Barlow. R.P. Allison returned from Jamestown; Mrs. Allison had recovered sufficiently from her recent Royal Neighbors’ initiatio...

  • History of New Rockford- Dec. 17, 2018

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Dec 17, 2018

    On Feb. 19 to 20, 1902, H. Arveskaug, manager of the Thomas Ose hardware store, was in Leeds. At 10 a.m. Feb. 20, there was a public auction at the Fred Martin farm eight miles west of New Rockford, where all his farm machinery, stock, and household goods, including eleven work horses, five cows and two calves were sold. At 2 p.m. a free lunch was served. F.C. Davies was the auctioneer. That day J.N. Kunkel came over from Fessenden to remove his household goods to that town; his family was to...

  • History of New Rockford- Dec. 10, 2018

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Dec 10, 2018

    On Feb. 15, 1902, John West and his son Eddie were in from Tiffany. Martin Walsh and Peter McAvoy of Morris were in on business. Two young farmers from Iowa, John H. Scherer and Oral A. Heather, filed on a quarter of land in Eddy County after looking around North Dakota for three weeks. About noon on Sunday, Feb. 16, fire destroyed the house on B.G. Allen’s farm 4 miles northeast of New Rockford. The fire was of unknown origin. That evening a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. William E...

  • History of New Rockford- Dec. 3, 2018

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Dec 3, 2018

    On Feb. 11, 1902, May M. Keime came up from Jamestown to visit for several days. Fred LaHue was visiting in New Rockford, as were Sheyenne harness maker M.H. Oliver, S.P. Pisel and H.A. Buffington. Jacob Allmaras, T.M. Huff, and Christ Berge came in on business. W.G. Carter was in town for the first time since a horse kicked him and broke his leg; he was using crutches. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Shoemaker were in from Tiffany to shop. A.P. Melberg came up from his farm near Barlow for material for th...

  • History of New Rockford- Nov. 26, 2018

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Nov 26, 2018

    On Feb. 6, 1902, James Young was down from Minnewaukan. Charles Pottner came in from southeast of town. Gilbert Bymoen and Knudt Bymoen were in from northwest of town on business. Fred Zimmerman was in New Rockford, as was B.G. Arbogast, the latter to inspect his line of elevators. Charles Onstott drove in from eastern Eddy County on business. Young Perry Stanton’s two eight-month old wolfhounds disappeared from his locked barn; the conjecture was they were either stolen or had followed s...

  • History of New Rockford- Nov. 19, 2018

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Nov 19, 2018

    During the last week of Jan. 1902, H.L. Lyon was in Jamestown on business. Earlier in the last week of Jan. 1902, W.J. Morris sold a quarter section in the Plainview district to T. McGrew of Earlham, Iowa, for $1,600. Banker P.J. Hester purchased the 360-acre Beverly-Kronz farm seven miles east of New Rockford. Mr. Beverly and Mr. and Mrs. Kronz and their family were going to return to their former home, Collins Center, N.Y. The move was prompted by Mr. Beverly’s ill health. Fred H. Martin h...

  • History of New Rockford: Nov. 5, 2018

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Nov 5, 2018

    On Jan. 17, 1902, Miss Jessie Soliday of Carrington came up to visit Mrs. C.J. Maddux for a few days. O.W. Johnson arrived from Arlington, S.D., to visit his brother Henry B. Johnson. O.W. Johnson purchased a half section near his brother’s land for $3,000, sold his land in South Dakota and would move to Eddy County in the spring. Axtle Johnson was in town. Mrs. Ed Hogue returned from a visit with her parents at Guilford, Mo., accompanied by her nephew J.W. Core, who would live in New Rockford....

  • History of New Rockford: Oct. 29, 2018

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Oct 29, 2018

    A news story in the Jan. 10, 1902, “Transcript” said that the previous week [on Jan. 1] former Eddy County resident and current Velva grain buyer J.C. Fay had been walking in an alley behind the Kirkwood Hotel in Velva when a gust of wind blew some bricks off the chimney. The first brick struck Fay’s forehead and gave him a three-inch gash, in addition to knocking him unconscious. Several more bricks hit his face, which was bruised and cut. He was under medical care for several days. In “Scho...

  • History of New Rockford: Oct. 22, 2018

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Oct 22, 2018

    On Jan. 3, 1902, T.J. Backstad, Isaac Hanson, K.P. Skaalen, Ole A. Hegna, and J.J. Anderson came over from Freeborn. That evening Miss Addie Haugh entertained some young friends at her Lamborn East residence with music, games and midnight refreshments. Also that evening the New Rockford Band met with Prof. Ole Dahlen of Sheyenne, who was going to move to New Rockford. The members were Ole Dahlen, leader and Eb clarinet; Laurence Prader and E.M. Myhra, Bb clarinet; A.C. Buck, first Bb cornet;...

  • History of New Rockford- Oct. 15, 2018

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Oct 15, 2018

    The following New Rockford businesses would be closed at 6 p.m., each evening from Jan. 1 to April 1, 1902: H. Peoples, general store and farm machinery; R.R. Woodward, general store; Rodenberg Bros.; Prader & Litcher; D. Niven (New Rockford Meat Market); J.W. Rager, harness shop; J.M. Mulvey Hardware; George F. Fahrer & Co. (East Side Meat Market); A.C. Buck (Central Drug Store) and J.C. Whiteman (The New Drug Store). Other major New Rockford businesses included the Bank of New Rockford (Hugh...

  • History of New Rockford: Oct. 8, 2018

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Oct 8, 2018

    On Dec. 24, 1901, Hugh Kennedy caught his right hand in G.W. Brownell’s new feed mill and lost the nails and some of the flesh off two fingers. Kennedy had been trying to free some grain that had frozen to the sheet iron slide when his hand slipped between the rollers. Fred Belcher came up from Carrington to work on the “Eddy County Provost.” Oscar Bauer arrived for the holidays from Nome, N.D., where he was the manager of the Monarch Elevator; he had arrived in Carrington via the Soo Line...

  • History of New Rockford: October 1, 2018

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Oct 1, 2018

    On Dec. 18, 1901, Charles Baird came up from Faribault, Minn., for the holidays; he attended school there. Miss Etta Patterson of Wahpeton arrived to take charge of the general delivery window at the New Rockford post office. Henry Kronz was in town. Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Lyon left for a few days’ visit in the Twin Cities. The Baptist Ladies Aid hosted their annual sale, dinner, and supper, with the highlight of the evening being an auction of a handkerchief donated by Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt. T...

  • History of New Rockford: Sept. 24, 2018

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Sep 24, 2018

    About 12:30 p.m. on Dec. 11, 1901, Alice (Mrs. J.W.) Rager and Mrs. Sarah A. Bacon went to the depot to take the passenger train to Sheyenne. After waiting around an hour, they complained to the ticket agent about the late train. He then informed them that the passenger train had left at 12:01 p.m., its scheduled time, but he could get them on a freight train, which was due in a little later. The ladies thanked him, but declined his invitation, intending to go to Sheyenne on the train the next...

  • History of New Rockford: September 17, 2018

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Sep 17, 2018

    The Dec. 6, 1901, “Transcript” carried the following school notes: the previous week Katherine West of the second grade went to Iowa with her mother. Storm windows were put on the assembly room on Nov. 29. That day the second final exam was given to the advanced physiology class; their final lab work was finding waste matter in seven different types of sugar; and the juniors took their final algebra exam. On Dec. 2 Louisa Setz entered the second primary. That day Miss Frances Thomson ret...

  • History of New Rockford: September 10, 2018

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Sep 10, 2018

    On the evening of Nov. 30, 1901 (known as “St. Andrew’s Night"), the “Canadian Old Boys” of New Rockford hosted a banquet and program of Scottish dances, instrumental and vocal music, and toasts in the Hotel Mattson’s dining room. Covers were laid for 50; the walls were covered with Canadian, St. Andrew’s and American flags; and there were many bouquets of flowers. The tables were formed into a St. Andrew’s Cross. The banquet was prepared by James Hamilton, assisted by Christine Mattson. At 9...

  • History of New Rockford- September 3, 2018

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Sep 3, 2018

    On Nov. 25, 1901, Christ Fahrner and J.M. Dutee were in from their farms. Mr. and Mrs. [William?] Erdelbrock were in to shop. Peter Crane and B.A. Daniels were in from Tiffany. J.F. Clure was in town on business. Elevatorman and Mrs. H.G. Gage went to Fargo on business. J.H. Bonney left for Tacoma, Wash.; he planned on moving his family there next spring if he found a suitable location. On Nov. 26, J.T. Linderman of Cathay was over on business. Carrington machine man C.K. Wing was up on...

  • History of New Rockford: August 20, 2018

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Aug 20, 2018

    Lizzie Monahan had been absent several days. Absent a few days due to illness were Jennie Hersey, Clinton Kennedy and Mabel Kennedy. School organist Ida Clure had been absent a few days with illness, so assistant organist Blanche Brownell filled in for her. Alfred Dinnetz had joined the second grade; Henry Holland, John Cahill, Fred Ackerman and Blanche Butler were new fifth graders; new sixth graders were Mae O’Connell, Eddie Monahan and Lawrence Butler; and John Schmid had joined the s...

  • History of New Rockford: August 13, 2018

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Aug 13, 2018

    The November 8, 1901, “Transcript” mentioned the “Donnybrook Mirror.” Mr. and Mrs. P.J. Hester and family were preparing to move into the former Brownell residence in northwest New Rockford. Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Brownell had purchased the Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Hohl residence, which had hot water heat, cement sidewalks, and “a thorough water system.” The house had cost around $10,000 in 1899. Mr. and Mrs. Hohl were ready to leave for a visit with his parents in Iowa and then go on to southern Ca...

  • History of New Rockford: August 6, 2018

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Aug 6, 2018

    The November 1, 1901, “Transcript” stated that Principal E.R. Thomas had clarified the school’s position on extra reading: such reading should not take away from other school work; it should be done when lessons were short or when there was no work assigned in a class. Students could select their own library book to read or a teacher could select one for them. In the high school the reading done in the freshman grammar, sophomore rhetoric, and junior etymology classes would constitute the readi...

  • History of New Rockford: July 30, 2018

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Jul 30, 2018

    On October 26, 1901, J.L. Roffler came in from eastern Wells County. Frank Goodrich was in town. Toller M. Huff came in from his farm on business. William Erdelbrock was in from his farm west of town; he had just finished completing several new buildings on his farmstead. I.W. Sheldon left for Sterling, Ill., after a telegram informed him of his father’s death. Ed Stitzel finished his season’s work and brought in his two big threshing rigs. Sheriff J.E. Bennett arrested Charles Fuller on cha...

  • History of New Rockford

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Jul 23, 2018

    On the evening of October 22, 1901, a prairie fire burned about twenty sections northeast of New Rockford. It destroyed around a $1,000 worth of J.W. Rager’s property eight miles east of town: one granary with over a 1,000 bushels of wheat, one barn, 500 bushels of barley, some oats and a fanning mill. The full amount was covered by the St. Paul Fire & Marine Insurance Company. Dan Larsen lost 75 tons of hay, all his pasturage, some grain and some straw stacks. Many other farmers lost hay and f...

  • History of New Rockford- July 16, 2018

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Jul 16, 2018

    The October 18, 1901, “Transcript” carried some school news: the student from each room whose name appeared at the top of the honor roll the most times would receive a prize at the end of the year from the other students in the room, provided that the name appeared at least five times. The school library rules had been posted. Among them: any book kept over two weeks would incur a fine of ten cents per week or fraction of a week overdue; damaged books must be made good by the borrower; eve...

  • History of New Rockford- July 9, 2018

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Jul 9, 2018

    The October 11, 1901, “Transcript” noted the following: the Congregational Church was being extensively repaired and re-shingled. Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Buck’s residence on Stimson Avenue had been repainted. Jacob Allmaras’ new farm residence had been completed; it had steam heat and running water. Thomas Turner was building a 16x32 addition to his Barlow grain house. W.L. Buttz had a gentleman’s bicycle and a lady’s bicycle for sale. For sale—new Barlow Hotel, eleven large rooms and a 16x32 barn; re...

  • History of New Rockford- July 2, 2018

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Jul 2, 2018

    On Oct. 5, 1901, the semi-annual meeting of the Foster-Eddy-Wells Tri-County Teachers’ Association took place in Fessenden. Eddy County teachers on the program included Grace B. Putnam, Response to the Address of Welcome, and Miss Frances Thomson, Recitation. Mrs. George Woodward and Miss Ethel Albers were also in attendance. Miss Estella Trotter and her little sister of Jamestown were in New Rockford to visit their sister [Amanda?]. Hugh Gudgeon arrived from Iowa to visit his sister Mrs. P.J. H...

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