Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Articles written by k.c. gardner jr.

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  • History of New Rockford: Feb. 6, 2023

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Feb 6, 2023

    On Sept. 27, 1905, Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Rosenberger took their infant son Raymond to St. Paul for an examination of an enlarged gland in his neck. Sheriff George Fahrer and Mrs. John Collins transported Edith, the 15-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Neutzel, to the State Asylum in Jamestown for treatment; she had been suffering from a long bout of melancholia brought on by “over-study.” That afternoon, Lawrence Butler was helping to lath the Mr. and Mrs. E.S. Severtson residence when the sha...

  • History of New Rockford: January 30, 2023

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Jan 30, 2023

    The Sept. 22, 1905, “Transcript” carried an ad stating that the Hotel Davies, J.W. Hedges, prop., was “Strictly a $2-a-Day House in Every Respect.” It had steam heat and gas lighting. Mrs. Bena Crepps and Mr. and Mrs. T.C. Crepps had a Card of Thanks to their friends and neighbors who had aided them in their recent bereavement. The Postmaster General was calling for bids for a tri-weekly mail delivery between New Rockford and Freeborn, beginning on June 30, 1906; the present delivery was twice a...

  • History of New Rockford: January 23, 2023

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Jan 23, 2023

    The Sept. 15, 1905, "Transcript" listed the high school courses for the year as Latin, Algebra, Geometry, Ancient History, Physical Geography and Elementary Meteorology, English Composition and Rhetoric, Political Economy, Business Law, Drawing, and Oratory. John Anderson was painting the new residence of Mr. and Mrs. L.J. Aldrich. An item said that D.B. Wellman's brother had recently died in Maine. During the week Charles Goss brought in a load of No. 1 Northern Wheat which ran 15 bushels to...

  • History of New Rockford: Jan. 16, 2023

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Jan 16, 2023

    On the morning of September 9, 1905, Harry Hawthorn, the 14-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawthorn, and two boys from the gypsy camp along the river went out on the water in a boat. A shotgun they had along was somehow discharged and the pellets lodged in young Hawthorn’s left leg, just below the hip, along with parts of the wooden paddle. He was taken to the Ed Martin residence and the doctors were called. They dressed the wound and decided that amputation might not be necessary. H...

  • History of New Rockford: Jan. 9, 2023

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Jan 9, 2023

    On Sept. 4, 1905, the Eddy County Commission (Dailey, Dafoe, Gunvaldson) met and voted to pay the following: $29.20, Mrs. M.E. Pottner, care of Mrs. Clara Swantz and for bedding destroyed; $102.50, Mrs. Carrie E. Fay, care and nursing of Mrs. Clara Swantz and for bedding destroyed; $7.20, New Rockford Light & Water Improvement Co., June and July lights; $4, H.W. Wilson, Aug. and Sept. rent for telephone; $90, Mrs. A.G. Gardner, register of deeds’ clerk for July and Aug.; $80, John Collins, j...

  • History of New Rockford: Jan. 2, 2023

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Jan 2, 2023

    On the night of Aug. 29, 1905, three residences were targeted by burglars. About midnight, a burglar entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Mulvey on Lamborn Avenue West through a window. His movements awakened Mulvey, who “turned a searchlight on the intruder” who was ten feet from the bed. The man fled through the window and a search failed to find him. An attempt was made to enter the home of Dr. and Mrs. Charles MacLachlan, but their dog frightened the would-be thief away. A successful ent...

  • History of New Rockford: December 26, 2022

    K.C. Gardner Jr., Drayton, ND, NRHS Class of 1962|Dec 26, 2022

     On August 22, 1905, Estelle Conklin left to visit friends and relatives at Oakes. Mrs. C.D.W. Lewis of Carrington sold 160 acres of land to F.S. Dunham west of New Rockford, land that adjoined that of Dunham.  At 5 p.m. August 22, Mrs. W.T. Buck, hosted a dinner for ten of her friends. The rooms of her house were decorated with garden flowers and the table centerpiece was a large bowl of nasturtiums. Cards with descriptive verses were found at each of the ten places set at the table and eac...

  • History of New Rockford: December 19, 2022

    K.C. Gardner Jr., Drayton, ND NRHS Class of 1962|Dec 19, 2022

     On Sunday, August 13, 1905, “Carrington Independent” editor Albert Estabrook was in New Rockford to visit, as was Miss Maud Sterns and M.C. Hammond. That evening Rev. J.G. Moore preached in the New Rockford Methodist Church.  On August 14, Fred Laasch of western Eddy County and Horace Courtemanche were in for harvest supplies. James Davidson, William Erdelbrock, and William Thorn came in on business. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Knable were in shopping. Miss Norah O’Connell returned from a visit to...

  • History of New Rockford: Dec. 12, 2022

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Dec 12, 2022

    Up to 2 p.m. Aug. 5, 1905, Sylvanus Marriage, clerk of Superior School District #19, received bids for the purchase of the school building in the northwest quarter, section 12, T148, R66 [Superior Township], known as the Dodd [Dodds?] School. On the morning of Sunday, August 6, a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Treffry southeast of New Rockford. Mrs. L.M. Newell of Chicago spoke at churches in Sheyenne at 10:30 a.m., Tiffany at 3:30 p.m., and in the New Rockford Baptist Church at 8 p.m....

  • History of New Rockford: Dec. 5, 2022

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Dec 5, 2022

    On July 26, 1905, Edna Stickney and Charles W. Hoffman were married at the bride’s home in Brainerd, Minnesota. Edna Stickney was a former student in the New Rockford School and a former Eddy County teacher; she, her mother, and her sister Corna Stickney moved to Brainerd on October 26, 1900. On July 26 to 27, John Morris was down from Minnewaukan with his small son to visit his parents Sgt. and Mrs. Morris. On July 27, barber W.A. Mendenhall’s mother from Adel, Iowa, arrived to visit him. The...

  • History of New Rockford: Nov. 28, 2022

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Nov 28, 2022

    The July 21, 1905, “Transcript” stated that during the week Peter Crain had been hauling lumber to his Tiffany farm for the 44x84 barn he was having built. It would have a full stone basement and the stone work was done. Rudolf Indergaard was in from the Plainview district. During the week H.P. Carr sold his interest in the Davies Livery stable to G.W. Streeter. The previous week Mack MacLachlan, his wife, family, and sister-in-law Miss Lindelle, arrived from Grand Rapids, Michigan, to vis...

  • History of New Rockford: November 21, 2022

    K.C. Gardner Jr., NRHS Class of 1962|Nov 21, 2022

     On July 12, 1905, Herb Losee and John Schaefer left for the West Coast to take in the Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition in Portland, visit some western states, and look for some land to buy; they returned on August 12.  On July 13, Went Mcgee came in on business. Miss Harriet “Hattie” Davidson returned from a visit in Bismarck with her brother, E.R. Davidson. Frank Hudson, Frank Reed, Mrs. W.T. Buck, her son and daughter went to the Chautauqua. Painter John Anderson went to Sheyenn...

  • History of New Rockford: Nov. 7, 2022

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Nov 7, 2022

    On June 28, 1905, Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Johnston were in shopping. B.W. Hersey was in on business. Matt Fautsch left to visit his old home, Elizabeth, Minn. Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance agent W.S. Farquhar left to visit his family in Farmington, Minn.; he returned on August 17. Mrs. G.W. Brownell and Mrs. W.C. Schwoebel went to Grand Forks for the Grand Lodge of the Eastern Star as delegates of Ionic Chapter #29; Mrs. Schwoebel was elected Grand Warden. Mrs. William Bartley and children of...

  • History of New Rockford: Oct. 31, 2022

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Oct 31, 2022

    From noon June 19 until noon June 20, 1905, A.J. Miller substituted for D.D. Sullivan, the Fargo eye specialist, at Kunkel’s Jewelry with eye exams and the fitting of glasses. On June 19 and 20, Dewey Alexander was in from eastern Eddy County on business. On June 20, David Twist was down from Twist Post Office, buying goods for stocking up his store. Mr. and Mrs. Will VanHorn were in shopping. Mrs. W.C. Dresser’s mother and sister came in from Devils Lake to visit. A.F. Prouty and his lit...

  • History of New Rockford: Oct. 24, 2022

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Oct 24, 2022

    On June 13, 1905, Mrs. May M. Keime and Mrs. Walter Priest went to the WCTU Convention in Oberon. Alice (Mrs. J.W.) Rager and Mrs. H.G. Hudson were the New Rockford delegates. Miss Fena Carlson, Miss Mabel House, and Miss Mildred Keime were the New Rockford entries in the Gold Medal Oratorical Contest, with Miss Carlson winning the medal. On June 14, Pat O’Connor was in on business from western Eddy County. Horace Courtemanche and S.P. Pisel came in on business. Burton Hulbert went to the G...

  • History of New Rockford: Oct. 17, 2022

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Oct 17, 2022

    On June 7, 1905, Dr. and Mrs. G.D. Murphy went to Minneapolis for a short visit; he returned on June 10, while she remained until June 23. On June 7 and 8, George M. Pike attended a Shriners’ meeting in Fargo. From June 7 to 12, jeweler J.N. Kunkel’s father of Fessenden visited him and his family. On the morning of June 8, a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Hans Tuffli southwest of town. Paul Hartman came in on business from eastern Wells County, as did Peter Berge from northwest of town. J.F...

  • History of New Rockford: Oct. 10, 2022

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Oct 10, 2022

    On the morning of June 1, 1905, Clinton Kennedy was driving a team to Barlow. The horses became unmanageable and galloped down the road, pulling the boy off the wagon seat. He held onto the reins although he “hit the ground several times” before he managed to clamber back into the wagon where he was able to quiet the animals down. He suffered several bruises. The June 2, 1905, “Transcript” mentioned the “Steele Ozone” and the “Denhoff Voice.” Principal L.J. Aldrich of Phillips Academy had a c...

  • History of New Rockford: Oct. 3, 2022

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Oct 3, 2022

    The May 26, 1905, “Transcript” said that several very large pickerel had recently been taken from the James River. The previous week H.W. Hastings, a musician who had played with the New Rockford Orchestra in 1903 and 1904, died at his home in Oberon. Also that week several New Rockford businessmen worked on the race track and ball park west of town to get them in shape. On May 26, Herman Olson came in on business. William Erdelbrock was in to do business and to visit. Rev. and Mrs. C.F. Sew...

  • History of New Rockford: September 26, 2022

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Sep 26, 2022

     Sealed bids were received by county auditor W.C. Schwoebel until 4 p.m. May 22, 1905, for three steel bridges: 1) between sections 3 and 4 and 3 and 20, T150, R65 [Bush] to replace the old Nunn coulee bridge; 2) between sections 10 and 15, T149, R64 [Tiffany], to replace the Robinson coulee bridge; 3) across the James River between sections 3 and 10, T148, R66 [Superior], to replace the Hulbert bridge. Also bids were received up to 11 a.m. for grading in Eddy County.  On May 22, the Eddy Cou...

  • History of New Rockford: September 19, 2022

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Sep 19, 2022

    On May 17, 1905, Nils Gunvaldson was in town. Miss Stacia Hennessy was up from Carrington to visit Miss Jennie Treffry. Peter Berge was in from his farm northwest of New Rockford on business. That afternoon a group of “crack shots” went out to J.M. Mulvey’s farm and shot gophers. On May 18, R.M. Kennedy returned from Grand Forks, where he represented the local lodge at the United Workmen Grand Lodge. Martin Walsh was in on business. Real estate agent G.W. Streeter returned from his busin...

  • History of New Rockford: September 12, 2022

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Sep 12, 2022

    On May 8 and 9, 1905, Misses Nell and Mabel Sheehy of Carrington were visiting Miss Mame Sheehy. From May 8 to 11, Father W.A. Gallahue was in Fargo. On May 9, despite inclement weather, almost all the eligible voters in town turned out to cast their ballots on the incorporation question, which was defeated by 22 votes. Dr. John Crawford came down from Esmond to visit. Miss Jennie Hendry arrived from Valley City to take over the position of the central operator at the telephone office from Miss...

  • History of New Rockford: September 5, 2022

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Sep 5, 2022

    On April 29, 1905, Mrs. Will Carroll came in from Washington Lake to visit. McHenry attorney J.F. Faytle was over on legal business. From April 29 to May 1, Miss Ida Sanders of Carrington was in town visiting. On Sunday, April 30, Miss Elizabeth Trainor went to Barlow to visit a few days. That evening, there was a service in the Baptist Church with an illustrated sermon and a song service. On May 1, Katie (Mrs. Thomas) Turner was up from Barlow to visit. Miss Harriet Waters returned from a...

  • History of New Rockford: August 29, 2022

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Aug 29, 2022

    On April 20, 1905, Herbert Treffry returned from his winter “down east.” He had been very sick for two months. Jacob Adam came in from the Kiner area northwest of town on business and to visit. Mrs. R. Zimmerman returned to her home in Black Duck, Minnesota, her visit with her aunt Mrs. Marcus Medved cut short by a telegram telling her of the serious illness of her mother. That evening, a 10-lb. son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lyman. On April 20 and 21, Joe Trainor of Velva was in town vis...

  • History of New Rockford: August 22, 2022

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Aug 22, 2022

    On the evenings of April 10 and 11, 1905, the Crows appeared at the Opera House, first in “A Soldier’s Sweetheart” and the next evening in “Mavourneen.” John Algeo and Nyles C. Toll of Barlow saw the show on the first night, and Mr. and Mrs. O.B. Tausen of Barlow attended on the second night. On April 11 and 12, a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Logan, a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Utz, and a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Crosby Braithwaites, all delivered by Dr. G.D. Murp...

  • History of New Rockford: August 15, 2022

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Aug 15, 2022

    Alfred “A.C.” Buck died on April 6, 1905. [His large gray tombstone in Prairie Home Cemetery has a Masonic symbol and vines with leaves carved near the top. The stone rests on a base with the name “BUCK” carved on it. The inscriptions on the face of the stone read, “ABIGAIL P. BUCK BORN APR. 18, 1834 DIED JULY 22, 1888” and under that “ALFRED C. BUCK BORN MAY 18, 1861 DIED APRIL 6, 1905.” Abigail P. Buck was his mother; her funeral was on the afternoon of July 24, 1888, in the New Rockford Co...

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