Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Articles written by rachel brazil

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  • Speaker provides practical tips, warning signs and resources for addressing human trafficking

    Rachel Brazil|Sep 3, 2018

    On Monday Aug. 27, the New Rockford Lions Club hosted Sean Levesque of the Minnesota-based nonprofit Love 2 Hope to discuss the important and difficult topic of human trafficking. An often misunderstood term, human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery, and according to Levesque and countless experts, is far more common than you’d think. Trafficking involves the movement of people by means of force, fraud or coercion for the purpose of forced labor and servitude, including but not limited to sex-trafficking. Here in our small and seemingl...

  • Local ambulance services ask voters to approve additional funds via Measure #1

    Rachel Brazil|Sep 3, 2018

    At the polls this November, Eddy County voters will decide on Measure #1, a mill levy increase for the Community Ambulance Service of New Rockford (CASNR) and the McHenry Ambulance Service. On the ballot, the measure will read, "Shall Eddy County levy a tax of not to exceed ten (10) mills for the purpose of county emergency services?" There are several reasons why the local ambulance services need an increase in the number of local mills available including a decrease in the North Dakota EMS...

  • CTS reports on construction, staff prepares for school year

    Rachel Brazil|Aug 20, 2018

    Wayne Stephenson of CTS Group, the New Rockford-Sheyenne (NR-S) School District’s on-site project manager for construction, gave the NR-S School Board a tour of the building, highlighting interior work that remains to be completed, during the board’s regular meeting on Monday, Aug. 13. “There is not retracting on the fact that school is starting. All trades are on site for finishing work. Our focus is on getting in cleaners and painters, and finishing classrooms.” Stephenson said as the board stood in the incomplete media center. It was obv...

  • Fresh, local produce- oh, how we've missed you!

    Rachel Brazil|Jul 30, 2018

    Saturday mornings in Sheyenne aren't as quiet as one might think. In fact, at the corner of U.S. Highway 281 and Richter Avenue, it is down right busy with foot traffic as market-goers make their way to the Sheyenne Farmers Market. For some it's become a tradition, to show up early with a hot cup of coffee and enjoy fresh baked goodies. Others hone in on the variety of fruits and veggies freshly harvested from the garden fields of Doris Griffin, Joanna Larson and the Myhre family. And if that...

  • Class of '62 donates to library

    Rachel Brazil|Jul 16, 2018

    The Eddy-New Rockford Public Library just got one step closer to renovating the interior furnishings of the library thanks to the New Rockford Class of 1962. Former New Rockford resident Ron Berglund, now of Fresno, Calif., contacted librarian Susie Sharp about donating the remaining funds from the class's 50-year reunion. "He wanted to know if we had any project going on," said Sharp. "I told him about our plans to improve the seating area in the library, and the class decided to donate the...

  • Summer Exploration: First Lutheran youth enriched by urban experience

    Pam Nemitz and Rachel Brazil|Jun 25, 2018

    Earlier this month, New Rockford's First Lutheran Church partnered with Urban Immersion Service Retreats (UISR) to lead a group of 10 youth and four adults to Minneapolis on a youth-based urban immersion mission trip. UISR helped to create a retreat that focused on the complexities of poverty through a lens of faith and service in the community. The participants who traveled to Minneapolis assisted with projects such as distributing food and clothing, stocking shelves, doing yard work and...

  • School Board canvasses election results and seeks to fill vacancy

    Rachel Brazil|Jun 18, 2018

    Vice President Todd Duchscherer opened the meeting of the New-Rockford Sheyenne (NR-S) School Board on Monday, June 11. After the board approved the minutes and financial statements, Duchscherer shared that he didn’t have the ability to give attention to the needs of the board at this time. He asked that someone else volunteer to take over the presidency vacated by the resignation of John McKnight until a new president is elected in July. Roger Duda nominated John Grann. Grann clarified that he would take on these presidential responsibilities...

  • Community mental health forum set for Saturday

    Rachel Brazil|May 21, 2018

    “Can you remember when anxiety and depression didn’t consume you? Can you remember what joy and happiness really felt like? Do you ever feel like life is ‘one step forward and two steps back’? Maybe you felt so low that suicide crossed your mind?” Andrea Lies, daughter of Pete Lies and Sandi J. Lies of New Rockford, has asked herself these same questions many times. These questions came as a part of Lies’ response to the article the New Rockford Transcript published on March 26, 2018, which presented the results from the 2017 Youth Risk Behavi...

  • Early intervention, compassion and kindness are keys to bullying prevention

    Amy Wobbema and Rachel Brazil|May 14, 2018

    Last week, we featured a story by New Rockford-Sheyenne (NR-S) sixth grader Lora Wobbema. Wobbema was so inspired by the motivations of The Kindness Club that she wanted to write about the steps students are taking to stand up to bullying in our community. When it comes to bullying prevention, these students are on the right track. They are encouraging positive, proactive solutions, and the message is for all students, not just the ones labeled the "bullies" or "victims."  Early, positive i...

  • To stop bullying we must first understand

    Rachel Brazil and Amy Wobbema|Apr 30, 2018

    How many of us grew up getting bullied? Or witnessed bullying? Perhaps some of us were even the bullies from time to time. Readers of all ages are likely nodding their heads right now. Bullying isn’t anything new. In fact, up until recently, the predominant culture seemed to suggest bullying was just a normal part of growing up that we all had to deal with. When victims of bullying did speak out, they were often told by adults to “toughen up,” or “stand your ground.” “Don’t let them know you’re afraid” they’d say or, “Oh, they’re just being ki...

  • April is Financial Literacy Month

    Allison Lindgren and Rachel Brazil|Apr 23, 2018

    April is National Financial Literacy Month, and both local and statewide public officials and organizations have made education for residents of all ages a priority. Here in Eddy and Foster Counties, NDSU Extension Service partnered with local banks, credit unions and schools to provide a lesson to first grade students on earning, spending and saving. The goal of the partnership is to teach positive money behaviors at an early age. As a part of the lesson, each student was provided with a piggy...

  • Talking points: How to talk to teens about depression and suicide

    Rachel Brazil|Apr 9, 2018

    Many of us are familiar with depression in some way. Maybe we have experienced it ourselves or perhaps we have seen a loved one struggle with the disease. I have written about tough topics such as suicide and depression before, for the Transcript and in other contexts as well. I choose to write about these topics for two reasons. First, both are part of my life experience. As much as I've tried to deny it, suicide and depression are a part of who I am. Second, these tough topics need to be...

  • Survey offers insight on teen challenges

    Amy Wobbema and Rachel Brazil|Mar 26, 2018

    New Rockford-Sheyenne (NR-S) students in grades 7 to 12 completed the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) last spring, and the local and statewide results were released at an NR-S School Board meeting recently. As illustrated in the graphs below, there are some themes of which administration and staff have taken notice. The YRBS was introduced by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 1991 and has been administered every other year to both junior high and high school students...

  • Hope sometimes turns up in unlikely places

    Rachel Brazil|Feb 26, 2018

    Back in November, I made two commitments to Eddy County Community Cares. The first was to help with the planning and decoration of a holiday tree in New Rockford’s Gazebo Park. If you missed it, ECCC decorated one of the deciduous trees on the east side of the park. It was one of those “out of the box” kind of trees— decorated in purple and teal and non-traditional decor that included paper globes and hand painted birds. That’s right, we cut out sixteen 12-inch birds an These birds began as a symbol of hope. In just a few months, when the...