Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Articles from the January 23, 2023 edition

Sorted by date  Results 26 - 31 of 31

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  • Savvy Senior: What happens if you work while receiving Social Security?

    Jim Miller|Jan 23, 2023

    Dear Savvy Senior, I started drawing my Social Security retirement benefits back in 2021 when I was forced to retire early, but I’m now interested going back to work part-time. Will this affect my benefits, and if so, how much? Back to Work Dear Back, You can collect Social Security retirement benefits and work at the same time but depending on how old you are and how much you earn, some or all of your benefits could be temporarily withheld. Here’s how it works. SSA earning rules Social Security...

  • Finally, they've got a win!

    Nathan Price|Jan 23, 2023

    It was a long time coming, but the New Rockford-Sheyenne Rockets finally have a mark in the win column. Hosting the Washburn Cardinals on Saturday, Jan. 14, the Rockets were in desperate need of a big win if they had any hope of turning their season around, as this game would be their last before facing regional opponents. Though the Rockets entered Saturday's game winless, the Cardinals hadn't been enjoying a great season either, having won just three games to seven losses - if ever there was...


    Erik Gjovik|Jan 23, 2023

    An idea that was to witness its genesis in 2020 came to fruition three years later, following two instances of weather cancellation and one to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Central City played host to the State Class B Junior Varsity Wrestling Tournament at Carrington High School Saturday, January 14, with schools from throughout the state trotting out their younger grapplers for some valuable big-match chops in a largely low-pressure environment. CHS, the host school, placed fifth among 19...

  • Lady Rockets on a roll

    Kyrie Dauenhauer|Jan 23, 2023

    The New Rockford-Sheyenne Rockets hosted their first Super Region 4 competitor on Friday, Jan. 13: The Benson County Wildcats. Since the Wildcats had lost key players Quinn Neppl, Desidy Schwanke, Hailey Maddock and Ashlyn Williams due to graduating, the Rockets hoped to finally dominate the court over the Wildcats. But shockingly the Wildcats weren't going to give up that fight easily. A key player for the Wildcats was Benson County eighth grader, Kaitlyn Maddock. Maddock scored the most...

  • Dakota Recreation Report: January 23, 2023

    Patricia Stockdill|Jan 23, 2023

    Outdoor notes:  *Be mindful of parking when accessing area lakes; not blocking roadways or snow removal operations.  *Reminder that it’s illegal to chase, harass, or pursue any wildlife species with motorized vehicle.  *Ice is never completely safe. Avoid areas with vegetation, moving water, pressure ridges, and springs. Check conditions as you go along on the ice and don’t move around at night. Tournaments:  *Jan. 28: Devils Lake, 6-Mile Bay. Fishing:  *Devils Lake elevation, Jan. 17: 1,449.38...

  • Jan 23, 2023
