Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Articles from the May 20, 2019 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 34

  • Foundation grants benefit 3 local groups

    Rachel Brazil|May 20, 2019

    The New Rockford Community Foundation has awarded grants to three community organizations including the Community Ambulance Service of New Rockford, Lutheran Home of the Good Shepherd and New Rockford Park District. Community Ambulance Service of New Rockford (CASNR) received grant funds toward their Cardiac Ready Community program. New Rockford became a Cardiac Ready Community in 2017. The qualifications to become certified as this include placing automated external defibrillators (AEDs) around...

  • Younger Belquist qualifies for state

    Erik Gjovik|May 20, 2019

    Someone forgot to tell Kelsie Belquist about the line of thinking that seventh graders aren't supposed to do what she's currently doing in varsity track and field. Several weeks of performances at or near the top of the standings in her chosen events make for good copy, but Belquist hadn't quite accomplished the ultimate goal of state meet qualification. Everything came together for the NR-S youngster at the Panther Booster Invitational in Rugby this past Monday, May 13, as Belquist qualified...

  • 2019 Emergency Medical Services Week

    Amy Wobbema|May 20, 2019

    May 19-25, 2019, is the 45th annual National EMS Week. In 1974, President Gerald Ford authorized EMS Week to celebrate emergency medical service practitioners and the important work they do in our nation's communities. EMS Week brings together local communities and medical personnel to honor those providing lifesaving emergency services. EMS Week is the perfect time to recognize the local EMS and all that its practitioners do for our community. The theme for this year's EMS Week is "Beyond the...

  • SNR earns two wins at Enderlin/Cass Jamboree

    Erik Gjovik|May 20, 2019

    Rain kept the SNR Black Sox from completing their three-game obligations, but they still managed to get two quality victories at the Enderlin/Central Cass Jamboree Friday, May 10. In action played at Casselton, SNR earned a 4-3 victory against the Northern Cass Jaguars, behind Nathan Holzwarth’s complete game pitching performance. They then took on the historically-strong Grafton Spoilers, and rode another great outing by Tucker Longnecker to take a 3-1 win. A planned game against the S...

  • Rockets run in second Carrington meet

    Erik Gjovik|May 20, 2019

    NR-S’s track team went south 16 miles for a small quadrangular meet in Carrington on Thursday, May 9. The Rockets, along with the host Cardinals, Medina/Pingree-Buchanan and Devils Lake were the teams competing. First places came from Hannah Haley in the 100-meter hurdles, Kelsie Belquist in the 400 and Chloe Heinz in the 800-meter runs for the girls’ side. The Rocket boys got wins from Parker Granger (100) and Bo Belquist (400), along with personal bests from Billy Fleming in three events and E...

  • Sox secure #2 seed in Region 3 tourney

    Erik Gjovik|May 20, 2019

    Carrington scored three runs in the bottom of the first inning of their second Region 3 matchup of the season with the SNR Black Sox. Though the 'Sox scored two runs in the fifth to make things interesting, the visitors were flummoxed by Cardinal pitcher Kyle Leapaldt's fastball to the tune of 14 strikeouts, and went home with a narrow 3-2 defeat Thursday afternoon, May 9, at Carrington's City Park. Leapaldt, a returning All-State player for the Cards, scattered five hits in their victory to...

  • Community health needs assessment successfully completed

    May 20, 2019

    CHI St. Alexius Health, Carrington and Foster County Public Health expresses gratitude to all those who participated in the community health needs assessment (CHNA). In an effort to gauge overall health needs and identify health concerns of the community, a survey was distributed throughout the county between Aug. 15, 2018, and Oct. 7, 2018. A total of 226 electronic and paper surveys were completed. CHI St. Alexius Health, Carrington, and Foster County Public Health received assistance in conducting the assessment from the Center for Rural...

  • Carrington native commissioned as Captain in Washington, D.C., ceremony

    May 20, 2019

    During a formal ceremony at Patton Hall on the grounds of Fort Meyer, Va., Carrington native Garrett Boyer was commissioned as a Captain in the United States Army. Boyer, 32, was sworn in by Retired Colonel Daniel Gall, a former Medical Services Officer of 30 years. Gall served with the 44th Medical Brigade and the 82nd Airborne Division and now serves at the Pentagon as a key staff advisor to the Surgeon General for policies, procedures, and management related to military medicine. The...

  • North Dakota AMBER Alert test scheduled for May 23

    May 20, 2019

    The North Dakota Highway Patrol (NDHP) and the North Dakota Department of Emergency Services (NDDES) will conduct the annual test of the AMBER (America’s Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response) Alert system from 2-4 p.m. central time on Thursday, May 23. All AMBER Alert components will be tested except for the Wireless Emergency Alert (WEA) which is sent to mobile devices. Advanced notification is provided to avoid misinterpretation of this test as an actual AMBER Alert. AMBER Alerts are recorded on the North Dakota Department of Transportation...

  • Talk of the Town - May 20, 2019

    Charlotte Koepplin|May 20, 2019

    The American Legion Auxiliary women have been at Miller’s Fresh Foods selling paper poppies as May is poppy month. New Rockford and area folks extend sympathy to the family of David Palmer. Wednesday evening, Ken and Marvis Holte and daughter Amanda Bickett drove to Jamestown where they checked into a motel. Early Thursday morning all were at the hospital plus Amanda’s husband Cody as Amanda underwent carpal tunnel surgery. All went well. Daughter Faye Rink and friend brought all a treat and good wishes. The Holtes and Bicketts returned to thei...

  • Pleasant Prairie News - May 20, 2019

    Charlotte Koepplin|May 20, 2019

    Tuesday afternoon Charlotte Koepplin was a brief visitor at the Leo and Janet Laube home. Later visitor at Charlotte’s was Kathleen Lee. Esther Indergaard and numerous family and spouses gathered at the Pizza Ranch in Carrington in celebration of Mother’s Day on Sunday. The weekend found Margie Anderson a guest of daughter Shelly and Kent Rigsby in Jamestown. Saturday found all driving to Fargo where they attended the NDSU graduation of Joanna Larson. Joanna graduated with a degree in Agriculture and Bio-Systems Engineering. Following the cer...

  • Oberon Oracles - May 20, 2019

    Linda Madson|May 20, 2019

    Last week: May 5 and 6, Amanda Hegland’s sister, Angie Alexander, Newell, S.D., Carrie Ohman and Amy Meyers of Rapid City, S.D. came to North Dakota. Amanda, Angie, Carrie and Amy went to Fargo for the weekend and took in the Pink concert on Saturday night. Amanda’s mom, Nancy Weischedel spent the weekend with Fallyn and Piper Hegland. Sunday, Jake, Amanda, Fallyn and Piper attended the celebration for Logan Zietz’s baptism and Silas Zietz’s birthday party in Horace at the Zietz home. This week: Tom and Pam Schmid traveled to Fargo to attend...

  • American churches are in big trouble

    LLoyd Omdahl|May 20, 2019

    The bottom fell out of church membership between 1999 and 2018, spelling serious trouble for the well-being of Christendom in the decades down the road. According to a comprehensive poll taken by the very creditable Gallup organization, 70 percent of Americans were church members in 1999. This dropped to 50 percent by 2018. The drop impacted all Christian religions. Between the periods of 1998-2000 and 2016-18, church membership among adults dropped from 69 percent to 52 percent. Catholics lost...

  • Rural America on the wrong side of the digital divide

    Zippy Duvall|May 20, 2019

    Take a drive through Hamilton County, Kansas, population 2,500, and you know you are in the heart of rural America. Hamilton County has an abundance of many things - wheat, sorghum and dairy, for starters - but broadband isn't one of them. And that's a scary prospect when participation in the modern economy simply demands good internet service. Policymakers, trade associations and private companies know this digital divide is a real problem and have supported commendable efforts to close gap. But there's a catch for communities like Hamilton...

  • Cable hosts get the memo

    Peter Funt|May 20, 2019

    Bill O'Reilly, once the most powerful voice on cable TV, has been largely absent from public view for two years following revelations that he paid some $50 million to settle sexual harassment lawsuits. Yet, O'Reilly's signature - a segment he called "The Memo" - continues to have an unfortunate impact across the cable dial. O'Reilly began his nightly Fox News Channel program with commentary, not news. His conservative "Memo" was delivered in compelling style, yielding high ratings for the show...

  • Facebook isn't a "monopoly" - let's not make it into one

    Thomas Knapp|May 20, 2019

    Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes, adding his voice to calls to "break up" the social media giant, calls it a "powerful monopoly, eclipsing all of its rivals and erasing competition." In recent years, we've seen similar claims, and heard demands for similar remedies, aimed at Google, Amazon and other large companies. Are these claims true? Are the large "dot-coms" monopolies in any real sense? The short answer is no. Using the "m-word" is a way of avoiding the necessity of making a sound argument for a desired policy outcome. Whether that...

  • Obituary: Carol Rosenau

    May 20, 2019

    Carol Mavis (Tuntland) Rosenau, 80, of Carrington, N.D., passed away, May 8, 2019 at CHI St. Alexius Health, Carrington. The funeral service was held May 15 at the Federated Church UCC/UMC in Carrington. Rev. Rick Loewen officiated with special music provided by Clara Edwardson and Terry Lund. Casket bearers were: Brandon Beckley, Derek Beckley, Kendra Beach, Caleb Burr, Justin Rosenau, Melissa Ystaas, Tysen Rosenau, Sierra Tweed, Brooke Rosenau and Trey Rosenau. Honorary bearers were all of...

  • Living on Purpose: Perfect joy and health for all eternity

    Dr. Billy Holland|May 20, 2019

    I have a few antique clocks and for those who are somewhat familiar with these fascinating machines, you also know what a frustration they are to keep running. Recently, I was having problems with a grandfather clock and after a few weeks, I was being exposed for my lack of knowledge and ability when it comes to working on them. I can do some tweaking and occasionally I’m rewarded with a bit of luck but more often than not I turn to an older gentleman who lives in my community and depend on h...

  • Sermonette: Collateral Damage

    Pastor Joe Greiner, Evangelical Free Church|May 20, 2019

    My wife has been reading through the Old Testament lately and she recently got to the various stories concerning David. She’s read the stories many times, but this time something new struck her. What struck her this time were the other people. The Bible, by necessity, stays very focused upon David and the main characters; but on this read through Erin started to wonder about the rest of the characters. Take David and Bathsheba for example. David summons Bathsheba to sleep with her after seeing her bathe on her rooftop. Bathsheba complies, l...

  • Apples for the teachers

    May 20, 2019

    Local American Legion Auxiliary members recognized Teacher Appreciation Week on May 5-11 by treating teachers and staff at New Rockford-Sheyenne School to apples. Apples continue to be a traditional gift for teachers. In the 1700s, poor families in Denmark and Sweden gave teachers baskets of apples as payment for their children's educations. In the United States, early American children would give teachers apples because the families of school children took a role in housing and feeding...

  • Hunters, anglers take note of new legislation

    May 20, 2019

    The North Dakota Game and Fish Department tracked 40 outdoors-related bills during the 2019 legislative session, 21 of which were passed by both chambers and signed into law. The following bills take effect Aug. 1, unless the bill includes an emergency clause which indicates it is already in effect. • HB 1021 – Included in the Information Technology Department’s appropriation, during the 2019-21 interim, a 14-member land access committee (with nine voting members) will study access to public and private lands for hunting, trapping, fishing and...

  • North Dakota Game and Fish Department Updates - May 20, 2019

    May 20, 2019

    Workshops for Educators Scheduled The North Dakota Game and Fish Department is sponsoring workshops in Dickinson, Valley City and Bismarck for teachers, environmental educators and anyone else who works with youth. Pollinators in the Classroom is June 12-13 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Dickinson State University in Dickinson, and June 25-26 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Valley City State University in Valley City. Participants will examine different animal species, receive the new Urban Pollinator curriculum with three distinct sections, and...

  • Dakota Recreation Report- May 20, 2019

    Patricia Stockdill|May 20, 2019

    Outdoor notes: *Deer gun applications now available at N.D. Game and Fish website ( *Area ponds stocked with catchable catfish or trout: Valley City Hatchery, New Rockford, Little Britches ponds and Turtle River, Turtle River State Park. *Area lakes with significant winter fish kill: Juanita, Carlson-Tandy, Battle, Etta, Alkaline, Remmick, Gaier, and Sunday lakes and Harvey Dam. *Area lakes with total winter fish kill: Leno and Rafferty. Fishing: *Devils Lake elevation, May 14:...

  • History of New Rockford- May 20, 2019

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|May 20, 2019

    At 1:45 p.m. May 30, 1902, baseball was played on the local diamond. The score was New Rockford 6; Carrington 1. Rand and Stickney made up the New Rockford battery. Umpires were Bucklin and Galehouse. Five hundred people attended, including Fred Zimmerman, Jr. W.L. Bennett, G.S. Newbery, and Misses Nell and Kathryn Sheehy came up from Carrington for the game; Kathryn stayed overnight with friends. Miss Pearl Henry was in town. Mrs. Philip Brandt and Miss Nelly of Sheyenne were in New Rockford. D...

  • Dakota Datebook: Space Balls, Cho Cho the Health Clown and Too Much Sunshine

    May 20, 2019

    Space Balls by Tessa Sandstrom May 20, 2019 —Two strange metal balls were found near Create in southeastern North Dakota. Both were similar, weighing about 20 lbs. with faded stripes, were very hot and were 15 inches in diameter. One, found by Corwin Brumond, had a hole 5 inches in diameter, and the other, found east of Oakes by Mike Michel, had a hole 6 inches in diameter. What were these strange things? Today in 1971, the Oakes Times reported that they had fallen from the U.S. Experimental Satellite. It was later learned that two others h...

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