Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Articles from the August 10, 2020 edition

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  • Dog days training tips

    Nick Simonson|Aug 10, 2020

     This stretch from late July into late August is known as the dog days of summer, so named in ancient times for the rising of Sirius, or the dog star, during this time of the year. Though it faithfully follows the constellation of Orion around the night sky, Sirius was often recognized for the negatives that came with it in the form of hot temperatures and generally bad luck. While luck has something to do with every hunting trip, preparation usually pans out with better success, which is why w...

  • Dakota Recreation Report: August 10, 2020

    Patricia Stockdill|Aug 10, 2020

    Outdoor notes: *Aug. 12: Tundra swan applications due. Go to the N.D. Game & Fish Dept. website, ( to apply. *N.D. Dept. of Environmental Quality blue-green algae advisories for Buffalo, and Coal Mine lakes and Jamestown Reservoir. *Do not release any fish caught from water 25 feet and deeper because their swim bladder likely won’t allow them to survive when coming up from deep water. *Watchable Wildlife photo contest underway with Oct. 2 deadline. Contact N.D. Game & Fish Dept. c...

  • Duck brood numbers up from last year

    Aug 10, 2020

    State Game and Fish Department biologists expect a fall duck flight from North Dakota that is up 9% from last year, based on observations from the annual duck production survey. This year’s duck brood index was comparable to last year’s estimate and showed 4.5 broods per square mile, 52% above the long-term average (1965-2019). Average brood size was also similar at 6.8 ducklings per brood. Migratory game bird management supervisor Mike Szymanski said observation conditions were better this year among most wetland types, but observers sti...

  • Tips for talking to children about suicide

    Mindy Meier, Eddy County Community Cares|Aug 10, 2020

    It feels like we hear about suicide more and more all the time, and it’s hard to know how to talk to our kids. Death by suicide has increased every year since 1999 in people age 10 to 74, as this community has felt acutely. Thea Gallagher, clinic director at the Center for Treatment and Study of Anxiety in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, told TODAY “"You can’t prompt suicide by talking about it or asking about it." How we talk to our kids will vary depending on their ages. The American Academy of Pedia...

  • Aug 10, 2020


  • Transcript Publishing is hiring!

    Aug 10, 2020

    Looking for a great opportunity at a growing local company? Transcript Publishing is now hiring full or part-time staff. Do you love to write or take photos, use the computer to design, or operate digital printing equipment? We will train the right person. Come talk to us! Flexible hours, competitive wages, paid holidays and vacation and supplemental insurance plans offered. Apply in person at 817 Central Ave, New Rockford, or email Amy at [email protected]....

  • NR-S Restart Plan adopted by school board

    Rachel Brazil|Aug 10, 2020

    New Rockford-Sheyenne Superintendent Jill Louters presented the board of education with the school's re-entry plan during a special meeting on July 31. For much of July, Louters has been dialoguing with parents and staff regarding the re-entry plan. It turns out that there is one thing that everyone can agree upon- no plan is perfect for this scenario. Living in the age of COVID-19 forces each of us to be adaptable in an ever-changing world. Louters explained that this plan has been designed to...