Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883


Sorted by date  Results 426 - 450 of 1827

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  • Savvy Senior: Does Medicare cover power lift chairs?

    Jim Miller|Mar 14, 2022

    Dear Savvy Senior, Because of back pain and knee arthritis I’m interested in getting a power lift recliner for my living room that’s easy for me to get into and out of. Does Medicare cover them? Can’t Get Up Dear Can’t, Yes, Medicare does indeed provide some coverage for lift chairs, provided your doctor prescribes it for a medical reason, but they won’t cover the entire cost of the chair. Medicare will only pay for the motorized lifting mechanism, which is considered durable medical equipment...

  • Savvy Senior: Super cheap smartphone plans for scrimping seniors

    Jim Miller|Mar 7, 2022

    Dear Savvy Senior, Can you direct me to some really cheap wireless smartphone plans for seniors who don’t use much data? I use my smartphone primarily for texting and talking but need some data for checking my email and a few other things when I’m away from Wi-Fi. Right now, I pay $30 per month but am looking for a better deal. Senior Scrimper Dear Scrimper, There are several super cheap wirelesses providers I can recommend for older smartphone users who are looking to save money by paring dow...

  • History of New Rockford: March 7, 2022

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Mar 7, 2022

    On Nov. 4, 1904, a group of boys went swimming in the James River. Olof Barkland was down from the Sheyenne Valley on business and to visit. He had sold his farm to people from Illinois and was looking forward to visiting his mother and other relatives in Sweden, where he hadn’t been in 25 years. J.E. Renfrew came in on business and to visit. Republicans E.F. Porter, running for Secretary of State, and George D. Palmer of Carrington, candidate for the N.D. House from the 32nd District, were i...

  • Tree Talk: Spring fever

    Gerri Makay|Feb 28, 2022

    How are you feeling? This week a local television news reporter proclaimed February 2022 as “the longest shortest month, ever!” It’s enough to make even the toughest North Dakotan sick. Sick with cabin fever. Hang on – with a little luck and cooperation from Mother Nature, we can soon trade cabin fever for Spring Fever. Warm temperatures (yes, a relative term) and melting snow trigger the malady. Spring is “just around the corner” and we should plan for getting back into the garden. NDSU Extension has prepared the 2022 round of Spring Feve...

  • History of New Rockford: Feb. 28, 2022

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Feb 28, 2022

    On Oct. 29, 1904, William Thorn sold 17 head of cattle, steers, milch cows, and calves at the rear of Davies’ livery stable. F.C. Davies was the auctioneer. Whiteman & Prader pulled in their big threshing rig for the year. Iver Vick was down from the Sheyenne Valley on business and to visit. Rev. S.F. Beer of Fairmount, N.D., arrived to take charge of the Methodist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Slushert and family came up from Carrington to visit Mr. and Mrs. Silas Hylton and family, old friends f...

  • Savvy Senior: Can COBID-19 cause shingles?

    Jim Miller|Feb 28, 2022

    Dear Savvy Senior, How effective is the shingles vaccine and what is the CDC recommendation for getting it? My older brother and sister, both in their fifties, got COVID a few months back followed by shingles. Do you know if there is a connection between these viruses, and would the shingles vaccine have protected them? Scared of shingles Dear Scared, Great question! Many healthcare professionals across the country have been urging their older patients to get the shingles vaccine (in addition...

  • Feb 28, 2022


  • Tree Talk: George and the cherry tree (& other Presidential tales)

    Gerri Makay|Feb 21, 2022

    The story of George Washington and the cherry tree tells of the time the young future President of the United States chopped down his father’s favorite tree. As the story goes, George had received a hatchet for his sixth birthday and enthusiastically went about testing the useful gift. When his father discovered that his cherry tree had been damaged, he confronted George who bravely replied, “I cannot tell a lie…I did cut it with my hatchet.” All ends well as the father embraces his son, exclaiming that his honesty was worth more than a thous...

  • History of New Rockford: Feb. 21, 2022

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Feb 21, 2022

    On Oct. 19, 1904, the train brought in Mrs. I.J. Mills of Louisiana and Mrs. Emma Payne of Adel, Iowa, to visit their sister Mrs. F.P. Roush. That evening a farewell reception for Rev. and Mrs. C.F. Sewrey of the Methodist Church was held at the Mr. and Mrs. George Treffry home southeast of town with about fifty church members and friends. L.J. Aldrich, principal of Phillips Academy, presented the couple with “a handsome token of esteem” from the community, to which Rev. Sewrey responded. “El...

  • Savvy Senior: How to convince an elderly parent to stop driving

    Jim Miller|Feb 21, 2022

    Dear Savvy Senior, What is the best way to deal with older drivers who probably shouldn’t be driving anymore? My dad, who’s 86, is bound and determined to keep driving as long as he’s alive. Backseat Daughter Dear Backseat, For many families, talking to an elderly parent about giving up the car keys can be a very difficult and sensitive topic. While there’s no one way to handle this issue, here are a few suggestions that can help you evaluate your dad’s driving and ease him out from behind the w...

  • Tree Talk: The sweetest holiday

    Gerri Makay|Feb 14, 2022

    Just when you may have reached a milestone in dominating your New Year's resolution to cut out sugar, Valentine's Day appears on the calendar. There are ways around it – you can celebrate with a card (thanks, Hallmark) or go for the gold, literally, with jewelry. Flowers are perfect for some. But the most iconic, sweetest way to show affection is with a heart-shaped box of chocolates. Valentine's Day has a long history that evolved into the sharing of gifts and cards, but the first elaborate b...

  • History of New Rockford: Feb. 14, 2022

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Feb 14, 2022

    Gleanings from the back issues of the “Transcript” on the life of Nellie Davidson Streeter, 1883-1904, whose death I wrote about last week: Nellie Davidson was doing public recitations when she was four years old (June 1888). In December 1895 and up to Jan. 10, 1896; in October and December 1898; in February and September 1899; and in February and March 1900, she was neither absent nor tardy at the New Rockford School. On May 7, 1898, she won first prize in the second annual WCTU Silver Med...

  • Savvy Senior: Do I have to file income tax returns this year?

    Jim Miller|Feb 14, 2022

    Dear Savvy Senior, What is the IRS standard tax deduction for 2021? I didn’t file a tax return last tax year (2020) because I lost my job and my income in March due to COVID. But I got a part-time job in 2021 and am wondering if I made enough money that requires me to file this year. Part-Time Retiree Dear Retiree, Whether or not you are required to file a federal income tax return this year depends not only on how much you earned last year (in 2021), but also the source of that income, as w...

  • Tree Talk: Nature's winter palette

    Gerri Makay|Feb 7, 2022

    It's been a long winter. We've had our fair share of cold, snow, and even unseasonable rain, turning roads and streets into treacherous icy sheets. Look outside and your eyes are met with a sea of white – unless you look more closely... Evergreens or conifers (the trees produce cones, hence the term "conifer") provide a hint of spring with subtle hues of green. While short-needled Colorado spruce trees are not native to North Dakota, they are one of the most common trees found in communities a...

  • History of New Rockford: Feb. 7, 2022

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Feb 7, 2022

    On Oct. 10 and 11, 1904, Bessie Phillips was in from eastern Eddy County to shop and visit. On Oct. 11, Frank Parker was in from the Tiffany Flats for supplies. George Curtis was in on business from eastern Eddy County. John Haley came in from Tiffany. Fred Zimmerman, Jr., came in from his farm and John Weipert was up from Carrington on business and to visit. Mrs. R.P. Allison of Gullicks and Allison took a line of millinery to Barlow for the women of that community to peruse. Mrs. William...

  • Savvy Senior: Approaching 65? Here's what to know about enrolling in Medicare

    Jim Miller|Feb 7, 2022

    Dear Savvy Senior, Can you give me a brief rundown of Medicare’s enrollment choices along with when and how to sign-up? Approaching 65 Dear Approaching, The rules and timetables for Medicare enrollment can be confusing to many new retirees, so it’s smart to plan ahead. Here’s a simplified rundown of what to know. First a quick review. Remember that original Medicare has two parts: Part A, which provides hospital coverage and is free for most people, and Part B which covers doctor’s visits...

  • Tree Talk: It's Groundhog Day. Again

    Gerri Makay|Jan 31, 2022

    Nearly every month of the year has its holidays – some of them to celebrate joyous religious occasions, others to commemorate historical landmarks. And then, some are just plain whimsical. Groundhog Day is celebrated on February 2, the almost-midpoint between the winter solstice and spring equinox. This point in the calendar year has been significant for centuries, as cultures anticipated the birth of farm animals and planting of crops. German immigrants to the United States carried with them a...

  • History of New Rockford: Jan. 31, 2022

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Jan 31, 2022

    On the morning of Sunday, Oct. 2, 1904, McHenry merchant R.H. Howden came over for a couple days for business, and Mrs. Annie Oliver came over from that community for a visit of several days. At 8 p.m., Prof. H.H. Aaker of Fargo, the Prohibition Party’s candidate for governor, spoke to a large group at the Methodist Church on “Prohibition.” That evening, Francis Pottner took up at his farm one black muley cow, one red cow with a broken horn, one red and white cow, and one three-year old black mu...

  • Savvy Senior: Home modification tips for 'aging-in-place'

    Jim Miller|Jan 31, 2022

    Dear Savvy Senior, My wife and I would like to make some affordable changes to our home so we can remain living there for as long as possible. Can you recommend some good resources that can help us determine what all we need to consider? Getting Old Dear Getting, Many older adults, like you and your wife, want to stay living in their own home for as long as possible. But being able to do so will depend on how easy it is to maneuver in your living space as you get older. Here are some helpful...

  • Prairie Doc Perspectives: The Physician-Patient

    Kelly Evans-Hullinger M.D.|Jan 31, 2022

    Last spring, I was at home washing my hands, and as I glanced up into the mirror, I noticed something unusual. My bathroom light hit my neck just right as I swallowed and there it was: a prominent lump. I diagnosed myself with a thyroid nodule and wondered how I, a physician, had failed to notice this large protuberance before that moment. Thyroid nodules are quite common. In some cases, they are noticed by the patient (like me) or are found on exam. In many cases, they are found by accident when someone has an imaging test like a CT scan,...

  • Tree Talk: An apple a day

    Gerri Makay|Jan 24, 2022

    Breakfast is often stated as the most important meal of the day. On a cold morning, a warm bowl of creamy oatmeal flavored with cooked apple and brown sugar really hits the spot! That is, if you are an oatmeal fan. Many people enjoy apples in baked goods: pies, muffins, cobblers and crisps. Dried apples are a great portable snack for camping and hiking – and can easily be made at home with a dehydrator or an oven. Caramel apples are a treat reserved for county fairs and the circus. Bobbing f...

  • History of New Rockford: Jan. 24, 2022

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Jan 24, 2022

    Around Sept. 26, 1904, Leslie’s telephone line was transferred to the “Central” location in Babcock and Bucklin’s drug store, making a total of five such lines in the “Central” office. On the evenings of Sept. 26 to 28, the Nix family appeared in the Opera House; “they are good.” On the morning of Sept. 26, Jacob Chamberlain sold his 960-acre farm, five miles west of New Rockford, to Jacob Allmaras for around $20,000; Chamberlain was going to close out his business interests and leave for his h...

  • Savvy Senior: How to recognize a mini-stroke and what to do

    Jim Miller|Jan 24, 2022

    Dear Savvy Senior, How can a person know if they’ve had a minor stroke? My 72-year-old mother had a spell a few weeks ago where she suddenly felt dizzy for no apparent reason, and had trouble walking and speaking, but it went away, and she seems fine now. Concerned Son Dear Concerned, The way you’re describing it, it’s very possible that your mom had a “mini-stroke” also known as a transient ischemic attack (TIA), and if she hasn’t already done so she needs to see a doctor as soon as possible...

  • Prairie Doc Perspectives: The people at your table

    Debra Johnston M.D.|Jan 24, 2022

    One of my favorite parables describes the difference between heaven and hell. In both places, hungry people sit at tables laden with delicious food. In hell, people suffer and starve because they cannot eat with the long utensils provided. In heaven, people are happy and thrive because they use the utensils to feed each other. Many cultures and religions have some variation of this story. It illustrates a universal truth: we depend on each other. The current pandemic has starkly illustrated this interdependency, and it does not sit comfortably...

  • Tree Talk: Backyard feathered friends

    Gerri Makay|Jan 17, 2022

    Birdwatching has grown to be one of the most popular hobbies in the U.S. North Dakota is noted as a birdwatcher's paradise, with wide-open spaces, featuring habitats that range from grasslands to prairie potholes to forests. The state is home to a surprising abundance of 376 different species! (see a checklist on the N.D. Game and Fish website) An easy method of birdwatching in the winter is to simply look out the window into your own backyard. Bird feeders are a sure way to attract a variety...

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