Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883


Sorted by date  Results 826 - 850 of 1827

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  • History of New Rockford: June 15, 2020

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Jun 15, 2020

    The April 24, 1903, “Transcript” said the mail route from Oberon to Ft. Totten had been changed; it would go from Sheyenne to Ft. Totten. Two ads—The East Side Livery Barn, Guss Gullicks, prop. The New Rockford Shoe Store, John Wenz, prop. A professional notice: Dr. Charles MacLachlan, M.D., residence Stimson Ave. West, telephone 4-3-b; physician and surgeon, offices over the Central Drug Store [Buck & Couch Drug Store], telephone 4-3-a. “Wanted—a girl for general housework; see Mrs. S.N. Putn...

  • Archival Anecdotes: The Coffee Crew

    Rachel Brazil|Jun 15, 2020

    Every small town cafe seems to have a group of coffee drinkers who enjoy sitting down each morning and sharing the latest. Even at the Rockford Cafe, you are likely to see such an event unfolding, especially now that the cafe has reopened after months of coronavirus restrictions. The faces at the Rockford Cafe may have changed over the years, but you can rest assured that the local coffee club is alive and well. Pictured above is the 1951 coffee club at Rockford Cafe. Starting at the left from...

  • Savvy Senior: Advance care planning in the age of coronavirus

    Jim Miller|Jun 15, 2020

    Dear Savvy Senior, All this horrible coronavirus carnage got me thinking about my own end-of-life decisions if I were to get sick. Can you recommend some good resources that can help me create a living will or advance directive, or other pertinent documents? I’ve put it off long enough. Almost 70 Dear Almost, Creating a living will (also known as an advance directive) is one of those things most people plan to do, but rarely get around to actually doing. Only about one-third of Americans c...

  • Savvy Senior: How to make the most of your telehealth appointment

    Jim Miller|Jun 8, 2020

    Dear Savvy Senior, I manage a large doctor’s clinic that treats hundreds of seniors each month. We are moving to more telehealth visits to help keep our patients safe at home during the coronavirus pandemic, but this new way of seeing a doctor is befuddling to many of our elder patients. Can you write a column educating patients on how to prepare for a telehealth appointment? Regular Reader Dear Reader, I’d be happy to help! To help keep patients safe and at home during the coronavirus cri...

  • Archival Anecdotes: Hamburger King Cafe

    Rachel Brazil|Jun 8, 2020

    This week's feature for Archival Anecdotes might make you drool, especially considering new data just compiled by a food and cooking website known as "The Daring Kitchen." By tracking over 100,000 tweets and hashtags on the social media platform Twitter, the researcher was able to rank the top burger-loving states. The data was released on May 28, which is also known as National Hamburger Day. North Dakota ranked number two, coming in second to West Virginia. It's an honor that may have been...

  • History of New Rockford: June 08, 2020

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Jun 8, 2020

    About 9 p.m. April 16, 1903, a fire was discovered in Nathan Flater’s blacksmith shop. It had started in one of the forges and had burned much of the south wall of the shop before discovery. Fire Chief R.U. Austin broke a window and put out the flames. A strong northwest wind would have endangered the northwest part of town if the fire had spread. Austin said he had tackled the flames by himself because the past two monthly meetings of the NRFD had to be cancelled since there was no quorum, a...

  • Our Outdoors: The Ecstasy of Gold

    Nick Simonson|Jun 8, 2020

    It was one of those spring days we've had an abundance of: warm but not quite hot and just windy enough to make it feel cool. As a result, the river was quiet. The fact that it was midday left only me following a long morning run that ate up most of the front half of my day, and a couple of boats scattered up the two-mile stretch I patrolled under clear blue post-frontal skies, propelled one way by the rising gusts and slowed as I turned back against them. All the while the click-and-wiggle of...

  • Talk of the Town: June 1, 2020

    Charlotte Koepplin|Jun 1, 2020

    New Rockford and area folks extend sympathy to the family of Joseph Troske. Friday, Janet Laube decorated the family graves at Bremen Cemetery and accompanied MarJean Pfau to decorate graves. Saturday, Janet visited Prairie Home Cemetery with flowers for loved ones and the same at Carrington Cemetery. Martin and Janelle Koepplin visited cemeteries in New Rockford, Carrington and Edmunds on Sunday, decorating graves of loved ones. Memorial Day Monday they enjoyed a visit and dinner at the Charlotte Koepplin home. Calvin Packard and mom, Shirley,...

  • Oberon Oracles: June 1, 2020

    Linda Madson|Jun 1, 2020

    Lester Roberts had a social distanced visit with Craig, Sandy and Kinley Poulsen in Oberon on Friday. Saturday, Lester visited with Gene Woolley. Later in the day, he stopped by Lezlee Thorson’s camp site at the lake and also visited with granddaughter, Kayla Thorson. He is happy to report he has a fresh haircut thanks to Lezlee. Lester now has another week of quarantine in “Stalag 17”. Howard and Parker Schmid mowed and trimmed the yard at Calvary church in Oberon on Friday. Howard and Helen visited relatives at the Oberon, Selz and Grand...

  • Pleasant Prairie: June 1, 2020

    Charlotte Koepplin|Jun 1, 2020

    Last Saturday, Jimmy Indergaard enjoyed dinner and visiting with his sister Ruth and Andy Braaten at their home. He returned Sunday for supper. Sister Sharon Laxdal gave Jimmy a phone call on Thursday and Sunday. Margie Anderson enjoyed a Memorial Day lawn visit with Karen Anderson and Amber Sylling, Weston and Boden. Charlotte Koepplin and Carol Clancy of Thompson, N.D., enjoyed a phone chat last Monday, hashing over the COVID-19 thing, the weather and a bit of politics. Things are okay at the Clancy residence. Ervin Longnecker and Mike and...

  • Sheyenne News: June 1, 2020

    Patti Clifton|Jun 1, 2020

    Last Thursday, Chuck and Karen Erickson, Mandan, Wayne and Elaine Retzlaf, Jan Loe, Roger and Betty Westby tended to family graves at Augustana Cemetery, Warwick and New Rockford cemeteries. They enjoyed lunch at the Sheyenne Senior Center. Later, all enjoyed supper and more visiting at the home of Roger and Betty Westby. Friday, members of the family and friends of Gladys Erickson gathered at the Sheyenne Senior Center for lunch, followed by the interment of Gladys at Augustana Cemetery. Gladys and her husband Stan raised their children in She...

  • Savvy Senior: How to find health insurance after a job loss

    Jim Miller|Jun 1, 2020

    Dear Savvy Senior, Because of the coronavirus pandemic, I just got laid off from my job of 22 years and need to find health insurance until I can get another job or enroll in Medicare at age 65. What are my options? Scared to Death Dear Scared, I’m very sorry about your job loss. It’s estimated that as many as 45 million Americans could lose their health insurance as businesses continue to lay off workers due to repercussions of the coronavirus pandemic. Here’s where you can find health insur...

  • Archival Anecdotes: The Ballot Box

    Rachel Brazil, Eddy County Museum|Jun 1, 2020

    In 1892, North Dakota participated in its very first presidential election. It was a big year in terms of elections. Six states had joined the union, bringing the total of established states up to 44. Hot topics of the election included farming issues and sound currency. Former President Grover Cleveland was running for re-election against incumbent President Benjamin Harrison who was also running for re-election. Cleveland defeated Harrison, thus becoming the only person in U.S. history to be...

  • History of New Rockford: June 1, 2020

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|Jun 1, 2020

    The April 10, 1903, “Transcript” had an article on the local telephone situation. Noxon & Oglesby had around 100 telephones in New Rockford, plus two well-built and durable lines running into the country which were sufficient for the amount of business they carried. However, because they were not heavy insulated cable wire with cast iron poles, they couldn’t be hooked into a long-distance line to New York City or any major community. Neither the area farmers nor the residents of New Rockf...

  • Sheyenne News: May 25, 2020

    Patti Clifton|May 25, 2020

    LaVonne (Hungness) Aspley passed away May 12. She was the daughter of the late Oscar and Mabel Hungness of Sheyenne and a member of the Sheyenne High School Class of 1953. She had lived in Chanhassen, Minn. Sympathy is extended to her brother Paul Hungness of New Rockford. Patti Clifton joined Shirley Westby, Bonnie Deegan and Jan Loe for a social distancing visit and coffee last Tuesday afternoon. Jan Loe stopped for a quick (social distancing) visit at the home of Patti Clifton on Monday afternoon. Reminder: No Memorial Day program or dinner...

  • Pleasant Prairie News: May 25, 2020

    Charlotte Koepplin|May 25, 2020

    Saturday Jimmy Indergaard enjoyed supper with Andy and Ruth Braaten and Nikki. Sunday evening garden visitor and supper guests of Taylor and Amanda Koepplin and Evelyn, Luke and Charlie. Friday afternoon brief backyard visitors at the Charlotte Koepplin home were Janet Laube and Yip Yip. Pleasant Prairie folks are trying to get spring planting underway despite the wet conditions and are coping with COVID-19 restrictions. News is scarce....

  • Talk of the Town: May 25, 2020

    Charlotte Koepplin|May 25, 2020

    Candy Jensen enjoyed phone calls from sons Jerrod and Angie Holte of Mapleton and Derik Holte and Val of Minneapolis and special flowers from her brother Rick and Cara Koepplin and gang of Devils Lake. Sunday afternoon visitors and helpers at the Janet Laube home were niece Robin and Scott Westall of Fargo, and was pleasantly surprised by visits from niece Lisa and Kieth Paulson of Gully, Minn., and former neighbor Jeanne Wobbema of Valley City. New Rockford and area folks extend recovery wishes to Paul Hungness as he recuperates from recent...

  • Oberon Oracles: May 25, 2020

    Linda Madson|May 25, 2020

    Lester Roberts reported that the Oberon cemetery will be mowed Friday or Saturday (weather permitting) so asks that Memorial Day flowers wait if possible, until the mowing is done. Lester’s cousin, Arlene Keister from Whitefish, Mont., passed away. She was born and raised in the Oberon area 97 years ago and left the area when she was around 20. Lester talked to his sister, Marlene Miller in Mesa, Ariz., this week. He also had a few calls from Chad Getscher. Howard and Helen Schmid have returned to their North Dakota home for the summer. They a...

  • From Las Vegas to North Dakota amidst COVID-19

    Christian Martinez|May 25, 2020

    Four years ago I decided to attend college in the great state of North Dakota. Initially, I didn't know what to expect, as I was from a big city – Las Vegas – which is said to be the entertainment capital of the world and has a population of over 500,000 people. Plus tourists come and leave constantly. Being so acclimated to this type of environment, I didn't know what a small town would be like. Four years later, and I honestly feel like this place is a second home. Everyone is so com...

  • History of New Rockford: May 25, 2020

    K.C. Gardner Jr.|May 25, 2020

    On April 5, 1903, the Eddy County Board of Health (James A. Manly, president; J.W. Stoddard, vice president; Dr. Charles MacLachlan, superintendent) adopted the following orders: All manure, garbage, offal, or refuse near any dwelling, business, or water supply must be removed. No such material, unless spread out and plowed under, could be within a half-mile of any dwelling or public highway, or within a quarter-mile of any water supply. Carcasses of domestic animals must be removed and buried...

  • Archival Anecdotes: May 25, 2020

    Rachel Brazil|May 25, 2020

    Milkshakes are indeed an invention of American industrialization. They first came into existence in the early 1900s and consisted of a hand-shaken mixture of crushed ice and milk, sugar, and flavorings. Thanks to the widespread use of ice boxes, the drink became a staple at soda fountains. However, it was the invention of the electric blender in 1922 that helped to propel milkshakes into popularity. By the 1930s, the cold and ice-creamy treat was available at malt shops across the country. One...

  • Savvy Senior: Meal Delivery Options for Seniors Sheltering in Place

    Jim Miller|May 25, 2020

    Dear Savvy Senior,  Can you recommend some good grocery and/or meal service delivery options for seniors? My 78-year-old mother has always shopped for herself, but since the coronavirus pandemic hit the grocery store shelves are always half empty, and she’s getting more fearful of leaving the house.  Parent Helper Dear Helper, There are numerous grocery and meal service delivery options available to help seniors stay safe at home during this pandemic, but what’s available to your mom will de...

  • Life is Grann: Sister duo learn life lessons on and off rodeo circuit

    Kristi Frahm|May 18, 2020

    COVID-19 has forced the development of apps that can trace places and people you have come in contact with during a certain time period. I think the invention of a technological device that could add all of the time spent doing past activities would be rather beneficial, too. When I see John and Donna Grann at sporting events, I wonder just how much time they have spent throughout the years in gymnasiums, at football fields and at rodeo arenas, cheering their four kids and their teams on to...

  • Pleasant Prairie News: May 18, 2020

    Charlotte Koepplin|May 18, 2020

    Corey Jorgensen, Ervin Longnecker, Dale and Diane Rosenberg, Jay Cudworth, Dianne Goebel and Charlotte Koepplin were among those who attended a Circle Trail Riders Inc. meeting Monday evening at Hanson’s Bar. Tuesday morning, Charlotte Koepplin enjoyed a chat with Karen Koepplin. Last Saturday, Jimmy Indergaard’s home was the scene of a painting bee, as family gathered to give inside rooms a facelift. Also, during the week, Jimmy enjoyed phone chats and meals with family. Charlotte Koepplin enjoyed a mighty fine grilled steak supper Sat...

  • Sheyenne News: May 18, 2020

    Patti Clifton|May 18, 2020

    On Sunday, Steph Loe and mom Jan were in Minnewaukan where they had a safe-distancing visit with Jan’s niece Pam and Brian Hill of Grand Forks. The Hills were at their summer place there. While there, Steph picked up a boat motor that her uncle Jim Woodrow had sent for her. Shirley Westby received Happy Mother’s Day phone calls from son Steve in Arizona, daughter Kathy in Washington and son Ross and Kristi, also in Arizona. Later, Shirley’s daughter Paula Seiler from New Rockford stopped in for a Mother’s Day visit. Her son Neil and Laurie...

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