Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883


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  • Sermonette: June 20, 2022

    Pastor Joe Greiner|Jun 20, 2022

    A heavy metal band I commonly listen to, Skillet, recently released a song called “Hero.” In the song they describe, with no shortage of energy, how we need a hero. From the Skillet’s perspective, there is so much wrong with the world, life, and inside all of us that there is no way to make it through without an intervention by a hero. They feel a necessity for someone to fight for the weak, someone to fight for what’s right, and for someone to fight for humanity after death. Skillet isn’t crazy. I see this desire for a hero everywher...

  • Living on Purpose: Learning how to adjust our sails

    Billy Holland|Jun 20, 2022

    “Our mind is a garden our thoughts are seeds, we can plant flowers or we can plant weeds.” This old saying means we choose what we think about and are responsible for the thoughts we allow to grow. We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust our sails. We decide each moment what we will say, how we act, and who we will serve. God is waiting for us to become the person Jesus died for us to be. Courage does not always roar. Sometimes faith is the quiet voice at the end of the day that says, “I...

  • Sermonette: David's Mighty Men

    Pastor Joe Greiner|Jun 13, 2022

    Adino killed 800 men in one battle. Eleazar slayed Philistine warriors alone until his arm was exhausted from destroying his enemies. Shammah, despite being fully surrounded, held the high ground alone and won the victory. These three also tore through Philistine battle lines, and then slashed their way back through… merely to fetch David a drink of Bethlehem water (David did not command or order them to do this.) Then there was Abishai who struck down 300 Philistine warriors alone, as well as Benaiah-who killed two prominent Moabites, an i...

  • Sermonette: June 6, 2022

    Rev. Reese Weber|Jun 6, 2022

    Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization gives the Supreme Court an opportunity to undo Roe v. Wade. If Roe is overturned and North Dakota decides to protect the lives of preborn children, then more care for mothers and their children must accompany this decision. The Catholic Church is redoubling efforts to accompany women and couples who are facing unexpected or difficult pregnancies, offering them loving and compassionate care. Through the years, the Catholic Church in the United States has developed many ministries to serve expectant m...

  • Sermonette: May 30, 2022

    Rev. Reese Weber|May 30, 2022

    Many years ago, I heard a story about a young girl who was suffering from a rare and deadly disease. Her health declined rapidly. However, through a number of tests and some luck, they discovered that her 7-year old little brother had somehow developed the antibodies needed to combat her illness. A simple blood transfusion would save her life. The doctor explained the situation to her little brother, and asked him if he would be willing to give his blood to his sister. He hesitated slightly, but a moment later, he took a deep breath and said,...

  • Youth confirmed at First Lutheran Church

    May 23, 2022

    On Sunday, May 15, nine students were confirmed in their faith at First Lutheran Church in New Rockford by Pastor Amy Kippen. Congratulations to all!...

  • Sermonette: May 23, 2022

    Rev. Reese Weber|May 23, 2022

    Awhile back, I heard an explanation of the old adage, “Still waters run deep.” Deep waters remain rather consistent and calm because of their great depth. Meanwhile, the surface is always changing, depending on the wind and the season. The surface can be very smooth and calm at one moment, and rough and choppy the next. At the same time, in the deep waters, things remain relatively peaceful and unaffected by the ever-changing surface. This is applicable for deep lakes and oceans; it is also analogous to the spiritual life. The deeper our fri...

  • Sermonette: May 16, 2022

    Father Reese Weber|May 16, 2022

    Jesus says that those who are forgiven much will love much but “those who are forgiven little will love little” (cf. Luke 7:47). Does this mean that we have to be forgiven for great and many sins before we can have great love for God? In other words, do those who did not commit many sins love God less than those who have been forgiven for their many sins? One of my favorite saints, Therese of Lisieux, never committed a serious sin in her whole life. She gives clarity to this question by telling two stories. In the first story, a doctor’s child...

  • Living on Purpose: Man shall not live by bread alone

    Billy Holland|May 16, 2022

    One of the popular topics that readers contact me about are concerns associated with food shortages and higher costs. I realize that no one has a crystal ball to see into the future, but we have plenty of websites that are encouraging everyone to stockpile food and water. The prepping movement has been warning the public for years to prepare for such a crisis and of course, many have created profitable businesses by selling everything a person would need if something like this were to happen....

  • Confirmation and First Holy Eucharist celebrated

    May 9, 2022

    Sunday, April 24 at 2 p.m. at St. John's Catholic Church in New Rockford, Bishop John T. Folda presided at Confirmation and First Holy Eucharist with seven students from St. John's Catholic Church in New Rockford and five students from Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Carrington. The students from St. John's in New Rockford, who were taught by Jodi Guler, are Alexa Allmaras, Kensley Engels, Sadie Knatterud, Cordell Myhre, Zoe Reisenauer, Maddie Schaefer, and Bryce Yri....

  • Sermonette: May 9, 2022

    Jeff Schafer, Representative of St. Johns Catholic Church|May 9, 2022

    Joe Kennedy, a former assistant coach at Bremerton High School in Bremerton, Wash., lost his coaching job after refusing to stop kneeling in prayer with players and spectators on the field immediately after football games. He took his arguments to the Supreme Court on April 25, 2022, saying the school district violated his First Amendment rights by refusing to let him continue praying at the 50-yard line after games. As a society, what have we come to? This man knelt midfield by himself, never asked anyone to join him, but eventually players...

  • Sermonette: The Devil doesn't mind your church growing

    Pastor Joe Greiner|May 2, 2022

    The devil doesn’t mind your church growing. I know, it’s an eye grabbing first line (the youth might call it “click bait,”) but bear with me, I stand by it. Throughout the gospels, one of the consistent themes is Jesus driving out demons. Most people know and celebrate this. However, many people forget the odd thing Jesus always does along with exorcism. Predictably, the demons always try to shout out that they recognize Jesus as “the Holy One of God,” but Jesus always commands them to be quiet, then exorcises them. Think about that. What...

  • Sermonette: Action figure Jesus

    Pastor Joe Greiner|Apr 25, 2022

    One of my father-in-law’s hobbies is collecting toys. He has a myriad of different collectible figures from different movies or TV shows. Recently he visited me and gave me five figures based upon the characters from the TV show ‘Lost.’ I find them fairly amusing because they are plastic models of actors attempting to portray people who never really existed. That thought makes me laugh a little inside. My father-in-law has figures from all sorts of movies (Star Wars, the Fantastic Four,) TV shows (Lost), and I believe he even has a few based...

  • Living on Purpose: Jesus gave His life so that we could live

    Billy Holland|Apr 25, 2022

    I admit I am an emotional person. I recall going to see the Passion movie a few years ago and I was disturbed to say the least. It’s not uncommon for me to shed a tear when I witness something that moves my soul and this was no exception. Recently, I was watching a program about the “Make-A-Wish Foundation” and how they provide a way for very sick children to experience a happy, but most likely, last request and I cried through the entire program. As the agonizing scenes of what Christ went...

  • Sermonette: Wait for it

    Pastor Joe Greiner|Apr 18, 2022

    Wait for it. In 1st Samuel we come across the first king of Israel: Saul. Now, many of us know how the story of Saul turns out, but he began as a courageous leader. His first royal action was to rally all of Israel together (a feat unto itself in those days) and rescue a city in danger of being captured by one of Israel’s enemies. Saul initially inspired confidence that he may just be the kind of leader Israel needed. However, it didn’t take long to begin to see his shortfalls. See, his initial victory and subsequent crowning had riled the mas...

  • The passion of Passover

    Tawnya Bulger|Apr 18, 2022

    I am sure March 2020 is part of a time reference that few of us will ever forget. It seemed to be the onset of a season of fear, chaos, shifting sands and mercurial narratives. It was that chaotic spring when our family discovered something beautiful to stand on. It was the first time we had a Passover/Pesach Seder (or meal). The Hebrew language and culture has long been a fascination of mine for years, and about 10 years ago we were guests of a Passover Seder on Maundy Thursday at our church....

  • Sermonette: Following in the Unknown

    Pastor Joe Greiner|Apr 11, 2022

    In the book of Judges, we find many strange stories. From a left-handed assassin killing an obese monarch, to a coward who destroyed an idol only to build a new one after God saved him; all of it and much more can be found in this dark and gruesome book. However, despite the strange nature of the book, at least one of the “heroes” is still well known in a children’s Sunday School room: Samson. His story, found in Judges 13, begins in mystery. The story begins with a woman being visited by an angel. Neither the angel nor the woman is named...

  • Being accountable for our spiritual sensitivity

    Billy Holland|Apr 11, 2022

    I remember the day we brought Teddy our English Bulldog puppy into our home. The breeder told us he was eight weeks old but after receiving his papers, we noticed he was actually only six weeks old at the time. He was a healthy little bruiser and we would laugh at his stumbling and being uncoordinated, but now we realize it was because he was such a baby. My wife and I would sit on the porch in the evenings and watch him explore around in the front yard. He was so happy as he would jump and...

  • Sermonette: April 4, 2022

    Pastor Joe Greiner|Apr 4, 2022

    This last week, I was studying my way through Romans 7 when I came to a very intriguing passage. The passage was Romans 7:14-21. The main theme in this passage is the struggle between the Apostle Paul’s two natures. A part of him is utterly fallen and sinful, and another part of him desires to please God. I found this to be very thought provoking. Most Christians would acknowledge Paul as being a stellar believer. The Apostle Paul writes about living in faith, loving God, and loving people with such passion that it is hard for people today t...

  • Sermonette: March 28, 2022

    Pastor Jeff Halvorson|Mar 28, 2022

    Is spring finally here? It sure looks like it. I walked to work today and didn't have to worry about slipping on the ice. It was a beautiful morning. We had so much ice this year and let's throw in wind as well. Nothing like a strong wind blowing snow over the ice to polish it up nice and shiny and slippery. I had a meeting with a family at the funeral home early this afternoon. Sometime between my walk to the office in the morning and my afternoon drive to New Rockford to the funeral home, it got quite windy, cold and even a drop a two of...

  • Sermonette: March 21, 2022

    Pastor Jeff Halvorson|Mar 21, 2022

    Why? So often this is a question asked by children of their parents. They see something they are not familiar with so it stands to reason that they would ask why. Even everyday occurrences, things that are so common to us we don't even notice them, can be a wonderment to little ones. Sometimes they don't know why there are rules or why they are forbidden to do some things. “Come inside, it's starting to rain,” says mom. Do we have to? Why? “Because you will get wet.” So? We get wet when we take a bath. Why can't we get wet in the rain? “Your c...

  • Sermonette: March 14, 2022

    Pastor Jeff Halvorson|Mar 14, 2022

    If you were to think of a single word, one which would sum up the Lent season, what would it be? Sadness? Worry? Death? Suffering? Jesus? Cross? There are any number of words that come to mind. And most likely, they would all be correct to some extent. Certainly all the ones I just listed would qualify. But the one I've come up with, the one word that to me signifies this season on our church calendar is Forgiveness. It is indeed a difficult concept to truly understand. In other religions of the world, they don't have a God that will forgive a...

  • Living on Purpose: God searches for those who drift away

    Billy Holland|Mar 14, 2022

    No matter where we come from or how we have been taught, we are responsible for what we think, what we say, and how we act. As optimism and pessimism are learned behaviors, we know that our conduct and worldviews can be changed and controlled if this is our desire. Our spiritual understanding about who God is and who we are in Him must become more than a hope or a chance of fate. Having a personal relationship with Him is based on knowing that we have been purchased with the blood that Jesus...

  • Living on Purpose: A testimony about a miraculous healing

    Billy Holland|Mar 7, 2022

    I want to share a praise report of God healing someone I know personally. We hear about sickness and disease and the endless cries of why, but rarely do we learn about miracles when God intervenes and touches a person with His creative and restoring authority. In the New Testament, there are true accounts of Jesus asking what He can do for those who were suffering, and when they told Him their request, He said, “I will.” As Christians, we pray because we believe God is listening and that He wil...

  • Sermonette: March 7, 2022

    Pastor Jeff Halvorson|Mar 7, 2022

    This week begins the portion of the church calendar that separates Christianity from all other religions, Easter. As a prelude, a time for preparation, for nearly all Christian denominations to observe the season of Lent. The season of Lent lasts for 40 days and begins on Ash Wednesday. But if you were to count the actual days on your calendar from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday you would find there are 44 days. The answer to this is that as Sunday is a day of worship, it is not counted as a day of preparation. So, taking the days of this...

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