Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883


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  • 8th Annual Golf Ball Drop

    Jul 27, 2020

    On Sunday, August 2, the "JT Rice North Dakota Chapter of Pilots for Christ" will be hosting a FREE Golf Ball Drop and Celebration fly-in. This is the eighth annual ball drop for the organization and again this year the members would like to give back in appreciation of all that has been given to them through donations of time, talent, resources, and funding. The group formed a prize committee to choose prizes to be given away. The committee chose 1) a gas grill. 2) a one-hour helicopter tour....

  • Living on Purpose: The constant need for spiritual discernment

    Billy Holland|Jul 27, 2020

    Within the Christian life, there are many pillars of truth which are critical to our spiritual development and one of these is discernment. The word may have several meanings, but mostly it's associated with having spiritual sensitivity. Within the Biblical view it is used to identify whether something is good or evil and being able to interpret and understand God's voice. You see, we cannot hear what he is saying if we are not walking close to him or even aware of his presence. It's elementary...

  • Sermonette: July 27, 2020

    Pastor Jeff Halvorson|Jul 27, 2020

    There was a television program some time ago, reruns continue today. “Fraiser” was based on a psychiatrist who had given up private practice and now had a radio program where people would call in with problems of various levels of seriousness, though usually intended to be humorous. On one particular episode, the psychiatrist was told that he had to have a little song to be played as an intro to his program. Eventually, at the program’s ending, what they came up with was if you wanted help, no matter what your problem, if you wanted help,...

  • Sermonette: July 20, 2020

    Pastor Jeff Halvorson|Jul 20, 2020

    Greetings. What a wonderful time of year. Swimming pools are open, we can again have picnics in the park, chase that little white ball around golf courses, and enjoy leisurely walks in the evenings, listening to the birds singing. If you have the inclination, you can even sit back and relax in the sun with a fishing pole in your hand. We have no worries about icy roads, wondering if the car will start, and so forth. But, this year, after such a cold winter, we were so looking forward to finally having spring and then the coronavirus hit. While...

  • On Purpose: Our grass is greener than we think

    Billy Holland|Jul 13, 2020

    I really appreciate readers who send me emails and even hand-written letters, they are truly an encouragement. Actually, I received a wonderful letter the other day by a gentleman from South Carolina who had recently lost his wife and he said one of these columns touched him deeply. My topic was about how God’s eye is always on the sparrow, and this reminded him of a precious memory that he and his wife had experienced many years ago. He sent along some photos and it was just a very kind e...

  • Living on Purpose

    Billy Holland|Jul 6, 2020

    And I know He watches me I was working out in the yard the other day and a tiny sparrow landed on the ground just a few feet from me. I watched as it moved its head around and then flew off with lightning speed. I was reminded of the passage in Matthew chapter ten which states that God keeps His eye on every sparrow and how He watches us even more closely. What a comfort to know that wherever we are or what experiences we are going through, we can rest assured that He is attentively observing ev...

  • Sermonette: Peace I Give to You

    Rhianne Bowman|Jun 29, 2020

    I’ve had several conversations with different people about anxiety lately. Last week I wrote about worry and stress, but I think anxiety can fall into an entirely different category. Yes, most of us have everyday things we are anxious and worried about, but these conversations have been about the type of anxiety that consumes you and stops you in your tracks. Some people have anxiety that stops them from functioning, makes it hard to get up in the morning, or makes the simplest of things seem like life or death. These conversations made me r...

  • Sermonette: Be Still

    Rhianne Bowman|Jun 22, 2020

    He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” -Psalm 46:10 The Lord has been reminding me of the basics lately. He has been bringing me back to him, his heart and the building blocks of knowing him. Two weeks ago, I wrote about prayer, last week I talked about love, and this week I want to explore the idea of being still. I want to explore what that means and why it’s important in our lives. Last week I had a busy week. I went to Fargo, went camping, had to work and got ready...

  • Sermonette: Love

    Rhianne Bowman|Jun 15, 2020

    1 Peter 4:8 “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.” These last few weeks... no, months, have made 2020 one for the history books. Not only do we have a virus that has almost shut our country down, now riots have hit the streets and people are loudly protesting the injustices in our world. I’ve watched the news and scrolled social media, all the while wondering what can ​I d​o to help. How can I make an impact in our world when it seems to be spinning too fast around me? Last week I wrote about pra...

  • Youth recognized for Confirmation, First Communion milestones

    Jun 15, 2020

  • Sermonette: Make Your Life a Prayer

    Rhianne Bowman|Jun 8, 2020

    “Make your life a prayer.” 1 Thessalonians 5:17 TPT The Lord has been teaching me about prayer, a lot, lately. Prayer is a subject I think we can become ambivalent or casual towards. We know the spiel, “it’s important, it works, and it’s how we communicate with God.” But do we really understand the power of prayer? How by simply asking, God can change his mind and alter the future of a people, a nation and the world. The world has become a crazy place and seems to be getting crazier by the day. We watch the news and see anger, violence, r...

  • Living on Purpose: The victorious spirituall life

    Dr. Billy Holland|Jun 1, 2020

    If our mind is filled with a world of thoughts that are contrary or even dishonorable to God, how can there be room for us to concentrate on His goodness, peace, and hope? When Mary was about to give birth and there was no room in the Inn, God was also allowing us to see that many people in this world have no room in their life for Jesus. Their heart and mind is filled with carnality, selfishness, arrogance, and negative influences. This is why the enemy of our soul has created many obstacles an...

  • Sermonette: May 25, 2020

    Alicia Louters|May 25, 2020

    What is the meaning and purpose of life? This is a question I would not have been able to answer a few years ago. At that point, my biggest worries were enjoying life and managing what other people thought of me. Going into college, I was so hung up on this question of identity that I took a class about it my first semester. Goals, Drives, and the Search for Identity. Interestingly enough, it was not this class that helped me figure it out. About halfway through my freshman year, I began a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Through...

  • Sermonette: Love for enemies

    Alicia Louters|May 18, 2020

    Something that God has been continuing to teach me lately is how to better love people. Simple, but far from easy. The other day, I read through Luke 6:27-36. This passage is quoted from one of Jesus’ sermons and is about love for enemies. “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.” (27-28) God knows that our natural, sinful desire is self-interest. We worry about people being unfair, treating us poorly, and saying terrible things about us. Yet, we are called to love these...

  • Sermonette: May 11, 2020

    Alicia Louters|May 11, 2020

    Be still. It is said several times throughout the Bible, and is quite a popular phrase among the home décor section of Hobby Lobby. He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10 The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still. Exodus 14:14 Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; do not fret when people succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes. Psalm 37:7 It seems we have heard God’s call for us to be still, but are we actua...

  • Sermonette: April 27, 2020

    Pastor Joe Greiner, Evangelical Free Church|Apr 27, 2020

    “The Centurion’s Faith” Over the course of his three years of ministry, Jesus interacts with many different people. Obviously, religious leaders, fishermen and his disciples; but also prostitutes, tax collectors and many other people. Some of them had faith in Jesus, some did not. But across the board, only once does he seem surprised by a person’s faith. That person was not a religious leader, or a faithful blue-color fisherman, or even a Jew, but a Roman soldier. A man whose name is not recorded, but rank of centurion is. The story goes th...

  • Sermonette: Walking the walk

    Pastor Joe Greiner, Evangelical Free Church|Apr 20, 2020

    Christians like to talk a good game. We love to brag about how this is a Christian nation. We champion conservative causes. We claim victories when abortion laws get passed. We’re proud of how in North Dakota, Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings are still kept mostly clear for church activities. Let’s be honest, we consider New Rockford to be a by-and-large Christian community, don’t we? I suppose I can’t speak for the world, but I can say from my life experiences, Midwestern Christians have a lot of pride. And the root of that confide...

  • Parishioners celebrate Palm Sunday with a parade

    Amy Wobbema|Apr 13, 2020

    New Rockford church goers took to the streets to celebrate Palm Sunday. Whereas normally church parishioners, often youth, proceed through church aisles waving palm branches while singing, this year church buildings were closed due to COVID-19 restrictions. Ministerial members and congregants refused to let social distancing get in the way of their celebration though. Locals made paper palm fronds, waved pom poms, and attached tree branches to their vehicles and drove up and down the streets of...

  • Sermonette: April 13, 2020

    Pastor Joe Greiner, Evangelical Free Church|Apr 13, 2020

    These last couple of weeks have been tough for a lot of us. While few (if any) of us have actually been touched by COVID-19, we’ve seen our schedules go up in flames. High school events, church services, community events, family gatherings, all sorts of things have been sacrificed on the altar of social distancing. The upheaval has been wide spread and dramatic. In this time of clear schedules and ‘shelter in place,’ I want to point to Jesus’ words as recorded by Matthew. “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust des...

  • Sermonette: April 6, 2020

    Pastor Joe Greiner, Evangelical Free Church|Apr 6, 2020

    And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. Hebrews 10:24-25 For years, it has been easy to do as the author says and continue to gather together and encourage one another. Our culture almost shuts down on Sundays, and there are many churches to choose from. Most of the churches utilize the efforts of paid professionals, comfortable church buildings, and plenty of chairs to sit in....

  • Sermonette: March 30, 2020

    Rev. Doug Nemitz|Mar 30, 2020

    “I will put my spirit within you, and you shall live, . . . then you shall know that I the Lord, have spoken and will act, says the Lord.” — (Ezekiel 37:14) There is a lot to unpack in this story of the valley of dry bones found in Ezekiel 37:1-14. This story of a place of dry bones, of a slaughter from long ago, an attempt to eradicate a people and the memory of that people, can lead us to a number of messages. And I think one central message is this: real life begins with the Spirit of God. The imagery of the valley of the dry bones is a pow...

  • Sermonette: March 23, 2020

    Rev. Doug Nemitz, First Lutheran Church|Mar 23, 2020

    One thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see. — John 9:25 Time after time as I have visited with people, I have been told that sometimes an experience is so powerful that it supersedes all rational thought. I think a major theme in the story of Jesus healing the man born blind recorded in John 9 is the difficulty that everyone had with the experience of this blind man. It began with the disciples trying to answer the theological question of whether the man’s blindness was the result of his own sinfulness or that of his parents. Since...

  • Updates on area church services

    Mar 23, 2020

    Please check back as changes will be updated here regularly. First Lutheran Church New Rockford Pastor Doug Nemitz No services, bible study, SMASH or ABC until further notice. Services are broadcast every Sunday at KDAK 1600 AM Carrington at 10 a.m. This week's broadcast is in memory of Leo Laube's 89th birthday, by Janet Laube. Office will be open M-TH 10 a.m. -4:30 p.m. Sheyenne- Oberon Area Ministry Pastor Jeff Halvorson No worship services St. John's Catholic Church New Rockford Father Reese Weber Church open for prayer Confession by appoin...

  • Starke honored for musical contributions

    Mar 16, 2020

    On Sunday, March 1, Joyce (Mrs. Bill) Starke was recognized by the First Congregational Church. She began her musical career when she and her family moved to New Rockford in June of 1947. She sang in the choir and performed solos at the church. She was honored to sing at her graduation from New Rockford High School in 1949. She sang in the community choir and was the director of the New Rockford- Carrington Music Club. She became the choir director at the First Congregational Church and then...

  • Sermonette: March 16, 2020

    Rev. Doug Nemitz, First Lutheran Church|Mar 16, 2020

    O come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise! — Psalm 95:1-2 In a democratic society, it appears to me that individualism reigns supreme. Each man and woman is trumpeted as master of his or her destiny and is free to pursue happiness as their hearts would lead them. It is this kind of cultural assumption that lies behind the question that gets asked of every six-year-old, “What do you want to be...

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