Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883


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  • Sermonette- This is God's creation

    Pastor Jeff Halvorson, Sheyenne-Oberon Area Ministry|Jun 10, 2019

    Summer is here. For the most part, the crops are in the ground, and a lot is already poking up through the dirt. We have fields of green instead of the various shades of brown, black and gray that we were getting so tired of seeing. Some of the row crops still need to be seeded, but each day we get closer and closer to being done. And we're hoping we will see a little rain soon. The kids are home from school. Backyards, baseball fields, and swimming pools have taken over for the classrooms and gym. A song recorded quite a few years ago by Nat...

  • Sermonette- June 3, 2019

    Pastor Jeff Halvorson, Sheyenne-Oberon Area Ministry|Jun 3, 2019

    Dare I say it? Is spring finally here? It sure looks like it and I am glad as I'm sure most of you are also. Late May and early June seems to pretty much belong to the children. They are going through final tests for the school year. There are concerts and award nights, state contests in various academic endeavours as well as athletic events. There are graduations and often times, accompanying open houses. Not only are there school events, there are also church related events. Sunday schools have their last classes for the season as well as Con...

  • Sermonette: Hitting your pitch

    Pastor Joe Greiner, Evangelical Free Church|May 27, 2019

    So, I was watching baseball the other day and I noticed something. Some guys get good pitches to hit, and some never seem to. An exceptional pitcher will never leave a pitch up where a good hitter can hit it hard. However, even the best pitchers make mistakes and average pitchers often ‘leave pitches up,’ where the observant and patient batter can crush into the stands. What this means, is that no batter can predict when or if he’ll get a single good pitch to hit; and yet, his team is depending upon him to do the best he can. If he gets a goo...

  • Living on Purpose: Do you have God's joy in your heart?

    Dr. Billy Holland|May 27, 2019

    Do you remember that old song in vacation Bible School that said, “I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy, down in my heart?” Well, I do agree that humanity is searching as hard as they can to find contentment and desperately longs to discover peace, but rebellion and the lack of knowledge is preventing them from finding it. What type of knowledge are you talking about? Spiritual understanding and holy wisdom about God and His instructions. In the first part of Hosea 4:6, the Lord declares, “My p...

  • Living on Purpose: Perfect joy and health for all eternity

    Dr. Billy Holland|May 20, 2019

    I have a few antique clocks and for those who are somewhat familiar with these fascinating machines, you also know what a frustration they are to keep running. Recently, I was having problems with a grandfather clock and after a few weeks, I was being exposed for my lack of knowledge and ability when it comes to working on them. I can do some tweaking and occasionally I’m rewarded with a bit of luck but more often than not I turn to an older gentleman who lives in my community and depend on h...

  • Sermonette: Collateral Damage

    Pastor Joe Greiner, Evangelical Free Church|May 20, 2019

    My wife has been reading through the Old Testament lately and she recently got to the various stories concerning David. She’s read the stories many times, but this time something new struck her. What struck her this time were the other people. The Bible, by necessity, stays very focused upon David and the main characters; but on this read through Erin started to wonder about the rest of the characters. Take David and Bathsheba for example. David summons Bathsheba to sleep with her after seeing her bathe on her rooftop. Bathsheba complies, l...

  • Sermonette: The value of faith

    Rev Joe Greiner, Evangelical Free Church|May 13, 2019

    What is the value of your faith? If you could put a price tag on what you believe, what would it say? If you asked your friends and close family how much you valued your faith, what would they say? If you asked your kids, what would they say? Jesus tells this one striking parable about a man traveling off road. This man discovers a treasure in field. So, what does he do? He sells everything he owns: his house, clothing, animals, everything. Then uses his liquidated assets to purchase the field with the treasure, and claim the treasure as his...

  • Sermonette: Leadership

    Rev Joe Greiner, Evangelical Free Church|May 6, 2019

    It is a well-known fact that leadership is a difficult skill to master. While most of us feel confident that we are in fact ‘good leaders,’ we’d also jump to rattle off a mile-long list of qualities one has to have in order to be considered a good leader; and each of our lists would look different. While it’s difficult to agree on what makes a good leader, it’s clear that few ever master it. Sometimes, however, I wonder if being a good follower is even harder. Recently I was reading in Judges and 1st and 2nd Samuel and I was struck by the po...

  • Living on Purpose: Praying and waiting on our miracle

    Dr. Billy Holland|May 6, 2019

    I received a letter the other day from a reader who wanted to know more about praying for miracles and how long a person should keep asking. My first response is to ask, “Just how serious are you about receiving your request?” I realize the subject of faith is actually more complex than it seems and one that I have attempted to address in my new book, “Convictions and Considerations” which will be released this summer. There are many people including myself who are seeking and waiting on mira...

  • Sermonette: Miriam

    Rev Doug Nemitz, First Lutheran Church|Apr 29, 2019

    Then the prophet Miriam, Aaron’s sister, took a tambourine in her hand; and all the women went out after her with tambourines and with dancing. — Exodus 15:20 God had done some incredible, amazing, mighty deeds to free God’s people from their life of slavery to the Egyptians. And now God had done another mighty deed by opening the Red Sea to the people of Israel— and then entombing Pharaoh’s warriors within it. Freedom was won; a land of promise was ahead. It was an event never to be forgotten. Miriam could not, would not, let the moment go...

  • Living on Purpose: Building a ladder to your dreams

    Dr. Billy Holland|Apr 29, 2019

    There are certain spiritual laws similar to the natural law of gravity that may be difficult to understand yet they are true and important keys to victorious living. The power of words fall under this category and are an excellent addition of knowledge and wisdom to our spiritual life. We can learn that words are much more than simple communication and when spoken in accordance with God’s desires they actually carry the power to motivate, inspire and change circumstances. Even though the name i...

  • Sermonette: Christ is risen!

    Rev. Doug Nemitz|Apr 22, 2019

    In the tradition to which I belong, a typical Easter greeting might be something like this: “Christ is risen! Christ is risen, indeed! Alleluia!” I think it is wonderful to remind one another of this central, foundational fact upon which Christianity is built, especially on Easter. Jesus Christ is risen and we, too, will be raised from the dead. This is great news! As I reflect on one of the resurrection accounts in the Bible, I’m struck that Mary Magdalene came to Jesus’ tomb “early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark” (John...

  • Living on Purpose: Where I first saw the light

    Dr. Billy Holland|Apr 22, 2019

    The cross is one of the most recognizable symbols in the world and rightly so; it represents mankind’s hope for eternal life. Does this sound religiously dogmatic? Maybe so, but how could any sincere Christian give reverence to Holy Week without referring to the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ? Billy Graham is quoted as saying, “God proved his love on the cross. When Christ hung, and bled, and died, it was God saying to the entire world, I love you.” To go a step further, the follo...

  • Living on Purpose: The Christian direction and purpose

    Dr. Billy Holland|Apr 15, 2019

    Many people believe it’s their mission in life to tell everyone what to do and how to believe and I’m sure there have been times when we have been guilty of something similar. There are situations when we feel that individuals need sound advice and this might be true, but it’s also common to forget that everyone has a right to think and live however they want. Christians do not intend to be insulting, but sometimes their message can be offensive and in rare cases, some end up living in isola...

  • Sermonette: Palm Sunday

    Rev Doug Nemitz, First Lutheran Church|Apr 15, 2019

    This past Sunday, we at First Lutheran celebrated Palm Sunday. In our celebration we reenacted the events of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem by having our children lead the procession of palms. As I reflect on the excitement and enthusiasm of our children, I wonder about those pilgrims who entered the holy city with Jesus, shouting their praises and waving their palms. In the gospel we call Luke we read that a “whole multitude of the disciples began to praise God joyfully with a loud voice for all the deeds of power that they had see...

  • Sermonette: New things, new hope

    Rev Doug Nemitz, First Lutheran Church|Apr 8, 2019

    “Do not remember the former things, or consider the things of old. I am about to do a new thing” (Isaiah 43:18-19a). The prophet Isaiah proclaimed this message from God to God’s people who were now in exile in Babylon. As exiles, all of their identity, power, and glory has been stripped from them. The Jerusalem temple (the sign of God’s presence for them) is now in ruins. Their hope is barely a flicker. In this time of desperation for God’s people, God wants the people to remember that God has delivered them in the past. “Thus says the Lord, wh...

  • Living on Purpose: Grateful for heaven but focusing on Christ

    Dr. Billy Holland|Apr 8, 2019

    I cannot imagine a more optimistic and exciting thought than going to heaven and spending an eternity with God. For those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their savior, this divine promise is a wellspring of joy which confirms that our trials cannot be compared to the glory that awaits us. We should be inspired to fasten this covenant vow to our bathroom mirror so that every morning we can be reminded of God’s love and rejoice for the opportunity to not only know him in this life, but to w...

  • Sermonette- April 1, 2019

    Rev. Doug Nemitz, First Lutheran Church|Apr 1, 2019

    These results caught my eye the other day and got me wondering. Once again, Finland has won and the United States has come in a sorry 19th place. Finland is, officially, the happiest country in the world. Denmark is the second happiest. Norway is third, Iceland fourth, and the Netherlands is fifth. Go figure, huh? And these countries are all known for their cold winters and the kind of activities that go with the cold, like ice skating and cross-country skiing. Me, I would have figured that the tropical countries would be the really happy...

  • Living on Purpose: Imagining what we are missing

    Dr. Billy Holland|Apr 1, 2019

    When we hold a tiny baby in our arms, do we consider how devoted they will be to God, or do we just see the natural and physical possibilities? As Christians, we have the opportunity to become as close to God and spiritually sensitive as we desire with the potential to discern wisdom that is hidden from our earthly understanding. An important question is how many people, including all those tiny babies, will make the most important decision to follow this type of lifestyle? I realize it’s a s...

  • Sermonette: Friendship

    Rev. Kevin Libby|Mar 25, 2019

    If anyone knows anything about the military than you know that military families tend to move a lot. My dad was career army and as a result we moved a lot. If I remember correctly, I attended 10 schools in 12 years. After high school I found myself feeling the itch to move every couple of years. I met my wife Charleen at Trinity Bible College in Ellendale, N.D., where we both attended. She was raised on a farm north of Grace City and had only moved once in her life. I used to want to move from place to place because I enjoyed meeting new...

  • Sermonette: Hebrews 11

    Rev. Kevin Libby|Mar 18, 2019

    One my favorite passages in scripture to read is Hebrews Chapter 11. It’s often referred to as the “faith” chapter and I have generally referred to it as the “hall of faith.” If you take the time to read it you will see that it references many of the big names of the Old Testament. The writer references many examples of men and women who not only had faith in regards to belief, but they had a faith that was lived out. Hebrews 11:1-2 “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancient...

  • Sermonette: From worship to the workplace

    Rev. Kevin Libby|Mar 11, 2019

    In 1977, country singer Johnny Paycheck recorded the hit single “Take This Job and Shove It.” The chorus of that song began and ended with these well-known words: “Take this job and shove it, I ain’t working here no more.” Apparently, that song really struck a nerve with people, becoming his best-selling record, with over 2 million copies sold and inspiring a movie with the same title. Attitudes towards our work certainly haven’t changed for the better since then. Americans are growing increasingly unhappy with their jobs. Today, less than h...

  • Living on Purpose: Injecting faith into our doubt

    Dr. Billy Holland|Mar 4, 2019

    There is a beautiful passage found in John chapter 20 that is a wonderful example of how much God loves us and wants to encourage us. The friends and family of Christ were gathered together after his horrific crucifixion and were still grieving over his death when all of a sudden, he appears in their midst! Even though they remembered how he had promised to return I’m sure they were still awestruck. Jesus stretches out his hands and reveals his wounds, and of course, they are overjoyed to see h...

  • Sermonette: A Heart of Thanksgiving

    Rev. Kevin Libby|Mar 4, 2019

    As I considered what to write for this week’s sermonette, I came across the prayer I read at the Eddy County Ministerial Thanksgiving Service this year. As I read it once again, my mind began to think of how fitting it would be to share it now in light of the long winter months and the tendency for us to focus on the negatives of what we are facing instead of the goodness of God. My prayer is that you and I would to keep a heart of thanksgiving no matter what we face. Philippians 4:4 (NIV) “Rejoice in the Lord Always. I will say it again: Rej...

  • Living on Purpose: The dream within us

    Dr. Billy Holland|Feb 25, 2019

    Our destiny is the core of our purpose and constantly urges and drives our responsibility to make sure we are doing everything we can to accomplish our mission. This divine calling fuels our thoughts and imaginations as we ask God to help keep us going forward and to never give up. Once we discover our vision our goal will not be easy. Dreams and faith go hand in hand. May we also consider that working a temporary job might be necessary in order to support our family while we are developing our...

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