Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883


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  • Women, youth make valentines for veterans

    Feb 18, 2019

    First Lutheran Church of New Rockford and Tiffany 4-H Club youth paired to make valentines for veterans. Each year the women of First Lutheran Church gather together to hand-make valentines for veterans. This year the group combined their efforts with the youth of the Tiffany 4-H Club and others, for a total of seven youth and nine women putting their talents to work on card stock. Their goal this year was to prepare 100 valentines. Snacks were provided and after about an hour of work, the...

  • Living on Purpose: Do we care what God thinks?

    Dr. Billy Holland|Feb 11, 2019

    Is God always happy? Well, let me see, this is an unusual question but I would say probably not. Since he is not made of flesh we assume that he does not have emotions like us. But, on the other hand, we read about his demonstrations of compassion and anger, so I guess this is still up for debate. It is my opinion that some things please him and others cause him disappointment and most of it is associated with the way people live. So, what do you think makes him happy? Well, again we have the sc...

  • Living on Purpose: The Lord is our strength and shield

    Dr. Billy Holland|Feb 4, 2019

    We have learned since childhood about the blessings of being protected. Remember when wewere in the arms of our mom and dad, it seemed the dangers of the world could not reach us. Now that we are grown, we appreciate our home that gives us shelter from the elements and provides us security against whatever that might want to harm us? But of all the things in this world that can provide a sense of safety and defense, there is nothing that can compare to the power and authority of God. Psalm 23:4...

  • Sermonette: In winter, God prepares us for what is to come

    Rev. Mindy Meier, First Congregational Church|Jan 28, 2019

    This time of year, snow covers the ground. Everything is white and beautiful, and the whole of nature seems to be in deep peace. If it’s not windy. But I know what my yard looked like a couple months ago, that the white flakes have covered fallen brown leaves, withered grass and plants. It’s all there, but it won’t be seen now as long as winter lasts. Winter is hard for me, my mood, my energy level, all of it. Without winter, spring and summer wouldn’t be what they are. There are seasons in our lives too. And we often have difficulties in unde...

  • Living on Purpose: Let patience have its perfect work

    Dr. Billy Holland|Jan 28, 2019

    Difficult times are not something we enjoy going through, in fact, we usually try to avoid even talking about them. When trouble comes, the first thing we ask is why is this happening and if we are not cautious, we can easily be drawn into a full-blown mental, emotional and spiritual breakdown. You would think as many of these storms that we have experienced, we would be learning how to handle them, but for the most part, we are just as shocked and confused as all the times before....

  • Sermonette for Jan. 21, 2019

    Rev. Mindy Meier, First Congregation Church|Jan 21, 2019

    ALERT! Quarantine mode: separate toothbrushes, separate blankets, Lysol doorknobs and light switches every morning, noon and before bed. Gatorade...check, BRAT diet...check. Constant laundry. “Don’t go near him! In fact, don’t even look at him.” Batten down the hatches. Please God, don’t let me catch this. See, not only do we have the stomach virus, we’re also on vacation. It’s 65 degrees outside. There’s a heated pool out there. And palm trees. Heck, I may even enjoy some exercise in this weather. Maybe. But instead, I’m fixated on a youn...

  • Living on Purpose: What if it is true?

    Dr. Billy Holland|Jan 21, 2019

    Life is filled with thoughts and ideas. Many spend their time trying to keep busy because they do not want to think about what God expects from them. The strategy is to live in a state of distraction so their conscience will never have the occasion to pause and ponder about the true meaning of life. Everyone is unique and that's what makes life interesting, but I was thinking the other day about how many are always on the go and never sit still for a moment unless they are forced to stop. Somewh...

  • Sermonette for January 14, 2019

    Rev. Mindy Meier, First Congregational Church|Jan 14, 2019

    I need to exercise more. No doubt. I know this. Our town (and the internet!) has resources to help me carve out time for exercise. Exercise lengthens lives, and increases quality of life. It helps our brains and our mental health. So why don’t I do it? Maybe, for you, it’s not exercise. Maybe you’re good at exercise. But you have something. You have something you wish was better in your life. You have something you know would be good for you, but you still don’t do enough. Prayer and/or meditation? Morning devotions? Don’t floss enough? D...

  • Living on Purpose: A wonderful time to begin brand new

    Dr. Billy Holland|Jan 7, 2019

    A brand-new year is here and I’m excited to see what the Lord has for us! Keeping Christ at the center of our thoughts takes a great deal of discipline and determination, but so does everything else we really care about. It comes down to how serious we are about knowing God and how willing we are to give him total control of our life. Whatever we become involved with, he simply wants us to listen and obey his instructions which is the reason we are here. If we abide under the shadow of his w...

  • Sermonette for Jan. 7, 2019

    Rev. Mindy Meier, First Congregational Church|Jan 7, 2019

    And all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. Luke 2:18 Among the people (and animals) in the Nativity, shepherds may be the most surprising. In first century Palestine, shepherds were weird. They stunk of barn animals, they worked from sunup to sundown, always on call if a sheep should get separated from the pack. They were not Jewish insiders. But an angel of the Lord appeared to them. There aren’t many people who’ve had an angel show up, this clearly, and this well-documented. Zechariah, Mary, Joseph, yes. And to the...

  • Living on Purpose: Joy to the world, the Lord is come!

    Dr. Billy Holland|Dec 31, 2018

    Christ is called Emanuel, which means, “God is with us” and we are so grateful that he came to save us. Yes, we enjoy the nativity and he was once a baby, but he’s not a baby today. He was born, lived, and was willing to be crucified because he loved us more than anything in the world. Whatever you are going through today, be encouraged to know that God wants to be with you and is more than able to take care of you. He is El Shaddai, God Almighty, The All Sufficient One! Here are seven attri...

  • Sermonette- Dec. 31, 2018

    Rhianne Bowman|Dec 31, 2018

    I am in my final year at NDSU majoring in English with a psychology minor. Going into college I struggled with anxiety, and feeling the pressure to decide on a major, which felt like a life altering decision, didn’t help. But as I began to know God more, he freed me from my anxiety and taught me to trust him more and more. He placed me in a community of people who loved and accepted me. Honestly, this community is one of the reasons I am still in college today. Even after I took a semester off during my freshman year, they welcomed me back i...

  • Sermonette: Dec. 24, 2018

    Rhianne Bowman|Dec 24, 2018

    The holidays are known for the joy, laughter, and happiness which surrounds them. Between the Christmas lights, gift giving and receiving, and the Hallmark movies, it seems like the holidays should look like they do in the movies. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. This time can be stressful and very hard for some. It is not always a time of joy and happiness, but rather stress, despair and sadness. Thinking back on previous Christmas seasons, I am reminded of my family’s first Christmas here in New Rockford. I was in kindergarten, and...

  • Christmas Eve and Christmas Day worship schedule

    Dec 24, 2018

    Evangelical Free Church Pastor Joe Greiner  • Dec. 24 at 5:30 p.m. First Congregational Pastor Mindy Meier  • Dec. 24 at 5 p.m. First Lutheran Church Pastor Doug Nemitz  • Dec. 24 at 5 p.m.  • Dec. 25 at 10 a.m. Kvernes Lutheran Church Pastor Rick Loewen  • Dec. 24 at 6 p.m. New Life Fellowship Pastor Jeff Kapelle  • Dec. 24 at 4 p.m. St. Peter & Paul Catholic Father Reese Weber  • Dec. 24 at 5 p.m. St. John's Catholic Father Reese Weber  • Dec. 24, Midnight Mass  • Dec. 25 at 10:30 a.m. Sheyen...

  • Metigoshe Ministries to host annual Nights of Christmas celebration

    Dec 24, 2018

    Are you hoping the Christmas season never ends? Ready to relax and take some time to celebrate the season? If you answered “Yes,” please join us for the 48th Annual Nights of Christmas with Metigoshe Ministries on Dec. 27- 29 beginning at 7 p.m. each evening at the Lakeside Christian Center. It is a place where the “treetops glisten” and “all is merry and bright!” Again this year, the returning summer staff of Camp Metigoshe will be joined by special guests for a combined Christmas program of music, laughter and worship, highlighted...

  • Sermonette: Dec. 17, 2018

    Pastor Jeff Halvorson, Sheyenne-Oberon Area Ministries|Dec 17, 2018

    The last couple of articles I've written for our monthly parish newsletter talked about change. Oh yes, that ugly word change. It seems that the older we get, the more set in our ways we become and change becomes more difficult. But when we think about it, the world for all of us began with change and will end with change.   What must a newborn child think or experience when he or she sees light for the first time and takes that first breath? They find themselves no longer in the womb being n...

  • Living on Purpose: Trust God and he will lead you

    Dr. Billy Holland|Dec 10, 2018

    I’m sure that most of us have dreamed about accomplishing something but discovered that our goal was not going to be easy. Some individuals, maybe yourself, became so determined to succeed that nothing could prevent them from achieving their vision. So, what causes a person to be so passionate and excited about what they love and where do we find this ability to focus and the internal drive to persevere even in the face of incredible resistance and seemingly impossible challenges? Can anyone d...

  • Sermonette- Dec. 10, 2018

    Reverend Mindy Meier, First Congregational Church|Dec 10, 2018

    The minor prophet, Habakkuk, spoke the word of God to the people of Israel in the midst of them being captured, massacred and pillaged. The powerful Babylonians, lead by viscous King Nebuchadnezzar had destroyed the temple, and taken the people of Israel into captivity. Back into slavery, where they’d be for 70 years. How long, Lord, must I call for help, but you do not listen? Or cry out to you, “Violence!” but you do not save? (Habakkuk 1:2) Habakkuk’s cry is the cry of every human heart. We see the violence around us: mass shootin...

  • Living on Purpose: Time does not slow down for anyone

    Dr. Billy Holland|Dec 3, 2018

    Growing older is like a train rolling down the track, and no matter how many botox injections, vitamins, or hair plugs, we cannot stop the reality of our mortality. There is nothing wrong with trying to look young and we agree that dieting and exercise would surely be a healthy and positive lifestyle but the hourglass only contains so much sand. As the days keep ticking away, we are reminded to not put off until tomorrow what we can do today because we are not sure how many tomorrows we will...

  • Sermonette- Dec. 3, 2018

    Rev. Doug Nemitz, First Lutheran Church|Dec 3, 2018

    “How can we thank God enough for you in return for all the joy that we feel before our God because of you?” — 1 Thessalonians 3:9 It seems that our society is becoming more and more individualistic. And, as a result, we often neglect the power of the faith of the larger body of Christ in the world to affect our lives. In this letter, Paul was writing to the Thessalonians in a time in which he himself was enduring considerable persecution and suffering (see 1 Thessalonians 3:4, 7). Timothy had just returned with a report that the Thess...

  • Sermonette: Christ the King Sunday

    Rev Doug Nemitz, First Lutheran Church|Nov 26, 2018

    In my tradition, we celebrate Christ the King Sunday, the last Sunday of the Church year, on Nov. 25 this year. The assigned New Testament reading is from Revelation 1:4b-8. In that passage I read, “To him who loves us and freed us from our sins by his blood, and made us to be a kingdom, priests serving his God and Father, to him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen” (Revelation 1:5b-6). I think we, in the United States, are at a disadvantage in attempting to understand this passage. We don’t know much about kings, except that we don’t...

  • Living on Purpose: Giving thanks for God's beautiful earth

    Dr. Billy Holland|Nov 26, 2018

    Imagine if you were the creator of the earth with all of its breathtaking beauty and gave each living creature the gift of life. For every human, you provided a book of your promises which gives a detailed description of how they are to live. And then, you sent your only son to sacrifice his life and raised him from the dead to redeem the souls of all who would believe. Your invitation to deliver those who would believe from the bondage of sin and welcome them to live with you in heaven forever...

  • Sermonette: Nov. 19, 2018

    Rev. Doug Nemitz, First Lutheran Church|Nov 19, 2018

    As I was reflecting on Mark 13:1-8, the assigned gospel reading for Sunday, Nov. 18, I began to wonder: Is Jesus a pessimist or an optimist? I think this text reveals a significant difference in how Christ looks at things compared to how we see them. The one disciple, who was struck by the beauty of the temple buildings, could very well represent each one of us. In our human condition, we are so easily caught up in beautiful things that won’t last. Maybe the disciples wondered if Jesus had gotten up on the wrong side of the bed when he said, ...

  • Sermonette: Nov. 12, 2018

    Rev Doug Nemitz, First Lutheran Church|Nov 12, 2018

    As I read Mark 12:38-44, the assigned gospel reading for Sunday, Nov. 11, I find it interesting that in the midst of all those who are making their offering at the temple, Jesus took notice of a widow who had obviously fallen on hard times. All that she had was only two measly, tiny coins and she gave them as her offering. Jesus said that she gave her very life. Wow! Note that Jesus did not condemn those who gave far more in monetary worth as they gave their offerings but only noted the relative impact of the offerings. Those who had much,...

  • Living on Purpose: How important is it for us to know God?

    William F. Holland Jr.|Nov 12, 2018

    I have thought about why many Christians including myself often struggle in a lukewarm state of mind much more than we should. There are several reasons, but none can be considered justifiable excuses. I have regular conversations with my close friends about the spiritual life and one thing we all share in common is how difficult it is to stay motivated with our prayer life while maintaining our enthusiasm to resist temptation. I realize everyone’s schedule is filled with distractions and we are busy just trying to keep up with everything we n...

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