Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883


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  • There are real heroes all around us

    Dr. Billy Holland|Apr 23, 2018

    We hear a lot about heroes in this day and age. Accomplished athletes are seen as idols for throwing around a ball along with blockbuster fantasies that portray individuals who can fly and use their incredible super-powers to save the universe. However, in the real world, it’s encouraging to know there are humble and hardly noticed heroes all around us. These selfless individuals have no desire to be praised or even recognized. They are a special group of human beings that are not only d...

  • Sermonette - April 16, 2018

    Rev. Randy Hahne|Apr 16, 2018

    “Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing” (1 Thessalonians 5:11). A couple of weeks ago I was putting together a puzzle with one of my daughters. When we were finished, we noticed something— there was a piece missing. At our home this is a regular occurrence and very rarely to do we put together a puzzle that has all of the pieces. I am sure random puzzle pieces can be found in the toy box, or perhaps inside the vacuum. Regardless of where the piece is, something was missing and the puzzle will never...

  • Sermonette - April 9, 2018

    Rev. Randy Hahne, Bethel Assembly of God|Apr 9, 2018

    “Probably the worst enemy of enthusiasm is time. Human beings have a remarkable and sad capacity for getting tired of wonderful things. Almost every one of you can think of something you were enthusiastic about recently, but now the joy is faded. Your first day of vacation on the coast the sunset was breathtaking and made you so happy you could sing. But by the end of your stay you hardly noticed it any more. Vacationers get tired of sunsets, millionaires get tired of money, kids gets [sic] tired of toys, and Christians get tired of doing g...

  • Sermonette: April 2, 2018

    Rev. Randy Hahne, Bethel Assembly of God|Apr 2, 2018

    “But the Lord stood by me and strengthened me, so that through me the message would be fully proclaimed, and all the Gentiles would hear it. So I was delivered from the mouth of the lion. And the Lord will rescue me from every evil action and bring me safely into His heavenly kingdom. To Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen.” 2 Timothy 4:17-18 BSB In context, this is a rather sad note because when Paul appeared for his hearing, no one stood up on his behalf. In fact, this was a dangerous time in Rome and standing up for Paul may have caused...

  • Sermonette: March 26, 2018

    Rev. Kevin Libby|Mar 26, 2018

    By Rev. Kevin Libby Bethel Assembly of God One of my favorite passages in scripture comes from the first several verses of the John 15. In chapter 12, we see the story of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. He then begins to teach his followers several things, knowing that he is about face death on the cross. He has told them of his death and betrayal, and is about to tell them that because the world has hated him, they will also hate his followers. In chapter 15, Jesus wants to remind his followers of the importance of remaining c...

  • Prayer is the least and the most we can do

    Dr. Billy Holland|Mar 26, 2018

    Recently, my wife Cheryl was talking about the need to increase her prayer time and I definitely agreed that praying is very important in our spiritual life. In the middle of our conversation, she said, “We should turn our cares into prayers.” That instantly caught my attention. I love catchy phrases and told her that I just might borrow that slogan! We all have worries and cares but for some strange reason, many times we do not consider praying as our highest priority. In fact, for most of us,...

  • Sermonette - March 19, 2018

    Rev. Kevin Libby|Mar 19, 2018

    I would dare say that most Christians who read the Bible have a favorite book or two. I am always intrigued to hear what a person’s favorite book of the Bible is and why. If you see me, I would love to hear yours. I find the book of Romans to be one of my favorites, as it is a book I have often gone to. I love how Paul writes so many deep theological thoughts and then shows in the latter part how to apply what he has stated. But here lately I am finding the Psalms to be of great worth to my faith, especially when it comes to times of prayer. I...

  • First Lutheran Church hosted World Day of Prayer

    Mar 12, 2018

    The first Friday in March is also know as the World Day of Prayer, which is celebrated annually in over 170 countries. The World Day of Prayer is a worldwide ecumenical movement of Christian women of many traditions who come together to observe a common day of prayer each year, and who, in many countries, have a continuing relationship in prayer and service. It is celebrated annually in over 170 countries and regions on the first Friday in March and becomes the focus of prayer and understanding....

  • Sermonette - March 12, 2018

    Rev. Kevin Libby, Bethel Assembly of God|Mar 12, 2018

    Philippians 4:10-13 In college I took a class that helped me to better understand the Bible and how to interpret the original meaning of a passage. One of the biggest takeaways from the class was learning to understand what a passage of scripture meant in the context of the surrounding verses. Having been involved in sports throughout high school and college and working with students, I have heard many athletes quote Philippians 4:13 when seeking to accomplish greater feats. “I can do all things through him who gives me strength.” Now I’m...

  • Billy Graham: An ordinary man with an extraordinary mission

    William F. Holland Jr.|Mar 5, 2018

    Like many of you, I’m very sad about Billy Graham passing away. Those who are younger will probably not have the familiar connection with him like some of us older folks, but nonetheless, I’m sure his books and recordings will continue having a beneficial impact on future generations. Throughout my childhood, I remember my parents always dialed in our old television set to watch Billy Graham evangelistic crusades and even though as a typical child I thought church services were somewhat boring, I would still sit and listen. In fact, I may not...

  • Sermonette

    Re. Rick Loewen|Feb 26, 2018

    Often, when I am out and about I listen to someone who shares how much they miss a loved one who has died. It’s quite a transition in life when that person whom you laughed with, confided in, cried with, could call everyday on the telephone is no longer there. It hurts. It truly does- Even when we know they are with the Lord, now in a place where there is no toil or pain, just eternal peace.The emptiness, the void of them no longer being here brings an awful, just awful, aching feeling in our heart. We long to talk to someone, someone who c...

  • Sermonette

    Rev. Rick Lowen|Feb 19, 2018

    I really miss my grandkids. I miss them running up to me in church shouting, “Papa, I here!” I miss hearing Isaiah’s loud belly laugh when I zoomed him through the air like an airplane. I miss Auggie’s dancing blue eyes when he’d run towards me saying, Papa, papa, papa!” I guess I just wish they were closer by, like right next to me. I wonder what Jesus’ disciples were saying to one another as they were gathered together after Jesus’ death. “ Remember the time when everyone was jeering and shouting accusations at the adulterous woman...

  • Sermonette for February 12, 2018

    Reverend Rick Loewen|Feb 12, 2018

    In the book of the Gospel of John, chapter 11, verse 35, we read one of the shortest scripture passages in the Bible. "Jesus wept." Why would the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the Creator of the heavens and the earth be crying, sobbing His heart out? His good friend, Lazarus, had died. And it hurt Jesus. Remember, Jesus is Divine, yet He was human. Jesus had feelings just like anyone else and because who better to relate to when our heart is breaking and aching inside? Could someone reading this be weeping into the night? Is anyone crying...

  • Church ladies make Valentines for Veterans

    Feb 12, 2018

    Thursday, February 1, found ladies from First Lutheran Church in New Rockford making Valentines for Veterans. A total of 89 valentines were created and will be given to veterans at the Lutheran Home of the Good Shepherd in New Rockford, Golden Acres in Carrington and the Veteran's Home of Lisbon, ND.   This is a fun, worthwhile project, and next year they encourage more ladies to volunteer!...

  • Sermonette for February 5, 2018

    Reverend Rick Loewen|Feb 5, 2018

    I will never forget when our gracious Heavenly Father blessed my wife and I with our firstborn, a blue-eyed little girl. Even though I am alergic to apples, my little girl was the apple, and still is, the apple of my eye. It was during seminary that my daughter was born, and we had just been asked to pastor my first church. Besides the excitement we had over our first born, the members of this loving and compassionate church, were excited to have a baby in their congregation. She was the only one and was dearly cared for by all. On Christmas...

  • Sermonette for January 29, 2018

    Rev. Mindy Meier|Jan 29, 2018

    During Jesus’ ministry, the world was not a fun place to live. The Roman government occupied the nation, Herod was an ignorant, evil king, and Pontius Pilate wasn’t the thoughtful leader they so longed for. The first disciples were fishermen, working day and night, hard labor, to barely scrape by. Jesus passes by them, and says, “Follow me, and I will make you fish for people.” They drop their nets and follow. It all seems sort of easy, but we know differently. The disciples had no charmed existence, and the person they followed ended up bein...

  • Sermonette for January 22, 2018

    Reverend Mindy Meier|Jan 22, 2018

    Sometimes, Scripture speaks for itself. There’s no need for explanation, as it’s so universal it’s for all those who read or hear it. This favorite Psalm is saying just that. The Psalms are written for all included in creation, no one is left out.  For comfort, for assurance of being known and loved, read and meditate on Psalm 139. It’s for you!  1 You have searched me, Lord, and you know me.  2 You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar.  3 You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my wa...

  • Sermonette for January 15, 2018

    Reverend Mindy Meier|Jan 15, 2018

    Human beings are created for relationship. We need touch, a place to belong, and to be loved. There is no doubt that modern psychology has claimed this, as well as each of the world’s religions/philosophies. It’s such a basic truth for every person, it almost seems silly to claim, yet profound to admit.  Loving and healthy relationships are where you can be yourself, which always includes your darkest side.  The gospel of John includes many encounters of Jesus with a variety of people: insiders, outsiders, outcasts, religious leaders, skeptic...

  • Sermonette for January 8, 2018

    Reverend Mindy Meier|Jan 8, 2018

    Thousands of years before Jesus’ birth, the Old Testament prophet, Isaiah, begs God: “O that you would tear open the heavens and come down…!” (Isaiah 64.1)  We too understand this cry, the deep desire that God would enter into our dark and lonely experience. That God would not sit so lofty on a throne that we cannot understand, we mortal humans can not touch or reason or even comprehend God’s grandeur.  God does, in fact, tear open the heavens and come down. In his baptism, the heavens are torn open (Mark 1). In his crucifixion, the curtain i...

  • Sermonette for January 1, 2018

    Reverend Mindy Meier|Jan 1, 2018

    This time of year is full of expectations. Perfect decorations, perfect presents, perfect family pictures, perfectly warm feelings.  The world is full of expectations, too. The expectation to be married with kids by the time you’re 25. The expectation to follow a certain path: college, work, marriage, kids, carefree empty nesting, glorious grand parenthood, retirement, etc.    The expectation to make a good living. The expectation to live up to a standard, and to reveal that standard by how you dress, how your house looks, how well behaved...