Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
NR-S School Board member Eric Myhre stated, “I am not even going to attempt to cover all the misinformation that has been spewed by a couple of New Rockford-Sheyenne hating people, their whole mission is to be negative and they would love to see our school shutdown which isn’t the best interest of our communities, our stakeholders and definitely isn’t in the best interest of our kids.”
We have one question, Eric. Is this concern only toward students that attend regular classrooms? Are you an active participant in wanting to shut down East Central Center for Exceptional Children?
East Central Center staff, including four certified and seven paraprofessionals, are in jeopardy of losing their jobs. Then there’s the most significant issue - the students are in jeopardy of losing their school program. Is their education, livelihood and future meaningless?
Superintendent Louters decided to do an independent research study on East Central Center. She wants to discontinue services with them. She was so impatient with achieving her goal that she started acting on it without board approval and took this research project to the next level.
We believe that some area schools do a very poor job of teaching special-needs students, and the bar for these kids is set very low. The director and staff at East Central have very high expectations for their students. This is a program our community is and should be very proud of. Isn’t every kid special?
If New Rockford-Sheyenne does not renew its contract with East Central Center for Exceptional Children, they may have to close their doors. We’re asking for your help to keep the doors open.
Are you going to sit back and let this become a reality? Or are you going to be a “hero” to these special need students? These students and staff are our neighbors and our friends, and they don’t deserve this backlash.
This topic is on the agenda for the January 8 school board meeting. Please attend!
Sheri Anderson
New Rockford