Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
Wednesday, Margie Anderson accompanied Peter and Patti Larson to Bismarck where she enjoyed a visit at the Clair and Becky Cudworth home.
Saturday visitor at the Ervin Longnecker home was Jimmy Indergaard.
Monday evening Dale and Diane Rosenberg, Ervin Longnecker, Cory Jorgensen and Charlotte Koepplin were among those who attended the monthly meeting of Circle Trail Riders Hanson's Bar. Plans were made for the upcoming family party and Annual Saddle Raffle.
Jimmy Indergaard visited his mother, Esther, several times this week.
Sunday afternoon, Margie Anderson dropped in at the Charlotte Koepplin with a yet warm, fresh baked real cherry pie and the gals celebrated Valentines Day a little early with pie and coffee. Yum. Evening found Patti Larson visiting and a supper guest at Margie’s, with cherry pie for dessert.
Ervin Longnecker enjoyed a stop in visit from Rob and Marge Lies Sunday afternoon.
Jimmy Indergaard was a Saturday visitor and supper guest at the Andy and Ruth Braaten home. Sunday, he was a visitor and supper guest of Mervin and Frances Indergaard and Vicky.
Daughter Sharon Laxdal drove mom, Esther Indergaard to Jamestown Saturday for Esther’s Dialysis. Later they met Sharon's son Bryce and all enjoyed a visit over Mexican supper before returning home.
Monday afternoon, Charlotte Koepplin stopped in at the Ervin Longnecker home on her way home from New Rockford. They enjoyed a visit over coffee and donut holes and a phone call to Gary Peters in Washington. Gary sounded good and happy to hear from Ervin and Charlotte.
Thursday, David and Karen Anderson and grandson Weston brought some good warm beef stew to the Margie Anderson home. All enjoyed the stew while old man winter turned the outside temp down, down, down.
Sunday visitors o Esther Indergaard were Amanda Indergaard, Andy and Ruth Braaten, Jimmy Indergaard and Nikki Indergaard.
Tuesday evening John Lee, Dale Rosenberg and Ervin Longnecker were on the committee who prepared a chili supper for American Legion Post #30 men's night meeting and supper.