Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Sheyenne News: April 2, 2018

The Card Club got together on Thursday, March 22, at the Sheyenne Senior Center. An afternoon of Whist was enjoyed with players: Rhoda Stenberg, Caroline Daugherty, Mary Ellen Rue, Jan Loe, Liz Anderson who made Hi, Kathy Albrecht with Lo and Janet Jordre received the Traveling prize. Barb Eversvik was hostess for the afternoon.

The Community Credit Union held their annual meeting at Ostby Hall in Sheyenne on Saturday, March 24. A turkey dinner with all the trimmings was prepared and served by the First Lutheran Church Women of Sheyenne following the meeting.

The annual pancake and sausage benefit fundraiser for the Sheyenne Fire Department was held on March 25, Palm Sunday at Ostby Hall in Sheyenne.

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