Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

New Rockford Community Foundation accepting grant applications

The New Rockford Community Foundation advisory board is now seeking applications for its ninth annual round of grants.

A total of $3,600 is available to disperse this grant cycle to local projects. The application deadline is Monday April 30 by 4 p.m., at the New Rockford Area Betterment Corporation (NRABC) office located at City Hall in New Rockford.

NRCF grant applicants must be designated as a non-profit, tax-exempt group under IRS code 501(c)(3), have an official relationship with a government entity such as a school, park district, or city, or have a qualified 501(c)(3) fiscal sponsor such as the NRABC. Grants will be given to organizations that primarily serve the community of New Rockford, and will generally not support an organization’s operational expenses. Grant size will be determined by the number of applicants and the impact of the project on the community.

In 2017, the Foundation awarded seven grants. Recipient organizations were CHI Health at Home, Community Ambulance Service of New Rockford, Dakota Prairie Regional Center for the Arts, Eagles Aerie 2923, Eddy County Museum, Eddy County Rod & Gun Club and the Women's Auxiliary Cemetery Association. Since its inception, the Foundation has awarded 38 grants totaling $17,651 to local projects.

The Foundation is a permanent fund created in 2008 through individual and business donations, and has since grown through fundraisers and donations. Each spring, the Foundation board gives away the interest generated by the fund to local groups and organizations in the form of grants, leaving the fund intact to generate more grant money in perpetuity.

The Foundation recently held its annual signature fundraising event, “Deal or No Deal”, which earned over $9,500 for the endowment fund through ticket sales, 50/50 raffles and generous sponsor donations. The endowment fund total at the end of 2017 was just over $108,000 in permanent capital.

NRCF grant applications are available at the New Rockford Area Betterment Corporation office in City Hall, or online at For more information, please contact local coordinator Jessica Hawkes at (701) 947-2830.

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