Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
Jimmy Indergaard was a Friday and Saturday visitor of his mother Esther at Golden Acres Estates. Sunday he enjoyed a visit with his Uncle Mervin Indergaard and Vicki.
Monday Circle Trail Riders Inc. gals including Nancy Ludwig, Eve McAvoy, Dianne Goebel, Diane Rosenberg, Diana Zeigler, Jackie Schmaltz, Katie Jorgensen and Charlotte Koepplin enjoyed supper at the Bordulac Bar and Grill.
Charlotte Koepplin enjoyed a Wednesday morning phone call from Ronald Berglund from his home in Fresno, Calif. He had seen the obituary of former country schoolmate and long- time neighbor in Pleasant Prairie, Lavonn Anderson Yuvaraj in his copy of the Transcript. Look for Ron in New Rockford on and around the Fourth of July as he plans to be in the area.
Margie Anderson, Gary and Kathy Anderson, Kenny and Sarah Anderson, David and Karen Anderson, Peter and Patti Larson, Sandra, Joanna and Klara, Hager grandparents and other family brought 2nd birthday greetings to Jakoby on Saturday at the Ryan and Laura Hager home. It was exciting to watch Jokoby open his birthday presents. All enjoyed a passel of wonderful eats.
Saturday Tony Rademacher and Ervin Longnecker enjoyed dinner in Tolna prior to finding Tony's lake camper and site in good condition for the summer season.
Tuesday Charlotte Koepplin enjoyed a phone chat with her Aunt Lucille Saldivar from Anaheim, Calif. They compared notes on their eye ailments. Later Charlotte was in New Rockford on errands.
Saturday Ruth Braaten and Esther Indergaard drove to Jamestown where Esther kept her regular dialysis appointment. Later Esther enjoyed supper at the Braatens.
Sunday visitors at the Margie Anderson home were Glen and Judy Cudworth and Patti Larson. All enjoyed ice cream and cookie treats.
Charlotte Koepplin kept a dental appointment on Thursday morning and later was dinner guest at the Martin and Janelle Koepplin home, bringing pizza to share. Charlotte did some shopping and stopped at the Flower Scent-R to chat with Candy Jensen and Jerrod Holte before returning home.
Sunday visitors at the Esther Indergaard home were Amanda Indergaard and friend Taylor Koepplin, Jimmy Indergaard and Angie Walen.
Margie Anderson and Gary Anderson were among those who took in the recent annual meeting and supper of Northern Plains Electric at New Rockford Sheyenne school gymnasium.
Saturday visitors and dinner guests at the Charlotte Koepplin home were Aaron Koepplin and Kerigan, Danielle Beckley, Carter, Chevelle, Russell and Martin, and Janelle Koepplin and K.C.
Monday Margie Anderson was among those to enjoy a noon luncheon at the Lutheran Home of The Good Shepherd as one of the many volunteers who perform duties at the home.
Sunday afternoon visitor at the Ervin Longnecker home was Jimmy Indergaard.
Charlotte Koepplin was treated to brunch Sunday at the Chieftain after worship service at Grace Lutheran Church by Shirley Packard and Calvin as a belated treat for her birthday.
Saturday John and Kathleen Lee enjoyed watching the grand march at the Carrington High School Prom. Grandsons Justin and Tyler were among the prom-goers. Aunt Juliane and Guy Halvorson of Bismarck drove over special to view the prom and visit family.