Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Pleasant Prairie News - May 21, 2018

Tuesday, Charlotte Koepplin was in Carrington on errands. Then to New Rockford where she picked up Candy Jensen and they checked out the new Dollar General store and later enjoyed pizza at Casey’s.

Jimmy Indergaard visited his mom, Esther, several times this week at Golden Acres Estates.

Fran Walen drove mom, Esther Indergaard, to her regular dialysis appointment in Jamestown on Saturday.

On Mother’s Day Sunday, Margie Anderson was joined a Kvernes Lutheran Church worship by daughter Patti Larson and also Joanna, Sandra and Klara. Karen Anderson brought greetings of the day to Margie’s home.

Charlotte Koepplin enjoyed a phone call from Aunt Mable Willoughby from her home in Boise, Idaho. Although Mable had the sad news that her niece Myra daughter of the late Ervin and Joyce Weisenburger, had suddenly and unexpectedly passed away in Twin Falls, Idaho. Also the news that Mable's brother Melvin Weisenburger of Minnesota is in poor health.

Saturday, Ervin Longnecker, Merle Longnecker and Roger Wick enjoyed visiting over dinner at the Pizza Ranch in Carrington.

Wednesday Charlotte Koepplin took fresh baked caramel rolls and stopped in at James River Ag to visit with Taylor Koepplin and Karen Koepplin. She also got a tour of the unique seed and chemical business.

Friday Jimmy Indergaard was a visitor at the Mervin Indergaard home and later at the Ervin Longnecker home.

Friday afternoon Charlotte Koepplin picked up Candy Jensen and they drove to Devils Lake where they were among the many to take congrats to Kalli Koepplin as she was among the nurses who were pinned in a graduation ceremony at Lake Region State College. They enjoyed an open house celebration at Kalli's home there.

Esther Indergaard's family including her brother Alfred Klindworth, Sharon Laxdal and family, Fran Walen and family, Andy and Ruth Braaten and girls, Tim and Bobbi Jo Indergaard and Jimmy Indergaard enjoyed visiting over buffet dinner Mother’s Day at the Pizza Ranch in Carrington.

Charlotte Koepplin got a phone call from Aunt Ramona Koepplin from Minneapolis. Ramona is in a hospital awaiting some serious surgery May 15.

Ervin Longnecker enjoyed visiting with Sandy Koepplin and Gina Clifton one day for dinner at the Rockford Cafe.

Thursday found Jimmy Indergaard and nieces Nikki and Nelly Braaten supper guests at the Andy and Ruth Braaten home.

Doug Cudworth drove to Grace City on Mother’s Day and enjoyed the buffet dinner and visiting.

Charlotte Koepplin joined Martin and Janelle Koepplin, Aaron Koepplin and Danielle Beckley and children and Taylor Koepolin and Amanda Indergaard for Mother’s Day dinner Sunday at the Pizza Ranch in Carrington.

Margie Anderson enjoyed visiting residents at Golden Acres Manor and Golden Acres Estates Monday. Thursday Margie was among the many who attended the NR-S band and chorus concert in New Rockford.

Wednesday evening Ervin Longnecker was a brief visitor at the Charlotte Koepplin


Saturday Jimmy Indergaard drove to Hamberg where he visited his Uncle Alfred Klinsworth. Then he was on his way to New Rockford where he checked out the new Dollar General store.