Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

EMS Week 2018: Residents encouraged to recognize EMS all week long

This year's theme for EMS Week is EMS Strong, Stronger Together. I believe this to mean an EMS system where a partnership is formed between the ambulance service and other responders such as law enforcement and fire and rescue. Your local EMS team responds to 911 emergencies, whether the call is medical or trauma related, and gives the patient the best possible care.

This system of care is seen right here in the New Rockford community, so this is our opportunity to say thank you to every member of the team: The CPR-Drivers, EMRs, EMTs, Paramedics and RNs along with the Sheriff's Department staff and members of the local fire department alike. Thank you for all you do!

There the five days of EMS Week, and each day we focus on a different aspect of emergency services.

Monday is Education Day. On that day, I would like to take the opportunity to review the signs and symptoms of a stroke using the FAST mnemonic:

 F - Facial Droop. Ask the person to smile.

 A - Arm Drift. Is there weakness on one side of the body?

 S - Speech Problems. Ask a question. Is the speech clear, or do they seem to slur or can't speak at all?

 T - Time. When did the symptoms start? It's time to call for an ambulance. Every second counts!

Tuesday is Safety Day. I would ask all responders today to pay close attention to their scene safety and size-up protocols. At the end of the call, all who responded should go home.

Wednesday is EMS for Children Day. The weather is becoming warm and kids are out playing and riding their bikes. Help keep them safe today and every day by watching out for them as they play.

Thursday is Safe a Life Day. On Thursday please join us at the ambulance station at 1:30 p.m for an informal presentation called Stop the Bleed. This will be a hands-on session on how to stop major bleeding. We will also have our CPR manikins available for practice with hands only CPR. Stopping a major bleed or giving hands only CPR could save someone's life.

Friday is EMS Recognition Day. When you see an ambulance member, spouse or significant other, please stop and thank them for what they do and for what they and their families give up in their own lives to help others.