Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

East Central vocational training program celebrates graduates

Best Of Buddies, (B.O.B). a social group which consists of students from Pingree-Buchanan, Carrington, New Rockford-Sheyenne and Fessenden-Bowdon, got together one last time this spring to offer good luck and best wishes to graduates Devin Couch, Caitlyn Bender, Madison Moen and Kody Bennes; all but Kody are pictured at right.

At the celebration they enjoyed Extreme Bowling, a May basket exchange and of course great food and fellowship at the Carrington Bowling Alley. All of the buddies had a part in planning and preparing the menu, which included a taco-in-a-bag with all the fixings, Mexican rice, graduation cake and ice cream.

The staff of the New Rockford Transcript would like to offer a special congratulations to graduate Madison Moen of Sheyenne. She has worked at our office throughout the past year as a typesetter and insert bundler. Her strict attention to detail and precise work will be greatly missed.

Publisher Amy Wobbema said that although she completed both tasks with dedication, there was no question which she preferred. She greatly enjoyed and excelled at typsetting, avidly preparing the Talk of the Town and Pleasant Prairie News columns by Charlottle Koepplin each Wednesday.

"I can only recall one time when I had to correct a typo in Madison's work," said Copy Editor Rachel Brazil.

We look forward to working with more students in future years.