Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Pleasant Prairie News - July 2, 2018

Monday breakfast guests at the Merle and Sandy Longnecker home were Eric and Lisa Longnecker and family, Roger Wick, Bob and Sheryl Longnecker, Jim Brown and Cindy Longnecker. Later Bob and Sheryl left for their home in Mound, Minn., and Cindy and Jim left later for Minot and a plane home to Eagle, Idaho after a long weekend enjoying the summer ride with the Circle Trail Riders Inc. and guests of Ervin, Eric and Lisa Longnecker, over Father’s Day weekend.

Brief stopper Wednesday at the Charlotte Koepplin home was Todd Koepplin as he finished spraying the pinto bean crop.

Saturday found Ruth Braaten driving her mother Esther Indergaard to her dialysis appointment in Jamestown.

Jimmy Indergaard and Vicki, Andy and Ruth Braaten and Nelly took in the Foster County Fair Thursday evening enjoying fair food for their supper.

Ervin Longnecker enjoyed a visit and a fish supper at the Eric and Lisa Longnecker’s home Sunday.

Margie Anderson said goodbye to her sister Marlys and Merle Hanson Sunday following dinner at the Rockford Café. A tour of the Eddy County Museum and a family supper gathering later at the Peter and Patti Larson home in Sheyenne where the meal was topped off with Sandra's key lime pie. The Hanson's drove on to Minneapolis where they boarded a plane for Denver and then Sacramento and then drove on to their home in Copperopolis, Calif.

Charlotte Koepplin was in New Rockford on errands Monday and was a brief visitor at the Shirley Packard home. In the evening Charlotte was a brief visitor at the Margie Anderson home and Ervin Longnecker was a brief stopper at Charlottte's.

Jimmy Indergaard, Ruth Braaten and Esther Indergaard enjoyed a visit over supper out Tuesday. Jimmy was a Friday afternoon visitor at the Charlotte Koepplin home.

 Cindy Longnecker called Ervin Longnecker recently to let him know she and friend Jim Brown had made it home safely after being guests at Ervin's and enjoying the trail ride with him and the Circle Trail Riders.

Ruth Braaten and Sharon Laxdal went with their mother Esther Indergaard to Fessenden Friday where Esther was a part of her class reunion, supper and dance. Esther’s brother, Alfred Klindworth and sons were also there. It was an all school reunion.

Friday evening until Sunday noon Charlotte Koepplin enjoyed the company of Russell, English Cocker Spaniel, while masters, Aaron Koepplin and Danielle enjoyed some camping time and other friends.