Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
Tuesday, Leo and Janet Laube enjoyed supper at the Prairie Inn in Carrington as they celebrated their 47th wedding anniversary.
Recent guests at the Lillian Gedrose home were Orrin Gedrose and Susan Clonts of Dallas, Texas. Friday and Saturday found Lillian and sister Ellorine Goebel of Savage, Minn., and Adeline Guy of Minot attending and enjoying the all school reunion in Fessenden and also visiting and reminiscing.
Eloice Lucht celebrated her 83rd birthday Saturday, receiving phone calls filled with good wishes of the day from family and friends.
Wednesday found Ken and Marvis Holte in Jamestown where they did some shopping and treated daughter Fayette Hardy to lunch at Applebee’s.
Friday, Candy Jensen enjoyed visiting with Terry and Sandy Koepplin, Gina Clifton and others at the Rockford Cafe.
Marion Larson enjoyed a phone call from Wendell Larson from San Diego, Calif., Sunday.
Thursday, Calvin Packard drove his mother, Shirley, to Carrington for a medical appointment.
Sunday afternoon, visitors at the Lillian Gedrose home were Marilyn Gedrose, Janine Anderson and Colin Gedrose.
Friday afternoon Ken and Marvis Holte took in the activities of the Foster County Fair. Evening found Cody and Amanda Bickett and Izzy visiting at the Holte home.
Saturday Candy Jensen enjoyed a visit and a game of Yahtze with Beverly Jensen and Wendi at Beverly's.
Brief visitor at the Shirley Packard home Monday was Charlotte Koepplin.