Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
The October 11, 1901, “Transcript” noted the following: the Congregational Church was being extensively repaired and re-shingled. Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Buck’s residence on Stimson Avenue had been repainted. Jacob Allmaras’ new farm residence had been completed; it had steam heat and running water. Thomas Turner was building a 16x32 addition to his Barlow grain house.
W.L. Buttz had a gentleman’s bicycle and a lady’s bicycle for sale. For sale—new Barlow Hotel, eleven large rooms and a 16x32 barn; reason for sale: health of family. The laundry basket left Kunkel & Hudson’s every Monday and returned every Friday. John VonAlmen was a new clerk at Thomas Ose’s hardware store.
During the week, Hans Jensen was on his farm in the eastern part of the county, trying to save his flax crop, the best he’d ever produced. Andrew Johnson was bringing in potatoes for the local market. Flax was almost all cut and about half had been threshed. Rain during the week had delayed operations for several days.
Sometime during the previous week, former New Rockford Methodist minister Rev. J.N. Loach [April 1899-May 1901] and Cora Sackrider of Spiritwood were married. The latter part of that week saw Valentine Fertig at his farm supervising the flax harvest.
On October 11, Mrs. A.M. Thomson and her sister arrived from Milwaukee to look after the Thomson farming interests. E.R. Davidson returned from St. Paul, where he had purchased 35 head of cattle to stock his farm northeast of town; an extra train brought them in on the night of October 13. David Twist was in from his farm northwest of town. Mrs. Woodward, who had visited her son George and his family the past month, left for her home in Clarksville, Iowa. That evening Mr. and Mrs. L.J. Brown hosted a dancing and card party in the Hotel Davies parlors and dining room in honor of their guests, the daughters of branch line conductor Trotter. A large crowd enjoyed dancing and midnight refreshments of sandwiches, cake and coffee. R.L. Allison of Barlow was in New Rockford.
On October 12, Mrs. Harriet Gharrett [Garrett?] of Missoula, Mont., arrived to visit her cousin Mrs. James Davidson and family; she left for home on October 19. That evening Dr. MacLachlan and L.J. Brown of New Rockford and Dr. Storey of Carrington formed a trio and entertained the guests at the Kirkwood Hotel in the latter city; there were many encores.
At 11 a.m. Sunday, October 13, Rev. David Niccum of Carrington conducted Dunkard [United Brethren] services in the Baptist Church. That morning Homer Allison and Ben Fay were visiting in Sheyenne. Will Bennett and Miss Marguerite Sheehy were up from Carrington.
From October 13 to 14, George W. Price of the Mulkern and Price Furniture Store in McHenry was in New Rockford. From October 13 to 15, Jack Maher was in Carrington.
On October 14, W.G. Carter was in town. C.A. Berge came in from his farm near Twist. Ervie Spracher, Herb Losee and Oscar Irwin were in from near Tiffany. Miss Lenora Knox, who taught in the intermediate department of the New Rockford Schools from 1898 to 1900, left for her former home, Riverton, Ill. Miss Gertrude Patch left for her home in Indianapolis. Anton Haas went to his former home in Fountain City, Wis., to be with his seriously ill mother; she passed away, and after her funeral Mr. Haas returned to New Rockford on October 23. Mrs. George Woodward and her daughter left for their new home in Devils Lake. Rachel Olson joined the seventh grade.
On that day Mrs. Alex Mathews died of typhoid fever; she had been ill for some time. She had been brought into New Rockford from her home east of Tiffany the forepart of the previous week for medical attention, but it was too late. Her funeral was on the morning of October 15.
On October 15, J.H. Bonney and son Ansen were in New Rockford. Major and Mrs. F.O. Getchell were down from Ft. Totten and stayed overnight with Mr. and Mrs. George Hickey. Sylvanus Marriage was in Barlow buying threshing supplies. J.M. Mulvey, L.J. Brown and Francis Henwood of Fargo went goose hunting near Leeds. That evening, District Presiding Elder Rev. M.P. Burns preached in the Methodist Church and administered the Lord’s Supper.
On October 16, the Tiffany Ladies’ Aid Society met at Mrs. H.C. Tarbell’s farm residence. Horace Courtemanche was in town. Rudolph Indergaard came in from his farm southeast of New Rockford; his flax and wheat ran about 19 bushels per acre; his oats went 45 bushels per acre. Hans Anderson and Frank Thelander were in town. Carrington resident Ed Galehouse was in Barlow. Katie (Mrs. Thomas) Turner returned from a few days’ visit with her husband in Barlow. Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Noble of Sumpter, Minn., arrived to visit a couple weeks with Mrs. E.P. Cosgrove of New Rockford and Mrs. O.H. Foster of Tiffany. Judge W.S. Lander and Tip Proper of Wahpeton came up to hunt waterfowl in eastern Eddy County. J.L. Truesdell was up from Minneapolis. That afternoon Maurice H. Oliver and Ellen M. Hulbert were married by Rev. J.R. Beebe at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Burton Hulbert, five miles southeast of New Rockford. The couple would live in Sheyenne, where the groom was the manager of F.L. Kermott’s harness shop. Andrew Anderson almost lost an arm in the drive belt of a self-feeder, but luckily had only minor injuries. That night a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Timothy O’Connor.
On October 17, R.T. Gedrose and son of Cathay and Jacob Valer were in New Rockford. Martin Anderson was in from Plainview. Burrill A. Daniels was in town; he had a boil on his left hand. George Kohn was in on business. Rev. C.F. Sewrey went to Valley City for the District Ministerial Association meeting. Marian V. Davis and Volney G. Collins were married in Buffalo, N.Y. The bride had visited relatives in the area the previous summer.
On that day Barbara Haas, 74, died in Fountain City, Wis. She had suffered from stomach problems and had left Jamestown the previous May to live with her daughter Mrs. Fleutsch in Fountain City. She left three sons: Peter of near Courtenay; Anton of New Rockford; and Andrew of Jamestown; and one daughter, Mrs. Fleutsch. All were able to be with her at the time of her death. Grandchildren included Chris and Anna Fleutsch of Jamestown, where Mrs. Haas had lived for many years.
The October 18, 1901, “Transcript” had a Card of Thanks: “To the many kind friends who did so much for my beloved wife during her last illness, I desire to express my most earnest and sincere thanks, especially do I desire to thank Chas. Logan for the many kind offices performed for us. ALEX MATHEWS.”
An ad: “The moving pictures at Captain Alberti’s lecture are never to be forgotten.”
At Thomas Ose’s hardware kerosene was selling for 14 ½ cents per gallon and gasoline for 16 ½ cents.