Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Map of German Free Church cemetery plots now available at Eddy County Auditor's office

At the Eddy County Commission meeting on Tuesday, July 3, Eddy County Auditor Patty Williams told the commissioners that New Rockford resident, Shirley Packard, recently informed Eddy County officials that she found a map of the German Free Church cemetery, while going through some of her mother’s things. The map includes where the burial plots are and who is buried in them. People sometimes come to town, knowing that they have family buried there but people hadn’t known where to send them. There will now be a map on file in the Eddy County Auditor’s office.

Eddy County Road Superintendent Irvin Loe reported that one of the two culverts scheduled to be replaced has been finished; the other one will be replaced after the Fourth of July. Roadwork continues with new gravel on Eddy County 3 and have patched the holes on the Brantford road. With the exception of that one road, all other paved roads in Eddy County are in good shape.

Loe will also be meeting with Brent Huso from 701 Tree Service to talk about some more problem areas with brushy young trees that will need to be removed before winter as they hold snow. There are problem areas on Eddy County 6 and 8, along with a few other small problem areas that have been identified by the Eddy County road crew.

The county will be holding a sale of items no longer used by the county, including several vehicles and other items. The road department and sheriff’s department both have items that will be advertised on bids and the other county departments will also be asked if they have items they no longer use. Eddy County Auditor Patty Williams will compile a list and then advertise the items to be sold on bids.

Eddy County Sheriff Paul Lies commented that the new Dodge Charger on order will probably be delivered this week. Once they receive it, they will take it to Grand Forks to have it fitted with the equipment needed to be a squad car.

New business discussed by the commissioners included the following items:

 • Check signatures need to be changed at Bank Forward, with the death of DeVon Allmaras. Her name will be removed, and Patti Hilbert’s name will be added to the signature card.

 • A dumpster will be ordered from Waste Management and placed at the county shop in Sheyenne to be used by Warsing Dam from May through October.

The City of New Rockford requested that the county have someone be responsible for the maintenance around the Mill Pump and Cheers building. The city removed weeds prior to the Fourth of July, but informed the county that someone has been using the trashcans, so they will need to be emptied. The county will remove the trash cans. They will also spray the weeds.

 • The president of the North Dakota Association of Counties (NDACo) will be doing his President’s Tour and will stop in New Rockford for about an hour on Thursday, August 9. Department heads will be asked to be available.

 • The NDACo convention will be held in October. Commissioners Neal Rud and Glenda Collier both plan to attend.

The next meeting of the Eddy County Commission will be held Tuesday, July 17 at 8:30 a.m.

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