Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Pleasant Prairie News - July 16, 2018

Mr. and Mrs. Ron Berglund of Fresno, Calif. visited residents in Pleasant Prairie Township during the Fourth of July week. Ron is the son of the late Harold and Bernice Berglund, long time farmers in Pleasant Prairie. They checked out the old school in Brantford and visited with many others in New Rockford and Sheyenne while they were


Monday evening found Dale and Diane Rosenberg, Corey Jorgensen, Nancy Ludwig, Eve McAvoy, Charlotte Koepplin and Bill and Diana Ziegler among those who attended the monthly meeting of Circle Trail Riders Inc., at Hanson's Bar.

Saturday Jimmy Indergaard was a visitor and dinner guest at the Mervin Indergaard home Evening found him enjoying the car show in Carrington.

Ervin Longnecker enjoyed dinner at the Eric and Lisa Longnecker home Sunday. Later all helped Ervin pick up trees and branches in his yard due to the storm.

Saturday Sharon Laxdal drove mom, Esther Indergaard to dialysis in Jamestown. Sunday found them plus Andy and Ruth Braaten and Nikki supper guests and visitors at the Jimmy Indergaard home.

The Fourth of July found Margie Anderson joining other family for the festivities in Sheyenne following the parade and dinner there, visiting with cousins and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Berglund there. Later joined family for a visit and supper at the Peter and Patti Larson home.

Monday afternoon found Charlotte Koepplin in New Rockford and Carrington on necessary errands.

Ervin Longnecker was among the Veterans to ride on the American Legion float in the New Rockford parade on the Fourth of July. Then Ervin joined Eric and Lisa Longnecker and family for dinner at the Larry and Nancy Arndt home.

Charlotte Koepplin enjoyed a phone call from Aunt Ramona Koepplin recently. Ramona was happy to be back in her apartment after some major surgery in May, a lengthy hospital stay, some time in a special home for rehab, and then some time with her daughter and son-in law, Sandra and Steve Johnson. Charlotte was happy to hear Ramona is on the mend, minding her p's and q's and is well on her way to a complete recovery.

Saturday found Merle and Sandy Longnecker, Roger Wick, Ervin Longnecker and Dale and Diane Rosenberg taking part in the Hanson's Car and Motorcycle Poker Run. Fun was had by all.

Margie Anderson joined other family Sunday at First Lutheran Church in New Rockford for the baptism of great grandson, Damian, infant son of Ryan and Laura Hager. Later all celebrated the special occasion with brunch at the Chieftain in Carrington.