Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

History of New Rockford: September 10, 2018

On the evening of Nov. 30, 1901 (known as “St. Andrew’s Night"), the “Canadian Old Boys” of New Rockford hosted a banquet and program of Scottish dances, instrumental and vocal music, and toasts in the Hotel Mattson’s dining room. Covers were laid for 50; the walls were covered with Canadian, St. Andrew’s and American flags; and there were many bouquets of flowers. The tables were formed into a St. Andrew’s Cross. The banquet was prepared by James Hamilton, assisted by Christine Mattson.

At 9:15, Donald Niven, toastmaster, gave the Address of Welcome. P.M. Mattson, W.C. Beardsley, J.G. Dailey, John M. Mulvey, J.W. Rager, George A. Brown, Nathan Flater, Dr. Murdock McGregor of Fessenden, Dr. J. Ross McKenzie of Carrington, Dr. McCallum of Bowdon, and Dr. MacLachlan of McHenry all gave speeches.

John A. Wren danced some Scottish reels. Prof. J. Newton Moore, R.U. Austin and Dr. Charles MacLachlan provided vocal and instrumental solos. Frank McKenzie of Wild Rice, N.D., played the bagpipes.

The members of the Canadian Boys were R.U. Austin, George A. Brown, Malcolm Campbell, A.H. Crawford, Andrew Dodds, John Dodds, George Flater, Nathan Flater, John Goodell, James Hamilton, John Hogan, Lorne Ireland, J.L. Kinnaird, James MacLachlan, Dr. Charles MacLachlan, F.H. Martin, John Martin, Peter McAvoy, E.M. McLain, J. Newton Moore, Donald Niven, Fred Speck, John Walsh, Martin Walsh, Patrick Walsh and John A. Wren.

Their guests included W.C. Beardsley, A.C. Buck, J.G. Dailey, F.C. Davies, H.C. Hudson, J.N. Kunkel, P.M. Mattson, J.M. Mulvey, A.C. Olsen, Peter Prader, J.W. Rager, D.Y. Stanton, C.J. Stickney, J.W. Stoddard and R.R. Woodward.

Canadian visitors were Dr. Murdock McGregor, Dr. J. Ross McKenzie, Dr. McCallum, and Dr. MacLachlan, Frank McKenzie and Thomas Turner of Barlow.

Also that evening Mrs. E.S. Severtson and Miss Lenora Kennedy joined the Degree of Honor.

In the early morning hours of Sunday, Dec. 1, the District Court session ended. In the final case McDowell vs. Manly, the latter received $26, the amount of his countersuit. B.M. Leonard was fined $300 and sentenced to remain in jail for sixty days. A Mr. Scott was fined $200 and ordered to remain in jail for 30 days. Later on, Martin Walsh was in New Rockford.

On the morning of Dec. 2, a strong east wind brought snow for several hours; then the wind died and cold clamped down on the area. It was characterized as the first winter weather of the season. H.P. Halverson and J.G. Nelson were in from their farms. Stephen Walsh was in from Tiffany. Otto Gasal, John Casper, Adolph Fried and Peter Fried came up from Courtenay to visit John L. Prader, Jr. R.L. Allison went to Esmond to start a barbershop. Rev. J.R. Beebe went to Maddock for special services. Andrew Dodds left for his old home in Ontario, Canada. J.M. Patch left for Indianapolis after spending the fall looking after his business interests. Miss Pearl Henry went to Fessenden to teach school during the winter term. Misses Floy and Jet Richter were on the southbound train to [Minneapolis?] after Thanksgiving with their parents in Sheyenne.

On Dec. 3, C.E. Hatch and Louis Martinson [Lewis Mortensen?] were in town. Sheyenne druggist F.L. Kermott and “Sheyenne Star” editor C.C. Manning were in town. Henry Holter went to Esmond for a few days. Fred H. Martin went to Fargo to enter the Magnetic Institute for treatment of his rheumatism. Albert Faust returned to his home near Valley City after a Thanksgiving in New Rockford with his brother-in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. Olof Lundquist. That evening the New Rockford Camp of the MWA elected E.R. Davidson as Venerable Consul and W.C. Dresser as Worthy Advisor. Others elected were R.R. Woodward, Banker; Peter Prader, Clerk; R.E. Miller, Watchman; John T. Olson, Sentry; W.E.Radtke, Manager, three years; D.Y. Stanton, Band Manager.

On Dec. 3 and 4, J.M. Shannon was in from his ranch.

On Dec. 4, the Tiffany Ladies Aid sponsored their annual Bazaar in the Tiffany School from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. at which time any remaining goods were auctioned off. Features included a Japanese booth, a Continental booth and a “Darkey” booth. The money raised went toward a parsonage at Tiffany. Alfred Dinnetz and W.W. Overton were in from their farms on business. August Moberg was up from Barlow. Thomas Adam and B.F. Onstott were in town. Dr. William Bartley, James Dafoe, and Archie Gerow, all of Sheyenne, plus Mark Hulbert returned from their hunting trip in the hills up the Missouri River; they had been gone two weeks and only had three deer to show for it. Drayman E.H. Martin went to Minneapolis on business. Charles Edinger of Germantown and A.C. Jones left for Minneapolis, where they would stay for the winter. That evening Rev. D.H. Clarkson held Episcopal services in the Baptist Church. Fred Dutee was in from eastern Eddy County. Joseph Dutee drove down from Lakota, where he had moved for the winter so his children could attend school.

At 11 a.m. Dec. 5, W.O. Baird, having rented his farm, sold at a public sale on his farm two miles north of New Rockford forty head of colts and horses, one registered Percheron stallion, 125 breeding ewes, farm machinery, and other property. There was a free lunch at noon. W.M. Chamberlain was the auctioneer. Uriah Hunt of Fessenden was in New Rockford between trains on his way to Leeds on business. George VanHeesch and Chris Guler came in from the Guler district. Hans Tuffli was in on business. “Pomp” Shauers came in from eastern Eddy County.

That day a fire started in the Mr. and Mrs. William Cahill residence in some clothing hanging on a wall. The flames spread to a bed and then to a door and its casings, consumed all of Mrs. Cahill’s dresses and all the children’s clothing, except what they were wearing. All the plastering in the room, the woodwork, and the bedding were ruined. Mr. Cahill was not at home; neighbors extinguished the flames. The loss was partially covered by insurance.

That day and evening the Congregational Ladies Social Union held its annual sale of fancy and of useful items in Ohrners Hall; a dinner of chicken pie and a supper were served; all meals a quarter; Anna M. Beebe, secretary. Among those who attended were Miss Emma Anderson and from Barlow J.R. Engberg, Thomas Turner, F.B. Ewald [Ewals?], and Charles Hauch. The event was termed a big success with receipts of $100.96.