Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Estimated tax statements sent; public meetings upcoming

New state legislation aimed at making local government more transparent has resulted in a change in how residents are notified about taxes.

Treasurers across the state sent out estimated property tax statements

on Aug. 31 to all residents who own property valued at $100 or more. More specifically, it’s an estimate of what taxpayers will owe in property taxes this year based on the county’s preliminary budget.

The budgets can still change at this point, but they can only go down. The taxing authorities are required to represent the highest possible amount they plan to collect.

The estimated statements show property owners what the value of their property was last year and what it’s worth now. Then they break down the taxes and show what each taxing authority’s portion is, including the county, school district, city and park district, if applicable. The information is presented in an easy to read chart that shows how much each entity proposes to collect from the property owner compared to what was collected last year. The goal is to increase taxpayer participation in the budget process.

Keep in mind that special assessments are not included in the statements. Residents should contact their city auditor or county treasurer for more information about special assessments due on any property.

Residents should note that these are not actual invoices, but rather estimates. Actual statements from which taxes should be paid will be mailed out in November, as in past years.

The cost of preparing and mailing the estimated statements will be allocated among the taxing entities and paid for with property tax collections.

The estimated statements also include the date, time and location of each taxing district’s final budget hearing. The first entity to hold its public levy meeting is the New Rockford-Sheyenne School District. The meeting will be held Monday, Sept. 10 at 6 p.m. in the school cafeteria.

Business Manager Janet Heskin said that the only change in the school’s levy is related to the building improvement project, which voters approved last fall. Full details on the mills the school district proposes to levy will be presented at Monday’s meeting.

The New Rockford City Commission will hold its meeting Oct. 1 at 7 p.m. The Eddy County Commission’s meeting is set for Oct. 2 at 10 a.m. The New Rockford Park District’s public hearing will be held Oct. 2 at 6:30 p.m.

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