Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Sermonette: September 10, 2018

"A nation of firm purpose you keep in peace, for it trusts in you." Isaiah 26:3

Do you believe that the United States of America is a nation at peace? You probably would not be alone if your answer to this question was no. Our country is one that appears to be deeply divided, and yet this biblical passage from Isaiah gives us a starting point for examining why the United States is not at peace. Perhaps, the nation lacks a firm purpose. It clearly had one, at one point. However, this might have been forgotten. This issue will be dealt with more thoroughly next week. Today, the focus is on the basic component of the country, its people, the individuals who account for its greatness or mediocrity.

It was not that long ago that if someone was asked what their purpose was they could recite an answer from memory. It was simply the answer to one of the basic questions learned in catechism. Question 1: Who made us? Answer: God made us. Question 2: Who is God? Answer: God is the Supreme Being, infinitely perfect, who made all things and keeps them in existence. Question 3: Why did God make us? Answer: God made us to show forth his goodness and to share with us his everlasting happiness in heaven. Question 4: What must we do to gain the happiness of heaven? Answer: To gain the happiness of heaven we must know, love and serve God in this world.

There you have it. Our purpose is to gain the happiness of heaven by knowing, loving, and serving God in this world. Many in our own local community if asked their purpose probably could not give this answer. By not knowing their purpose, they leave themselves vulnerable to be swayed by that which the popular culture defines as their purpose and they are easily led astray. Most importantly, they are not at peace since as Isaiah states they do not have a "firm purpose." In fact, they are likely to seek those things such as love of riches, pleasure, fame, and power as their purpose in life, which are recipes for unhappiness, and if left unchecked ultimately will lead them to hell. It is because of this confusion that many of our youth are not at peace and that complacency and depression are on the rise in our country.

Which brings us back to our initial premise. Our nation is not at peace because its citizens are not at peace because they have forgotten or never knew their firm purpose. This does not have to be the case. In fact, it cannot be the case long run. As will be discussed next week, if we lose sight of the purpose of our great nation that was formed like no other in the history of mankind, we will become consigned to mediocrity like all of the rest.