Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Pleasant Prairie News - Sept. 24, 2018

Pleasant Prairie and area folks extend sympathy to the family of Roger Wick.

Jimmy Indergaard enjoyed a phone chat with his sister Sharon Laxdal Monday.

Charlotte Koepplin was a brief stopper at the Margie Anderson home Monday morning and in New Rockford in the afternoon doing errands and briefly at the Martin and Janelle Koepplin home.

Dale and Diane Rosenberg were hosts to the fall ride of Circle Trail Riders Inc. Saturday and Sunday. Among those who enjoyed the ride and the Saturday night potluck supper included, Ervin Longnecker, Eileen Williams, Katie Jorgensen, Charlie, Billie, Rynna and Harrison, Dianne Goebel, Joan McCormick, Jay Cudworth, Loren Anderson, Jess Olson, Landen Anderson, Karen Leonhardt, Christopher and Jaxon, Tara Hansen, Susie Semmens, Nikki, Mindy and Amber, Chuck and Nancy Ludwig, Mike Buck, Gary and Caryn Jorgensen and Charlotte Koepplin.

Margie Anderson was among the ladies too attend the Auxiliary meeting at the Lutheran Home of the Good Shepherd Tuesday where final plans made for the upcoming Fall Festival. Margie also visited with Neola Richter while at the home. Wednesday Charlotte Koepplin received a phone call from cousin Alice Norton, Pahl with the sad news of Alice’s sister Joyce Kline's husband Tony had passed away in Broken Arrow, Okla. Alice and Joyce are the daughters of the late August and Bertha Pahl.

Thursday afternoon brief visitor at the Charlotte Koepplin home was Margie Anderson.

Friday afternoon, found Jimmy Indergaard visitors at the Ervin Longnecker and Charlotte Koepplin homes bringing apples. Susie Semmens and Mindy visited at Charlotte's later in the afternoon.

Cory Jorgensen stopped in at the Ervin Longnecker home Monday morning and brewed up some coffee for the fellas.

Sunday, found Margie Anderson among those who took 90th birthday greetings to Merlin Miller in the Great Room at the Lutheran Home of the Good Shepherd and later visited at the Peter and Patti Larson home.

Sunday afternoon, stoppers at the Ervin Longnecker were tail end riders who had enjoyed the weekend trail ride with Circle Trail Riders Inc. They were happy campers. Gary and Caryn Jorgensen and grandchildren, Harrison and Rynna, Gene Kaul and grandson Treyton and Lori Himmelberger.