Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Pleasant Prairie News - Oct. 1, 2018

On Wednesday, Pleasant Prairie folks including, Ervin Longnecker. Cory and Katie Jorgensen, Dale and Diane Rosenberg, Charlotte Koepplin, Margie Anderson, Gary Anderson, David and Karen Anderson, Gary Weigum and Eric and Lisa Longnecker and family were among family and friends who attended a Celebration of Life for Roger Wick at the Merle and Sandy Longnecker home. Enlightening and comforting talks, both serious and humorous were given by long time Wick family friend Ralph Dyrness and Roger’s brother Rudy. There was special music by family and a catered meal joining all in fellowship and remembrance of Roger.

On Friday, stop in dinner guest at the Charlotte Koepplin home was Todd Koepplin in between mowing of the road sides.

Sunday afternoon, Margie Anderson and Charlotte Koepplin were among the ladies to attend a bridal shower for Amanda Indergaard at the New Rockford Golf Course. Amanda will be the bride of Taylor Koepplin on Nov. 4 in a wedding ceremony at Kvernes Lutheran Church. The couple are making their home in New Rockford. Amanda was wearing the wedding dressing that belonged to her grandmother, Esther Indergaard at the shower. Among the hostesses at the shower were Esther lndergaard and daughters, Sharon Laxdal, Fran Walen, Ruth Braaten, Amanda's mother, Bobbi Jo Indergaard, sister Brittney Backer and Vicki Magill. Cheesecake topped the list of many treats at a help yourself bar.

Some of the visitors this past week at the Ervin Longnecker home were Cory and Katie Jorgensen and family, Jimmy Indergaard and Dennis Cook.

John and Kathleen Lee, Dale and Diane Rosenberg, Roger Topp, Margie Anderson and Gary and Kathy Anderson were among the many who took in activities at the 60th Annual Steam Threshers Reunion in New Rockford over the weekend at the fairgrounds in New Rockford.

Saturday found the Wick family sisters preparing homemade veggie soup for family at the Wick family farm. Ervin Longnecker, Eric and Lisa Longnecker and family and Merle and Sandy Longnecker were among the soup slurpers. Apple pie topped the meal off.

Sunday evening Margie Anderson visited a the Ryan and Laura Hager home. Margie Anderson was among those who attended a memorial burial service and luncheon for Richard Huff recently at Kvernes Lutheran Church.