Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
Budget seemed to be the word of the day at the Eddy County Commission meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 2. A conference call was held with Benson, Eddy, Pierce and Ramsey county commissioners to approve the final budget of the Lake Region District Health Unit (LRDHU) for 2019. Alan McKay, LRDHU administrator, had previously appeared at each of the county commission meetings to present the budget to them separately. This meeting was solely for the four county commissions to approve the budget as he had presented.
The budget for Lake Region Law Enforcement Center (LEC) was also reviewed and approved. Prior to this budget, Eddy County had been paying one mill for the LEC. A cost-share formula will now be used to calculate the shared budget amounts that will be based on 911 calls and incarceration days. Eddy County’s share will be $19,391.
The Eddy County commissioners also held their budget hearing and then approved the 2019 final budget.
Eddy County Road Superintendent, Irvin Loe reported that they are nearly finished with the mowing of the ditches and that he would be going out to finish up that day as there was a possibility of snow forecasted.
The commissioners appointed Patti Larson and Eddy County Extension Agent Tim Becker as delegates to the North Dakota State Fair annual meeting.
Commissioner Neal Rud reported that Harvey Sand & Gravel Inc., had begun construction on Eddy County 8. They will be talking with Ben Aaseth from Interstate Engineering to keep abreast of any new developments that may occur during the construction.
Aaseth also made some notations to the Eddy County Federal Aid road projects that might be a possibility in the future. These will be discussed with the North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT) at their meeting during the North Dakota Association of Counties meeting. One of the suggestions would an overlay on the Brantford road if monies become available. Aaseth also added the possibility of a chip seal on the Lake Washington Road and a possible overlay on a section of Highway 281.
New business discussed by the commissioners included the following:
• A letter received by NDDOT informed the commission that they are accepting applications for the Transportation Alternatives program, which includes projects like pedestrian trails, bicycle projects, safe routes to school, conversion of abandoned railroad projects for non-motorized use, construction of turnouts and overlooks for viewing areas along roadways, community improvement projects and environmental mitigation projects.
• The commissioners approved a recommendation from Eddy County Treasurer, Kathy Anderson that they purchase a $250,000 CD from Community Credit Union at a rate of 2.75 percent for 12 months.
They approved a special permit for Hanson’s Bar for a wedding dance to be held at James River Ag.
The commission reviewed an estimate received from G & R Controls regarding a $3,954 estimate for steam radiation repairs to reconnect the piping in the old jail cell to provide additional heat for both the women’s bathroom.
• Prices were set for delinquent tax properties. The list will be published in a future issue of the “New Rockford Transcript.” Commissioners set the hearing for objections for Oct. 16 at 9 a.m.