Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
Monday, Sept. 24 the Rockets traveled to Langdon. For the second time, both Elizabeth Widmer and Chloe Heinz placed in the top ten.
Varsity 5K Results
Elizabeth Widmer 22:28, 6 of 34
Chloe Heinz 22:39, 10 of 34
Hannah Haley 23:01, 13 of 34
Ashlynn Benson 25:02,17 of 34
Mya Cudworth 24:31, 24 of 34
Junior High 3K Results
Katie Allmaras 14:58, 13 of 20
Lucy Meier 15:18, 15 of 20
Kiara Bullhead 15:20, 16 of 20
Then, on Saturday, Sept. 29 they headed to Jamestown, where they faced a much larger pool of runners, many of them from Class A schools.
Varsity 5K Results
Elizabeth Widmer 22:28, 47 of 123
Chloe Heinz 22:54 61 of 123
Hannah Haley 23:57 81 of 123
Mya Cudworth 24:59, 95 of 123
Ashlynn Benson 25:02, 96 of 123
Junior High 3K Results
Katie Allmaras 14:45, 14 of 25
Kiara Bullhead 15:01, 17 of 25
Lucy Meier 15:02, 18 of 25