Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Talk of the Town - Oct. 15, 2018

Tuesday, Leo and Janet Laube and Yip Yip drove to Jamestown and did some shopping and enjoyed dinner before returning home.

On Wednesday Margie Bohnet prepared for the ladies of the Kindred Sisters Bible Study group, who enjoyed their study at the Bohnet home. Shirley Packard furnished the goodies.

Many New Rockford area folks took in the activities at the Annual Fall Festival Sunday at the Lutheran Home of the Good Shepherd.

Monday, Leo and Janet Laube were among family, including grandson Scott Laube and friend Nikki of Fargo. All celebrated New Rockford-Sheyenne Homecoming event in which Nikki's sister, Darica Ziebart was among the Royalty of the Homecoming Court.

Last Monday, Todd Harrison was a visitor and helper at the Shirley Packard home.

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