Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
Saturday visitors at the Margie Anderson home were Patti Larson and Sandra arriving with garden goodies.
Friday evening, grandson Bryce Laxdal was a visitor at the Esther Indergaard home.
Monday, Charlotte Koepplin was in Harvey on medical business. In the evening, Taylor Koepplin and his sweetie Amanda Indergaard were at Charlotte's shredding cabbage for sauerkraut. All enjoyed pizza first then visiting while in the process.
Andy and Ruth Braaten treated Esther Indergaard to the fall turkey supper Sunday at Trinity Lutheran Church in Carrington. Jimmy Indergaard also enjoyed the supper.
Last Saturday, Jimmy Indergaard was a visitor at the Ervin Longnecker home.
Margie Anderson took birthday greetings to Neola Richter one day at The Lutheran Home of the Good Shepherd one afternoon. Margie also visited with Judy Cudworth who is recuperating there from recent knee surgery.
Amanda Indergaard visited Gramma Esther Indergaard one afternoon. Sharon Laxdal visited Esther on her way to Bismarck to see daughter Brooke.
Louie Allmaras was a brief visitor at the Ervin Longnecker home Saturday.
Sharon Laxdal drove mom, Esther Indergaard to dialysis Saturday in Jamestown.
Jimmy Indergaard visited his Uncle Mervin Indergaard and cousin Vicki last Saturday.