Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
Afternoon coffee guests at the home of Shirley Westby were Patti Larson, Barb Blaine and Patti Clifton. Along with coffee, the guests were served a sampling of several of Shirley's homemade goodies-- always delicious! It was a good afternoon of visiting.
Last Thursday, Jan Loe and Patti Clifton, along with many other credit union members, enjoyed the pulled pork sandwich noon lunch served at the Community Credit Union in New Rockford. The event was for International Credit Union Day.
Oct. 19, Steph Loe and Jan Loe attended the funeral service for Fyll Burthold at the American Lutheran Church in Tolna.
Monday morning, Patti Clifton and Jan Loe attended the funeral service for Kurt Anderson at First Lutheran Church in New Rockford.
Steve Loe, Lincoln, Neb., arrived in Sheyenne early Monday morning for a quick visit with his mother Jan Loe and sister Steph. He was here to attend the funeral service for Kurt Anderson.