Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
The last couple of articles I've written for our monthly parish newsletter talked about change. Oh yes, that ugly word change. It seems that the older we get, the more set in our ways we become and change becomes more difficult. But when we think about it, the world for all of us began with change and will end with change.
What must a newborn child think or experience when he or she sees light for the first time and takes that first breath? They find themselves no longer in the womb being nurtured by mom, instead their lungs are now filled with oxygen for the first time. Not long after, the brain begins wanting nourishment.
It is a change for mom also, for the whole family. The lives of the parents are certainly changed with the first child. Even if there are already children in the family, they experience a change also. A new baby brother or sister is now in the home, and attention from mom and dad must be shared.
There are other changes in a child's life also that are quite significant. Walking and talking are huge changes. The toddler finds out help is not needed to get from one place to another, hence, the term "childproofing the home" comes into being. Talking is a great change for them and also for mom and dad as crying is no longer the only way to say "I'm hungry, feed me." To carry this scenario on even a bit further, there is the first day of school, the first kiss, the first date, the drivers license. That is a mighty change for them, and a feeling of independence of no longer needing a ride.
We certainly had a large change at Sheyenne-Oberon Area Ministry. They said good-bye to a pastor who had served for a number of years. The change was not just a pastor leaving, but a whole family who was very involved in the church and community. No doubt they are missed. Now I serve the four congregations of that parish and that is quite a change for me as well as them.
We are also in a season of changes. Not that long ago, we walked outside wearing jeans and a t-shirt. In a few short weeks, we'll be wearing heavy coats and gloves as well as warming up the car before we go anyplace. But this Christmas season, as we get involved in all the activities that come with the season, planning, cooking, shopping, etc., let us not forget the reason for the season. Let us not forget the change brought about by Christ's birth. In the first chapter of John's gospel, speaking of Jesus, the author writes that all who receive him, who believe in his name, he gave power to become the children of God. In the first chapter of Luke's gospel, an angel tells Mary that she will have a child, a son, and she is to name him Jesus. She is told that he will become great and his kingdom will have no end.
So dear friends, I pray that you will let Jesus into your lives this Christmas season and that you will let his birth cause a change in you. Yours in Christ.