Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Pleasant Prairie News - Dec. 31, 2018

Thursday Dale and Diane Rosenberg picked up Ervin Longnecker and drove into New Rockford where they, along with Roger Topp, enjoyed oyster stew at the Charles Richter home. They made it home safely in the December fog.

Charlotte Koepplin enjoyed a steak supper Thursday at the Martin and Janelle Koepplin home and also had fun playing with KC dog.

Sunday visitors at the Esther Indergaard home were Andy and Ruth Braaten, Nikki and Nelly, Jimmy Indergaard and Tim Indergaard. Jimmy also visited on Wednesday and Thursday Esther, Ruth and Nelly took in a girls basketball game in Carrington.

Margie Anderson accompanied David and Karen Anderson to Jamestown Saturday for an early family Christmas at the Kent and Shelly Rigsby home. Thirty one enjoyed time together. Those being the Rigsby family, Andy Anderson from California, Mitch and Amber Sylling and Weston from Devils Lake, Gary and Kathy Anderson, Peter and Patti Larson, Joanna and Sandra, Ken and Sarah Anderson from Fargo and Ryan and Laura Hager and children. All enjoyed eating, visiting and a fun gift exchange.

Ken Reis delivered some holiday goodies to the Ervin Longnecker home Saturday evening.

Bobbi Jo Indergaard drove Esther Indergaard to Jamestown Saturday for her regular dialysis appointment.

Visitors and helpers this past week at the Charlotte Koepplin home were Todd and Karen Koepplin, Taylor and Amanda Koepplin, and Martin Koepplin. Thursday visitors were Martin and Janelle and Aaron Koepplin and Chevelle.

Ervin Longnecker and Larry and Nancy Arndt were Christmas Eve guests at the Eric and Lisa Longnecker home.

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