Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Letter to the Editor: Burgum commended for behavioral health budget request

To Whom It May Concern,

Within the last few weeks, Governor Burgum released his proposed budget for the biennium and we want to commend him for making behavioral health a priority. Within the budget are important line items like $3,050,000 for increased substance use disorder treatment, which are important both financially and symbolically for the citizens of our state.

As the opioid crisis continues to spread and mental health services continue to be limited, it is imperative we have civic leaders who see the value in behavioral health and substance use disorder treatment. For too long, individuals have viewed the behavioral health disorders as character flaws, rather than the debilitating diseases they represent. In order to combat these issues, we need a spotlight greater than ourselves to lift up the issues to the level of prominence that is needed to create positive action.

Having prominent figures like the Governor and First Lady highlighting these issues has created greater understanding within the general public of the challenges individuals face with behavioral health. Each day our clinicians provide the utmost care for patients who experience both mental health and substance use disorders. However the more comfortable we can make patients about reaching out, the more patients we can serve.

Thank you Governor and First Lady for lifting these important items up.


Ty Hegland



About ShareHouse:

ShareHouse has served as the Upper Midwest’s leader in substance use disorder (SUD) treatment and mental health since 1976. Operating as the largest independent treatment center in North Dakota employs two inpatient facilities with 87 beds, as well as a growing outpatient and mental health clinics. ShareHouse’s mission is to be the trusted resource for recovery in the tri-state region, with a focus on dual-diagnosis patients in need of SUD and mental health service.

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