Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
Sunday visitors and supper guests at the Esther Indergaard home were Andy and Ruth Braaten and Nelly and Jimmy Indergaard. Tim Indergaard was an evening visitor.
Ervin Longnecker drove to Carrington one day and took car of some vehicle business. Kathy Anderson drove to Larimore where she amended the funeral for former classmate Terry Trosen.
Granddaughter Sandra Larson was a visitor at the Margie Anderson home one afternoon. The gals made homemade rye bread. Peter and Patti Larson were brief visitors at Margie’s Sunday afternoon
Charlotte Koepplin joined other family Saturday at the Martin and Janelle Koepplin home for a belated Christmas celebration.
Saturday found Bobbi Jo Indergaard driving Esther Indergaard to Jamestown for her regular dialysis and later treated Esther to supper out.
Sunday Ervin Longnecker enjoyed a phone call from Gold Canyon, Ariz. from son Merle and Sandy. Gold Canyon is near Mesa and they woke up Sunday to snow on the mountains.
Margie Anderson was a visitor and sinner guest Sunday at the Gary and Kathy Anderson home following worship service at Kvernes Lutheran Church.
Cory Jorgensen was a visitor an dinner guest at the Ervin Longnecker home one day.
Thursday Margie Anderson treated Vivian Rimmereid to lunch at the Rockford Cafe in celebration of Vivian's birthday. Margie stopped by the Ryan and Laura Hager home one afternoon with fresh made applesauce. Saturday found Margie rooting for the Bison at the David and Karen Anderson home.