Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
Hello to all. We have just finished the statistical worst period for suicide. National statistics show the holidays are when a higher percentage of suicides occur. Part of the mission of the Eddy County Community Cares is suicide prevention. This is the reason for us in the ECCC to promote the formation of a support group for suicide attempt survivors.
One of the worst statistics of survivors of a self-attempt of suicide is that only one out of four die a natural death. This does not mean the three die by suicide. It shows that these three persons are more likely make poor decisions such as drinking and driving, driving without a seat belt, routinely engaging in high risk activities, etc.
This group will be led by a lay person rather than a counselor or psychologist, and will meet on a schedule to be determined by the group. The format of the group will be informal and fully supportive, with the main intent to assist and encourage one another.
If you are a survivor of a self-attempted suicide and desire to be part of this anonymous group, please call Calvin Packard at (701) 230-4143 for the first meeting location and time.