Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

Oberon Oracles - Jan. 21, 2019

John and Donna Grann returned from Houston, Texas on Monday.

Lacey Grann went back to Fargo on Monday to start her final semester in Civil Engineering at NDSU.

Tom and Pam Schmid went to Hampden to see Pam’s dad, Bud Hermanson on Monday.

Jakob Schmid and Alison Widmer enjoyed their trip to Frisco, Texas to cheer on the NDSU Bison.

Linda Madson’s nephew, Kelly VenHuizen of Cooperstown stopped in at the Madson’s for a brief visit on Thursday.

Wednesday, Lester Roberts was in New Rockford on business.

Lester was in Minnewaukan on Thursday also on business.

Tom and Bobbi Duberowski of Parkers Prairie, Minnesota visited Lester Friday and Saturday and briefly on Sunday on their way back home.

Roger Roberts and Chad Getscher were Saturday visitors at Lester’s.

Saturday night, Tom, Bobbi and Lester enjoyed supper together at a Devils Lake restaurant.

Lester visited James Nelson on Sunday.

Quote: “To be surprised, to wonder, is to begin to understand.” Jose Ortega y Gasset

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