Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

County: Interviews underway for Road Superintendent position

Commissioners also seek advice from new state’s attorney on former Mill Pump and Cheers property issues

Eddy County Commissioners were pleased with the number of applications they received for the Eddy County Road Superintendent position, vacated by 42-year veteran Irvin Loe. Each of the commissioners reviewed the applications at their regular meeting on Jan. 16, where they identified seven candidates to call for interviews on Feb. 19 and 21. Names of the finalists for the position will be released when available.

Auditor Patty Williams informed the commissioners that she had received a call from another party interested in purchasing the former Mill Pump and Cheers property. The county has been referring all interested parties to the Storksons, who hold a contract for deed on the property. Eddy County State’s Attorney Ashley Lies was present at the meeting, and the commissioners asked for her opinion on the property. Lies told the commissioners that she would review the situation and provide them with a written opinion.

Lies reported that she had updated the lease for the Eddy Public Health Nurse office space between the county and Rockin’ Fitness, which is under new ownership. The lease was originally drawn up as a 10-year lease and will continue through 2020, at which time the lease will be re-negotiated.

Lies also told the commissioners that her transition to the State’s Attorney position has gone smoothly. She said she’s had the opportunity to go through the very well-organized files and acquaint herself with the caseload.

Sharon Young was appointed to the Eddy County Housing Authority board to replace Sharron Hope, whose term has expired. The commissioners also confirmed Mike Tweed and Peter Larson’s appointment to the Eddy County Water Resource District (ECWRD) board.

The ECWRD board provided the commissioners with an update on the Rosefield Dam case, explaining that the District judge upheld the ECWRD’s decision to remove the dam and spillway and that the notice of judgment was provided to Monty Schaefer on Jan. 7. Schaefer has 60 days from Jan. 7 to file an appeal to the North Dakota Supreme Court.

The next meeting of the Eddy County Commission will be held Tuesday, Feb. 5 at 9 a.m.

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