Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883
Sunday afternoon visitor at the Shirley Packard home was son Calvin. Friday Shirley and Calvin were in Devils Lake for Shirley's appointment at the Eye Clinic. They did some shopping prior to the appointment.
American Legion Post 30 ladies Eloise Lucht, Sharon Ludwig, Barb Hillebrand, Betty Westby, Beverly Lesmeister and Wendy were hostesses to a farewell party for Inez Pendergrast at the American Legion in New Rockford.
Loren Holte and family called his parents Ken and Marvis Sunday, just checking in during the cold weather snap.
Candy Jensen accompanied Charlotte Koepplin to Harvey Monday where Charlotte had a medical appointment. The gals enjoyed dinner at Hornbacher’s Cafe there before returning to New Rockford.
Martin and Eloise Lucht drove to Devils Lake Friday were they had appointments at the Eye Clinic. Evening found then back in New Rockford and among those who attended the Annual Ambulance Party at the Eagles Club.
Todd and Karen Koepplin and Martin Koepplin were helpers at the Charlotte Koepplin home Tuesday. Martin returned Saturday to do some odds and ends.
Sunday evening Amanda Beckett and Izzy enjoyed playing cards at her parents Ken and Marvis Holte.