Official Newspaper of Eddy County since 1883

America's Restructured Capitalistic Solutions

Part II:  Humor is healing. That is why I am taking the time to give my advice to a few high-profile Americans, including our commander in chief— the President of the United States of America.

Before I do, I would like to disclose some things about myself. My great-grandfather immigrated from Scotland sometime in the mid-to-late 1800s. My DNA is in the database. I have worked or had odd jobs since I was 10 years old. I’ve worked and driven through almost all the lower 48 states over the past 40 years. I may have stupid comments left in high school year books of 1985. I vote for what is best for my fellow citizens and overall good of the United States of America. I see a better future— one that has restricted congressional service terms, a simplified recycling concept and a truly green revolution.

I am no foreign agent. I was born in the heartland of America. From the bottom of my heart and the heartland of mother earth, I share my advice.

First is to Rachel Maddow, the MSNBC political commentator. The negativity in the news is total hate Trump media. What unbelievable coverage of rumor-mill-agenda-drive bias. Ms. Maddow, have you ever seen a night photo from space over North America? It looks like Hong Kong and Mexico City live in the center. Do you honestly think Russia or China could shut off our natural gas? We haven’t been able to shut it off in over 40 years. Imagine if the money for infrastructure was spent 40 years ago to capture all that money wasted. If a valve were to be shut off by computer, there would be a maintenance person there to manually turn it back on within hours.

To Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (aka AOC), you should have come out with your Green New Deal on March 4, 2019 and did a little better job. It would have had a whole lot more significance with more details.

My advice to Bezos is to buy Mar-a-lago from Trump for a billion dollars, and make a good down payment or investment in the future of the up-and-coming fishing industry off the beaches of southern Georgia. Trump Jr. could then tell his grandchildren how grandpa made the “mostest beautifulest” fishing grounds and coral reef deal of the 21st century while they’re fishing for hammerheads.

As for President Trump,from one Scotsman to another, between now and March 4, 2020, I suggest you ask all the billionaires in the U.S. to donate a billion dollars to kick-start a “Green Revolution.” As for those that are only worth a billion, ask them to commit to 70 percent, or give 700 million. This would total about $2.5 trillion to start building infrastructure to capture natural gas for electric plants and reduce coal plants over the next 20 years. Let us not forget the construction of geothermal plants around hot spots.

Over the next 20 years, you could try and reduce gas consumption between 27 degrees north and south of the equator by investing in hydrogen fuel cell cars and hybrid electric-gas. You could invest in retrofitting electric turbines into thousands of dams around the country. Convert crude production to more diesel to lower cost in train freight transportation, distribution trucking, cheaper jet fuel, and lower fuel cost in agricultural fuel. This could be mixed with biofuels to reduce pollution. You should limit diesel fuel for industrial use only limited to construction equipment and ag business.

Also, look beyond fossil fuels and crops to legalize hemp production nationwide. The use of hemp in materials and textiles would reduce cotton acreage in the south, opening it for small grain production.

It is no longer 1981, with 3.5 billion people on the planet. The world’s population has more than doubled. Invest in hemp paper mills, oil mills and textile mills. All startup businesses related to mills would require a $12.50 minimum wage. All the mills' low skill wages to $15, skilled $20 and highly skilled $25. The IRS would also require biannual accountability, meaning they must submit two tax returns annually instead of one. That would be a very good start.

In terms of other cannabis products, a nationwide legalization of medical marijuana would offer a significant tax. Just imagine if medical marijuana were taxed at 20 percent. Then 10 percent went to national debt, 6 percent to the feds and 4 percent back to the states.

Recreational marijuana could offer even more. Say a 40 percent to tax, with 20 percent paying down the national debt. Another 20 percent could go to the feds and 10 percent back to the states. We can hope it covers interest on debt. It could even effectively freeze interest rates for 20 years. I call it “America’s Reefer Concept Simplified.”

I could go on, about the distribution of profits to benefit the future of the planet’s infrastructure as well as employees and about restrictions on corporate salaries for green revolution start ups. Overall, it comes down to one idea “Americans Really Crave Simplicity.” I think it all would be a good start for some good bipartisan debating, Mr. President.